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Why should you grab this: Steven Wilson To The Bone Tour 2018 Sweater – Summer Festival Season Shows New SW Sweater?

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I've seen people on the left accusing republicans of committing acts that are equivalent to what happened during the nazi occupation of Germany. I've seen people on the left accusing republicans of committing acts that are equivalent to what happened during the nazi occupation of Germany Robert Jay ....and what does that have to do with murdering 12 million in gas chambers. Get your dictionary. Look up “order of magnitude”. Robert Jay .....and more importantly, the people adopting methods most similar to those employed by nazis are all left wingnuts and democrats. Antifa, BLM, suppression of free speech in liberal universities....... I guess the left can just ignore that their hero, Hillary Clinton, was BFF's with a "Exalted Cyclops" of the kkk, Senator Byrd. They'll continue to ignore the violence caused by antifa, black lives matter and other fascist groups spawned by people like madmax waters , tom perez and kieth ellison. NEVER, has there ever been a statement from the left, disavowing the actions of these people or groups. Please eduate yourself in history. Maybe you will learn that the behavior is all from the left. Besides how did Nazi's endorse Trump when Nazi's IF still alive are convicted as war criminals? Robert Jay no facts on your YouTube video. All about opinions & anti-whites rhetoric from the person speaking. That's not facts! Robert Jay no facts on your YouTube video. All about opinions & anti-whites rhetoric from the person speaking. That's not facts! Robert Jay socialism is to take from the "working class" to support the non-working. Also supports communism. Research on DSA & DSA Communism Caucas. They support one another. Just for you to educate yourself. it should; the english translation from german is National SOCIALIST Workers Party.

Grab it here: Steven Wilson To The Bone Tour 2018 Shirt – Summer Festival Season Shows New SW Shirt

Steven Wilson To The Bone Tour 2018 Sweater – Summer Festival Season Shows New SW Sweater For Both Men And Women

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Socialism, Communism, Facism, when you get right down to the bottom line they all start and eventually end in the same place. I really have a hard time grasping how in the USA we let this malignent theory spread and thrive.

Why do we not hold elected and hired gov't employees accountable to the oath they swore. No where in the Constitution is sociasm of any form compatiable. In fact just the opposite. The Constitution places strict limits on the power of the federal gov't; and this is affirmed in 10yh Amendment of the Bill of Rights. It is extremely clear that the Democrat Party is now posided itself to continue its efforts to take this country towards Socialism, REGARDLESS of what their rank and file voters want...! That means EVERY Democrat voter is faced with a personnel decision, do you contine voting to aid the Democrat Party in this regard…!

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Like it or not…, starting with the ‘18 Mid-Term election, and going forward, ANY vote for ANY Democrat candidate is a vote for Socialism…! I had a cake made for my Star Wars themed birthday that looked just like this sculpture! It was good but a little chewy... That looks feck all like Princess Leia! I guess it only took him 3mins to do though and he was working pretty fast. So, a solid 2/10 for effort but may wan5 to take up juggling as a primary skill. It's like is soul of a entity of a essence of the let go life on the ground we're here, can't wait to till the next life hope I wake up out there fontier. Steven Seagal .... you are the Best and have Beautiful Wife :) May I get Autographed picture of you Please ? Your Fan / Friend , Chaz. If you in this part of the world, try and get to the British Aikido Federation Summer School in Chester, England during August - its BAF 50th anniversary. Stories like this keep popping up like…

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