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Golden Girls Squad Goals Adidas Sweater

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That son that just learned to throw a perfect spiral. Your lucky enough to get online maybe once in three months, but the video chat gets cut off because you have to go man a gate, due to incoming rockets, or someone bad just tried to ram the gates and kill you. Just remember Steve, you need us, the fans, we don’t need you. What a bunch of baloney! We desperately need these kind of reminders in our lives that our freedoms come at a cost. We should be reminded that sports are games and those who sacrifice live in the real world! Families, just like the ones who fill those stadiums and watch on TV are the same familes that have loved ones whose son, daughter, father, mother, sister, brother, fill in the blank,...they are protecting this country! Their entire family sacrifices for our freedom. Gratefulness is what is missing. Men like this are a dime a dozen. They don’t understand real sacrifice. Sometimes it’s really inspiring? When could it not be inspiring to see a family reunite with their loved one after they’ve been over seas, fighting for our freedom. When you don’t appreciate those who defend your right to open your big fat mouth, you should go somewhere more “inspiring” and see how much you enjoy it. Spoiled, ungrateful American. Steve, who told you that anyone cares WTF you have to say about anything but basketball? Hint: no one does! Just coach your loaded all star team and keep all your thoughts about anything else to yourself. You coach a GAME for millions of dollars a year, that doesn't make your opinion about things other than your sport newsworthy!. Does he feel this way when he sees emotional displays by celebrities. Or athletes. Does he feel this way when he sees athletes using their podiums to have millions hear and see their views. Nope. Just military people. Obviously his father was a great man, losing his life in Lebanon to the muslims. That alone would make you think he might have a bit more respect for people in a military the he has never served in, that face the challenge of holding the line against terrorism in the middle east every day. His comments prove he is not even worthy of being a skidmark in the shorts of a real American. Kerr is also patronizing he uses his position to put forth his ideas without fully understanding the entire picture. Stick to sports that’s something you know about. It’s a business , nothing more .

Review Golden Girls Squad Goals Adidas Sweater

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Try doing it without tax payers dollars and see how far you get. Don’t piss of the people who buy your product. I was a real Kerr fan when he played for the Spurs and helped us win a title. I don't understand what's happening in professional sports in America. This must be the result of the politics of the day when one party supports American values and our military and the other party doesn't.

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I gave up on football two years ago and Popovich soured me on the Spurs last year. I guess eventually these leftist athletes and coaches will get the point and shut their mouths. I guess It's wrong to.see a soldier make it home from duty and seeing the smiles and tears of happiness. People just like to see a happy story rather hear what Socialist rioters attacked an individual or run a politician out of a restaurant. A LEO being shot. Well if it wasn't for our Soldiers,Sailors,Airmen and Marines; that coach,if he were allowed to coach, would be doing it under a dictatorship and answer to the dictator! Athletes, if they were allowed to participate, would do so under strict control of the dictator.