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Marcus Lemonis Heart V-neck Shirt

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Not a cowboy, but love me some country music. The Grand Ole Opry is on my bucket list. Has been for a long time. Would have loved to gone while Little Jimmy Dickens was still with us. But if they play this kind of "country music" when I finally get there, I'll be beside myself. I'll be optimistic here and say that the new manager has been bringing in some more real country/Texas country acts. Hope they keep it up and preserve the Opry and go back to what it was made on. Country pop was a marketing strategy. An attempt at infiltrating pop music and pop culture in an effort to sell more records. It was a continuation of the Nashville sound and offered songs and sounds that were less "twangy" and "smoother." Eddy Arnold and Patsy Cline are just a couple notable "early pioneers" of the Nashville sound. Gone were fiddles and banjos from their music and now the AOR stations of the day would be more apt to pick them up and put them in the rotation. Country pop continued to evolve. Glenn Campbell, Kenny Rogers, Lynn Anderson all had major hits that even your mother would listen to. Heck... even the title of Rhinestone Cowboy screams am I cowboy or am I pop? These songs blurred the lines between pop and country, but they always harkened back to their roots either through lyrics, vocals, or instrumentation. As it continued to evolve a rift formed in country music and the outlaw genre was formed. Waylon, Willie,Merle, Kris,and a host of others stayed true to their sound while others continued blurring lines and infiltrating the pop world. Even Dolly jumped on and together with Kenny had one of the most successful and endearing duets ever....Islands in the Stream ( love that song). In the 70's Donny and Marie sang off every episode of their network television (ABC) pop culture variety show with "I'm a little bit country, I'm a little bit rock and roll" while teenage girls swooned and teenage boys drooled. The lines continued to blur and mainstream radio play and record sales continued to increase. But this song by Keith Urban and Carrie Underwood, themselves individually country pop stars, offers no blurred lines at all. This is a full out, synthesized, toe tapping, teeny bopping pop song. Doesn't make it bad. But it certainly doesn't make it country either. The earlier ladies and gents of the country genre are, indeed, spinning. You need to evolve with the time. Nobody can ever replace the great country artists in the past. They are and will always be forever great. But please give the new artists a chance, and appreciate their talent. Ruthie Eyer Miller I don't think I said the artists don't have talent. I just said it's not country music. Incidentally, I don't have to like it. We all have personal preferences. That doesn't mean I'm not evolved. Do you listen to gangster rap? Joe Leone I studied a lot about early country in college in my music classes. This is for sure not country. It's doo doo. I don't understand why people sell out. If people remain true to themselves the money will come, if that's what they're concerned about. **sigh!!! Not familiar with that song, or any Keith Urban songs for that matter. But I will say....again.... my original reply is to a very specific song that was posted. I thought I've been pretty clear in saying that that one song is a pop song. Not a shred of country in it. And it won honors at the CMAs. For that reason I can guarantee that if the deceased greats were, in fact, able to spin in their graves in opposition, they would. I didn't understand this song at first but after the performance at the CMA's I understand its meaning perfectly. I wish a certain person in my life knew how much they meant to me and how much I fear losing them forever in my life. I tell him, but he has been hurt and has lost and perhaps scared to love as well. Our situation isn't ideal either but he will forever have this place in my heart no matter where our paths lead us. I love love love this song!!!!! It's one of those that just stays with you, make you happy and makes you wanna sing and dance!!!!

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Review Marcus Lemonis Heart V-neck Shirt

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Thank you for sharing your incredible gifts!!! Keith I like listening to your song. I liked the video of you and Nicole singing the car, but to tell you the truth I can be talking to my wife ether at Whoopi Goldberg Trump Shirt – Whoopi Goldberg Make America Great Shirt or driving on the car and you come on the radio or tv I just hush up because she turns her attention to you singing but it doesn't bother me because of this makes her happy it makes me happy. She does things for everybody else and don't think anything about it. Loved when you did the "duet" with the audience at the Opry. Watching your face and reaction to them all singing Carrie's Fa Thor Shirt – Fathor Shirt was heartwarming. Your love for music and for your fans is palpable. THAT'S why I adore you. I have one bumper sticker on my car. It says in big letters "I'd Rather be at a Keith Urban Concert" Underneath in smaller letters it reads "You have to be a fan to understand." I'm getting ready to sell the car (a 2001 Camry) and buy a new car and I told the person looking at it that. the value I put on it is slightly higher because they get the sticker, too! 😛 Thank you for the music, Keith! I can relate to this song's Fortnite Just Play It T Shirt in a very personal way. I have been hurt badly by the one who promised to love me forever and it definitely made me afraid to love again. But God is good. He has healed me and given me His assurance that He will bring me someone who will be my "Fighter." I just need to trust His timing and, in the meantime, work to become the woman He created me to be.

So thank you, Keith, for sharing your heart with all of us through your music yet again! You have no idea how often God has used you and your gifts to bless so many of us in a wide variety of ways. But we know and will continue to tell you how very grateful we are that you did not/will not give up on your dream! I love this song is everybody knows I'm such a sentimental guy I just love it but I think his wife and he did a better job of it but I love this song Keith urban is the greatest thanks everyone for putting up with this Steve. Love the song..I can so relate to it after being in an awful 10 year relationship that was not filled with love. I thought I would never meet anyone. After being divorced for 6 years I have meet my Vegas Golden Misfits Shirt. Thank you for The Fighter song. I absolutely Love this song!!! I have it as my ringtone, I have been through rough times as a child and early adult and my forever best friend, my go to person and the love of my life is and always will be MY FIGHTER . Keith I absolutely love "The Fighter". I could listen to it again and again and again, and I have - I have marinated in it! To me it comes from a heart that has been so broken and is afraid to open up and trust in love again. It seems to infuse a broken heart with hope, healing and trust. I just love it so much.

I also love "Break On Me". This song, like many of your songs are as if you were a fly watching me write in my journals &/or listening to what my heart is saying &/or what a very close friend of mine has actually said to me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your music and your songs. Thank you. I pray for the day to be able to tell you this in person. Keith Urban I do love this song. Hard to believe being a dance instructor for 30 years that I would get lung Deadpool Taylor Swift Shirt – Olivia And Meredith Shirt. Had surgery and removed a third of my right lung and did 30 radiation treatments. Going to do a flash mob for lung cancer at a mall using your song Fighter with 200 dancers. Love this song cause it has so much meaning. Thanks.

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