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Same Crime Tee

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Only idiots don't understand idioms. 🤣😂🤣😉 Hilarious!! Lmao. Don't be racist to melons. I am what i am!. Judie Boisvert yes, you are correct, hate does not need something to set it off, hate is just hate! All those people saying they “need” to see the WHOLE story, obviously have some of that hate in them if they are unwilling to even be slightly empathetic towards them. Jus sayin. Woah!! Take a chill pill Tisha Strong. In my posted comment. I said "I CONDONE NOTHING" . I shake my head at you😟😟. I just put it out, I'd like to understand the WHOLE STORY not just 20% of it, and the edited media partial video. Vladimir Tereshchenko they were backing into a parking spot and the guy in the truck felt they were in his way. The woman only started to record after he started saying racial slurs. People who are not racists never say those types of things period! No matter how mad or upset they are they do not take it there. There is no excuse for this mans disgusting behaviour and I wish people would stop trying to find one. It's just telling the truth. No bugs no viruses. Just pure honest truth. Poor AI, saying he's an error when in fact he's just being honest. This may seem a stupid idea , why not increase the numbers of police men I believe the crime figures went up dramatically when police numbers were cut . Wasn't that's when you and Theresa May were Home Secretary? If I had a building site that was getting robbed I would hire more security , it's not rocket science. This is politicians moving goalposts. Since there is no Sussex County Council, Hastings is in East Sussex, which means it holds on to the title, dubious though it is - simply because lawless Crawley is in West Sussex.

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I suspect far less crime is reported Amber as so few prosecutions are made. Half of all crimes are never solved and only29% of all crimes were solved in 2014 . No matter who you support, positivity news about OUR town is still positive news. If you don’t agree, then argue it, but personal insults just make you look a mug. Be positive for once people. The police do an amazing job with limited resources these days. About time we respected them more and give credit where credit is due. Nothing to do with the fact all the people arrested go through Eastbourne Police station because Hastings has been shut for a year. Amber Khan the MP when it suits, Amber Khan when she was at No10 Hastings who! For a MP for Hastings to not know what the average price was for a house is shocking. 100 thousand she said you can’t even buy a caravan for that Stewart Ide. Watch the video people and watch the reaction we’re all peasants. Lies, lies, lies , we we all know you're a career politician Amber Rudd, you only think of yourself and massage statistics and compile story's to further your career. Will this solve the massive increase in gang knife crime?

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1000s of acid attacks. 20% increase in rape. Institutionalised antisemitism he has achieved during his time as major. Hey but at least he got underwear adverts of the underground. Actually, the bar has been flush with the ground for quite a while...they have been looking way up...but how far down yet? They already have. It's Obama's fault they met with Russians because he didn't tell them not to. Also they think the fact that an attempted criminal act is not a crime. Rudy doesn't know if rain is wet, either.
The lights aren't really on, those are the Hibachi fires used by the squatters in his skull. In case you haven't connected the dots...

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