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Hero’s Heroine Member’s Only Tee

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It's brill, and ppl wear it with pride. We are all very proud of that Blue X Mark, we wear it with pride, thank you Judith Pallesen for your kind comments and for feeding our friends on the street. Thank you Judith Pallesen for your kind words of support! Keep up the great work you already do! There are extraordinary people n this world doing extraordinary things .... Softly, quietly, resolutely with no fuss .. You have my complete admiration young man ... Dear Sean, looking at your picture it is so evident you have the kindest of hearts. You are doing so much good for those less fortunate and we desperately need more people like you. Thank you for sharing your heartwarming story 💜 wishing you much love and happiness. I always said you were an inspiration bro.. we need to catch up.. you know me, ill be getting that ute full of goodies for you again soon. Thank you, for following that gut feeling and believing in yourself and your ability to make this happen, your story will not only inspire readers on the internet.. But you would be inspiring each person you give to through Anonymous X. Knowing that someone cares and someone is hearing their voice is an incredible source of strength in itself.

Grab it here: Hero’s Heroine Member’s Only T Shirt 

Review Hero’s Heroine Member’s Only Tee

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Thank you, Sean, for not only listening to the voices of need but for answering them in such a selfless and giving way. It is incredible humans like you Sean that inspire me to keep the faith - there is still good in this world - Thankyou for everything you do and I wish you a wonderful life. Every Thursday night behind Victoria market we set up our tressle tables and serve sausage sizzles.

The amout of anonymous x clothing we see is amazing. Everytime i hand a sausage to a person wearing your clothing I think of you and your story. God bless your soul. The world is a better place for having you around Sean x much respect. We should have heard of this young man before! What an inspiration. Gives me hope back for the world. I wish there were words I could give you that would express how wonderful you are. Thank you for being you. This story is so simple and wonderful and exciting and blessed. Thanks for sharing it, thanks for your love Sean. You have a huge heart & your an inspiration to all. What a beautiful & selfless thing you are doing to help others. Can't wait for part 2. Your an absolute legend Sean. All you guys talked, but said nothing. Band of ignorant! A serious problem has emerged and all you have to said is nonsense. Pure distraction. What a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Outline Combo Jack Jack Shirt. she is such a laid back person!! awesomeee! and find a part of her mentioning abt 'cold stone' hehe that questions shows how popular Coldstone is~!! not in our country tho T_T.. sucks...-.-.. I think there's one tiny detail you forgot. All those people you see . Have every Right to work. Like in fields,labor any job A real American would have to much pride to do!! You see the problem is not jobs. Its people who would rather live in a tent or smoke crack than get a job ....not all but most people.. Pedro Valencia with prices today, iit would be hard to keep a roof over your head making 10 an hour. Working or not, they are american and need help but where is the help. O yea, screaming about foreigners being held at the border which they crossed illegally. There is a way to enter legally. They just refuse to do it. It says that in the scriptures that in the last days bad will be good and good bad. Such a sad world we live in. Nice LOVE that you posted this up. The other day a lady was yelling at me about the kids on the border having to stay in tents in 100 degree weather. When I said there are veterans living under bridges in 100 degree weather she basically said what doesthat have to do with this? I was like exactly, you don't get it! American citizen that served his country under a bridge homeless and you are worried about kids in a tent in 100 degree weather getting three meals a day. The veteran would probably love a bed and three squares under a tent. It is simple, practice humanity. Both problems are equal.

I thought the President raised all this money for vets.....hmmmm... interesting. both problems aren't equal............ do you think it's inhumane to separate kids from an American mother who commits a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Rick And Morty Run The Jewels Shirt? Or should the kids go to jail with her? Thomas Beaber he did raise millions. Millions dont go far when numbers are in tens of thousands.
Its a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Demolition Ranch 4th Of July Shirt thing- I guess you cant add. Brian Martinac I think the kids should be with their parents on the other side of the border (Mexico side). It’s humane and just. Thanks for pointing it out Brian. The tents are air conditioned. People need stop just telling half of everything and twisting most things for their own agendas.I is not helping the fix the problem. Matthew Weiland agreed! Keep them together take them back to a border crossing and send them back. And if they didn’t come with family, they should be forced to work as child labor where tiny fingers are necessary until they can purchase their citizenship. Yes, Brian Martinac, EXACTLY! I simply just don't get the blinders people deliberately wear! Eight years of "Hope and Change" and people STILL don't realize the change was turning our Democratic Republic into a Socialist Regime. Deborah Pollard Maddox Agreed I don't have a problem with Democrats ........... the problem is the socialists and communists are hiding in the democratic party as Progressives! That's the safe term. My position ............. enforce the laws on the books or change them ......... period! Obama in his first campaign promised immigration reform and he gave us obamacare instead without a single republican vote ............ so tell me why the democrats couldn't have done immigration reform? They use it as a political tool they really don't want to fix the problem. Trump has tried to negotiate with them, offered amnesty to more than they originally asked for in return for tougher border enforcement. They don't want to talk about it, they threw the DACA kids aside instead of negotiating with Trump. I'd like to ignore paying taxes with no consequences think I could get away with that? So enforce the laws on the books or CHANGE THEM. If we enforce the laws on the books that will become known and people will quit trying to come illegally! The immigration problem is way worse than people get lead to believe. It's not just illegal border crossings and it's not just Hispanics............. in 2016 700,000 people over stayed their legal visa. They just didn't go home and DHS has no idea where they are at. So not only do you have people coming over the border illegally they are flying in to our airports on legal visas and then not leaving! And only teenage boys were in tents which happen to be air conditioned. Bet our homeless Vets would love a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Families Belong Together Shirt to stay there.

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