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Upraised $5 Mystery Long Sleeve SHirt

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The only creepy and mysterious thing about the Bermuda Triangle is how the media won't let the stupid myth die. There's absolutely nothing different about that stretch of the ocean than any other spot on earth, aside from some bored journalists conjuring up stories back in the day to sell papers and modern conspiracy lunatics keeping it going. There is very little "mystery" to the Bermuda Triangle. As Larry Kusche pointed out in his book "The Bermuda Triangle: Solved" FORTY YEARS AGO, the "mystery" is nothing more than bad reporting and embellishment of previously-told tales.

Before you try to determine why something occurs, you should probably try to determine *whether* it actually occurs. In the case of the "Bermuda Triangle," it clearly does not actually exist. Move along, please. National Geographic disproved this in a documentary several years ago, plus it doesn't explain the planes that have disappeared. I'm sure there's a logical, non tinfoil hat explanation, but this isn't it. Pay no attention to the methane blowing out of the sea floor...Its humans who are causing global warming. The Democrats told me so! LOL! But seriously this is cool research. I always thought it's because of the high gravitational pull in that region . Lol at that taco bell though Jim Carter 😂. That was epic lol . happy Tuesday folks . lol. Went swimming in the Bermuda Triangle when I was on submarines. Where we were the water was so clear that it seemed you could see forever. The whole sub was visible in such a way that I have only seen in dry dock. It was great. It makes sense, seems to be backed up with evidence and facts, and whats more doesnt claim any supernatural causes. Ill buy it till i hear a better explanation. I first heard this theory thirty years ago and have witnessed a methane vent at sea about then .

Available here: Upraised $5 Mystery Shirt

Review Upraised $5 Mystery Long Sleeve SHirt

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It was an awesome and frightening site , if a ship was to enter the event it would have dropped from the surface forever and never have been seen again .I took a job that kept me on land after that. It's possible for the air bubble to be accountable for the sunk vessels. I've done related trials before and concept-wise it is possible. Just try to put a container in the bathtub filled with water at home and press a large bowl or some sort of large container against the water to trap some air inside.

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Then, press it till the bottom of the bathtub and move it right under the container. Turn the bowl upside down to release the air trapped inside earlier on. U will see the container is immediately sunk inside the water due to buoyancy and the water quickly covers up the container, making it sink. Therefore it is possible. It would be really awesome if you could not have 4 videos loading at the same time when I just wanna read the article. I understand you need ads to generate revenue but dayum could you at least keep the video ads down? All of the scientifically/statistically rigorous reports I have read previously have come to the conclusion that the incidences weren't consistent with a true increased rate of disappearances.

Also one needs to keep in mind that in a probabilistic sense there will be outliers (usually ~5%) that will statistically fall out of the typical 95% confidence interval, so without prospective data it is expected that one will find areas that will exhibit a greater rate of event occurrence, but doesn't necessarily imply unique causation, like a someone in a certain geographical area that was historically documented to have flipped a coin and gotten heads 5 times in a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->No One Is Illegal On Stolen Land Shirt; it will happen if one actively looks for it retrospectively, but reproducing it and implying causation is another thing. Old news. This has been a theory for many years. While a possibility, the augmentation of the magnetic field due to core variances seems to be one of the most reasonable. That's not to say that I didn't like The Incredible Shrinking Man, but generally the simple real explanations tend to outweigh the more exotic ones. You or any other human will never know what you are not meant to know...The one eyed (illuminati leader)/ promised anti Christ resides there.. He will arrive at his appointed time. As with others. Go figure! This was solved more than ten years ago by some oceanographer in an University lab somewhere. I saw it in the discovery Channel or one of those. I would believe this over aliens. I lived in Bermuda for 3 years and scuba dived in the so called 'triangle' a good<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Outline Combo Jack Jack Shirt and I never saw a single thing other than fish, reefs, a few boat skeletons..etc.... Ugh! And it's a scientifically proven fact that This is definitely man made Global Warming and it's all George W. Bush's fault!!! What the heck kind of stupidity is this? The Barent Sea is off the coast of Norway, folks, the very North Atlantic, nowhere near the Bermudas. And there hasnt been any surge of fear about disappearing vessels in the North Atlantic, to my knowledge, thourh the Scandinavians have been sailors since before the middle ages. Lets have some sense here. It's not solve yet..
But I think, it happens due to methane hydrate..
It produce water bubbles..
And then ship and planes disappears..
To solve this mystery, scientists tried to make electric fogg but they can't.. I thought this theory had been put to rest a few years back when the math proved there was not enough trapped gas which could erupt in a single event which would bring down a large ship. For many of us, this is not news, just validation. Also, if you look at the statistics, it's not an 'anomaly area'. Sadly we aren't the ones needing convincing and the ones that do; probably won't be. They did a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Rick And Morty Run The Jewels Shirt on PBS that said the methane causes the salinity and displacement to change which makes the ships sink or turnover easier. I'm not educated enough in this realm to form a good argument but thank you Science Channel. Many years ago it was investigated using Lloyds of London data that there were no more incidents reported in the BT area than anywhere else on earth.... File this away with crop circles and Bigfoot. Misterys are beautiful and with out them life would be borring. If you know the anser keep to yourself and let us on our own. so if and when this happens no one knows about it? with all the scientific tools at hand nothing is recorded? with the disturbence this must cause in the atomosphere this goes unnoticed. Why is this news? A documentary was released years ago blaming this as the cause for missing ships and planes. I couldn't have been the only one to see it. With all the varied and wildly conflicting opinions we can,for now,safely conclude that this is a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->big assawoman bay t shirt as confected and fictitious as religion and thus irrelevant. Then what is the explanation of disappearance of the huge large ship's crew and passengers only but not the ship.