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The Sunset Save The Chubby Unicorn Sweater

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When you have no way of contacting them to get your money back I will try everything to get their attention. If you stop reading this you're gonna die, My name is teresa fidalgo if you don't post this on 20 The Sunset Save The Chubby Unicorn T Shirt I will sleep with you forever.. This girl ignored and 29 days later her mom died. I am real you can search up on google. If you stop reading this you're gonna die, My name is teresa fidalgo if you don't post this on 20 photos I will sleep with you forever.. This girl ignored and 29 days later her mom died. I am real you can search up on google. Fatass will do ANYTHING to get food. He'll eat the dog's food before the dog gets a chance, he'll break in cupboards,he will literally try to take the food from your mouth. So we have child locks on our cupboards not because of actual children, but because our cat will break in there and eat people food. It's fucking sad that people let their animals get to this point. I mean just because you eat like a pig doesn't mean your animals need to too. I saw a Corgi walking around the street today and it was so fat it's stomach was dragging along the ground. Makes me sick. This is so hateful to say. My husband rescued our Boru when he was just a little thing. He was so skinny and covered in fleas and ringworm. Now 2 years later he is a 20 pound cat. He gobbles food because he was so starved and didn't know where his next meal was coming from. Don't judge people or their pets unless you know the full story. Tyler Mitchell you shouldn't have a fucking cat if you don't get it spayed. There is a HUGE problem with stray cats because people DONT SPAY OR NEUTER THEIR FUCKING ANIMALS! Because of that there are tons of cats that run around and spread disease and die horrible deaths, because cats breed like rabbits. I can't believe you made such a stupid fucking comment. Adam Skead letting it build up over time is letting them get to that point. Excersise and basic nutrition. It's not that hard to keep an animal fit IF you put the WORK and EFFORT in. So judgemental, really alot of cats just help them selves, often rescues like the food a little too much. Id keep your comments to yourself!

Review The Sunset Save The Chubby Unicorn Sweater

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Your comments make me sick. I have 2 cats. Brothers from the same litter. I have them on diet cat food, one is normal size the other is just as big as the one in the video. I tried regulating the food and the fat one started eating ribbons and strings and anything he could throwing up all over the place and getting blockages. The skinny cat just got skinnier. I love both of them. I have a fat cat and a skinny cat and that's ok. My cat eats the same amount as his 8pound sister and he weighs 22lbs.

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Doesn't eat human food at all.... the cats just fat and happy as hell and probably the coolest cat ever. Wow! My poor cat has some gland issues and she's just big even with diet and excercise....chill out and take a pill or something. I have a Maine Coon who's a big boy. Weighs 23lbs. And I have a Siamese that weighs 11lbs. They BOTH eat the same amount if food at the same times of day. He doesn't eat people The Sunset Save The Chubby Unicorn T fact doesn't even like the watery juice from the tuna cans lol Some cats are just big. I couldn't give a single fuck whats going on in the video.
