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Jesus Holy Smokes TShirt

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It’s takes a lot of effort and time from your life to go on someone else’s page to try and discredit them you are not his friend , you don’t want to be his friend, attend his church or listen to the message but yet someone should listen to you talk about another man. Thank you for that word, I missed up 2day, I’ve repented for what I’ve done, my heart breaks just thinking about what I done, the shame & guilt is horrible for me now, but I just keep saying the name of Jesus help me. O GRATEFUL..UTTERLY THANKFUL FOR THE GRACE GIFT AS TO PRAYING/SINGING IN TONGUES...WHAT AN AMAZING ANOINTING OF EASE 🎉 ✝️ 🙏 🌷 💐 💕 🌎 📖 📚... 🎶...GLORY TO route to support The Georgia Department of Developmental Disabilities Commissioner's Board Meeting...thus ensuring that THE ANGELS WITHIN OUR MIDST are cared for consistent with their UNIQUE CREATION. God told me I do not have to believe when I can know. Belief infers doubt. Christ said KNOW the the truth and the truth shall make you free. He did not say believe, thus I endeavored to know which is the first 4 letters of the world knowledge. Once one acquires knowledge, he or she knows, and once he or she knows, they can't be fooled. You are a believer in Jesus. I am a knower which transcends belief. By the way, who are the Nocolatains Jesus hates? Dr Dollar and Pastor Taffy did not just promised me that my life will change. My life has actually CHANGED!!!!!! Iam raising funds to bless my pastors and mentor, Dr Dollar and Pastor Taffy personally. I wish I knew their bank account, I would literally send in millions. They've deposited in me LIFE!!! Something money can never buy. I love you so much. Will meet some day!!! I keep praying for you and family. The Lord Jesus is using you for his good hallelujah too the name of the Lord Jesus through the name of Jesus Christ hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Amen! “If we could look into each other’s hearts and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.” - Marvin J. Ashton. Amen..

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Review Jesus Holy Smokes TShirt

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Seeking The Heavenly Father For Change/Transformation The Ultimate Miracle We Can Seek From The Heavenly Father..Thank God he does not hold our mistakes against us..Satan Must Be Eradicated From The World.. EternalLifeWithoutSatan what more could we ask for.. The Church(Not The Building) Must Be Ready For Change In Order To Get The People Ready For Change..Praying that this is the generation that witness the miracle of Transformation.. Churches Get Ready For The Best Is Yet To Come#TheMessage#TheMessenger#TheFinalOne. Dear infant jesus thank you sa lahat ng mga blessings na natatanggap naming and thank you for the devine healing hands of the sick for my grand daughter ellyzza f or the fast recovery for your complete healing to her i love u & i trust. Amen. Holy Infant Jesus bless and protect us guide us heal our illness my whole family lay your devine healing hands to the sick especially the fast recovery of my son Gilbert L . Dizon complete healing in Jesus name Amen. Holy Infant Jesus, thank you for laying Your Healing Hands upon me, keeping me stronger everyday and gradually restoring my health to normal condition. Please take care also of my family and loved once. In Your name. Amen. Dear holy infant Jesus I thank you for your numerous graces please look into my Lebron James Holding Kevin Durant Tweet Shirt and remove anything that doesn't glorify your name be it sicknesses, poverty, anger, hatred, jealousy, and may you always protect me and my family from evil.v. Holy Infant Jesus, thank you Pray for us & Blessed us my children & family always together happy . I love you & i'm survive my operation thank you so much i'm fine you give second life . Amen. Holy Infant Jesus, please pray for my family, relatives, and friends for good health, love and peace, and solutions to our financial needs. Thank You oh Holy Infant Jesus for Your blessings. Amen. HOLY INFANT JESUS..PLEASE PRAY FOR POPE FRANCIS INTENTIONS, MY ENTIRE FAMILY TREE, RELATIVES, FRIENDS & THE WHOLE WORLD...HAVE MERCY ON US..HEAL US.. PROTECT US..SAVE US & FREE US..THANK YOU SO MUCH... WE LOVE YOU...ALLELUIA AMEN...THANK YOU LORD...AVE MARIA. DEVINE INFANT JESUS; I KNOW YOU LOVE ME . AND WOULD NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE MIRACULOUS INFANT PLEASE HELP ME TO SEE AND BRING BACK MY SON RIOCARLO TO ME DON'T BE SEPARATE US FOREVER MY DEVINE INFANT JESUS OF PRAGUE I PRAISE YOU AND ADORED YOU THROUGH THE SAME CHRIST OUR LORD AMEN. No one did...He gave Himself up in my had to be this way so that I become as the mind of God had purposed before times...this was a hidden wisdom that the devil didn't know otherwise in the devil's wisdom he thought he was bringing him to an end only for the devil to be beaten in his not guilty of the death of Jesus instead I celebrate His Incredibles 2 Detail Shirt that I can't understand...and receive that much grace that His death brought about...He was never killed He has power over death anyway. .. We all killed him, every person on the face of the earth for all time. He died for our sins. He left heaven to get the flock. To tear the veil, to obey the father. He did it because he knew the reward afterwards... Heaven would begin to be populated with their creation. The Lord knew as soon as he created Adam that eventually he would need to send his son as a sacrifice. He was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised our iniquities the Preguntale A Tu Mama Shirt of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed.All we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.Isaiah 53:5/6. A lot of good answers and all correct, from the beginning of time he knew that one day he would have to give his life for mankind! He was appointed to die! But also to rise again to give us eternal life for evermore. The Alpha and Omega. Thank you Jesus for being obedient & willing to take our place so we would have eternal life! Without the cross we would have no hope! Praise the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world! Jesus is knocking at your heart's door, receive His free gift of forgiveness, ask Him to come into your life, experience forgiveness & freedom! Can we find in scriptural context, the idea of Easter in the Bible and if so where? I can only imagine those reading this wouldn't understand why I'm asking this. Did the Messiah and the disciples really celebrate easter and eat ham?

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