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The Incredibles 2 TShirt

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That kind of concept happens a lot. Pretty sure they flipped it cuz Mr. Incredible was doing all the superhero stuff in the first one. Besides they all get back in action, probably even Jak Jak if they are fitting him with a super suit. Terrance Cooper brother, you saved me the trouble of writing a comment. So much angst over a movie. Lol! Gotta love the conservative ❄️. Rather entertaining. If it weren't for the fact that she ends up not being able to do it by herself and it takes the whole family in the end to save the day, I'd say you were right, but I actually have to disagree on this one. How better to represent a husband and father than by portraying him as the man who is humble enough to take the equally important job of taking care of his home and children and then, when the wife learns she can't do it all on her own, the father steps in and teaches everyone the moral lesson that marriage is supposed to be an equal partnership. I can't wait to see this one! what I think the real funny part is the fact that they're literally saying that the father's place is better off in a working position, not at home, through this fictitious couple. Not that I have a problem with either way, I just find it funny that after the first movie they went back to focusing on only one family member out working, when obviously they had formed a team by the end of the first movie. I actually think it makes sense for them. The first focused a majority on Mr. Incredible and I think it makes sense to have Elastigirl get some time in the spotlight, husband is getting more time with the kids and we get more of the family dynamic we loved so much in the original. I'm excited! Don’t like it don’t watch it simple 🤷🏼‍♀️ don’t blame feminism for a children’s movie. If you have a problem with it talk to Pixar about it. I do see OPs point as soon as it started, its obviously meant as a dynamic change and not some advocated perspective of thinking.

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Review The Incredibles 2 TShirt

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Now Mr incredible is probably going to learn "how much hard work it is being his wife" etc. And that along with returning faces, the same jokes used again or altered, this movie might of been a stretch or its storyline is badly produced due to limitation of imagination. The second movie should of been about the family fighting crime together, not this. In the first movie, mom was cool with being not being a super and dad hated his life. In the end, they beat the bad guy together and realized their powers are needed. They should all be a little older so JakJak could get in on the action. The story line for the second movie sucks based on the previews. Gino Dantico Gino Dantico, exactly. At the end of the first movie, it was about their strength combined as a family. The second movie should of been a continuation of that premise. Sean Villarreal that’s what I was expecting to see.. maybe he will jump in later in the movie.. he hated working.. looks like he is bad at stay at home too.. lol he needs to stay with what he knows.. being a super.. lol. Terrance Cooper you know normally I’m the one that gets annoyed when political agendas are obviously being pushed. But what Andrew Steven Garner just said? Was pure stupidity.....women are just as capable as men, there are plenty of stay at home dads. It all just depends on the financial situation between the parents. I don’t see how people can’t understand this concept lol. I’m sorry, I’m not understanding how a stay at home dad and working Fa Thor Shirt – Fathor Shirt is bad??? How does that impact anyone negatively other than your ego? Maybe other grown men egos? Carlos Tobias some companies now give paternity leave for the same amount of time that they give maternity leave. The company that I work for is one of them. They all fight in the end, the first movie we saw what mr incredible can do now we get to see what elastagirl is like on the field I think that’s covering all the bases really. It sorta makes sense that he chose Helen over Bob. Elastigirl is more agile and is one of the heroes that survived the golden age, while Bob is a little rusty, has back issues AND is partially the reason why the whole superhero controversy began when he saved a man committing suicide and sued him. Also Mrs Incredible, as great as she was in the first film, needs more screen time and development since Bob was really the one in the spotlight with her and the kids being a very well executed sub If You Rub My Butt You Can Pull My Pork Bbq Shirt. If it were the exact same thing the second film it’d be boring. So quit jamming politics into an animated Pixar super hero film until we actually see it, Brad Bird knows what he’s doing. Ugh! This garbage. I showed my 2 year old the first movie and it is his favorite movie. He loves it because I love it. Just because you’ve “waited” for this movie does not give anyone any special case. I know this is a joke, but it’s played out and the joke was never funny in the first place. Don’t be in my theatre with my son, cuz we will be bonding over a movie we both love while you grumble over kids also enjoying a movie. I had to make sure my kids saw the 1st one how ever knowing they won't sit through a movie, I'd have no problem viewing this alone in the theater. Will rent for my kids in due time tho. We took our three year old to see Beauty and the Beast and Princess and the Frog when they were showing in AMC theaters last fall. Then we took her to see Coco a few weeks later. She was an angel through all three and only talked at the beginning and end when she saw the castle logo because she was excited. It never fails. I’d went to see Finding Dory at the latest time. One parent out of 8 people in the theater had a kid that watched 20 minutes of it and ran around screaming and baby talking for the rest of the movie. *Ahem ahem* 19+ I'm a 99 child and still grew up with this but agreed "pls don't bring your kids throughout the time of it being in theaters. SOON you will be able to get it on Blu Ray or DVD thank you so much for your understanding". Gracey Mckin what he’s talking about is the newer generation. This Deadpool Taylor Swift Shirt – Olivia And Meredith Shirt came out when you were 5 and when I was 8. We’re an older generation. The plot looks too similar to the original. They made a COLOSSAL mistake by not aging the characters and setting by 10 years. The nostalgia is REAL, but nostalgia alone isn’t gonna fix the potential plot problem. we waited over 10 years and yall are making complaints about the stupidest Fortnite Nike Shirt, i hope a 5 year old is kicking your chair during the movie. The plot looks too similar to the original. They made a COLOSSAL mistake by not aging the characters and setting by 10 years. The nostalgia is REAL, but nostalgia alone isn’t gonna fix the potential plot problem. I said POTENTIAL plot problem. Of course, we don’t know if there’s one, we haven’t seen the film. I’m saying that it’s becoming apparent that they basically copy and pasted from the first movie. The fact that they’re isolating one parent to do a I Am A Marvelaholic Shirt, while the other stays home and watches the kids. I would’ve liked to see the whole family to a potential mission together, but that’s my opinion. And, I do plan on still seeing the movie even though I may be weary. It's not feminist... It's funny... You can see just by this preview that it's comical because dads don't handle staying home with the kids in the same way a mother does, just like the mother seems to be struggling to do it all.... How do you know that they don't decide that she belongs at home with the kids and he is still provider in the end?? Lucas Sebá I agree with you. Just look at the end of the trailer.

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