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Dad Don’t Babysit It’s Called Parenting TShirt

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They go to jail. Kids go in foster care or to relatives under supervision of children's services. Immigration law works same way. If they find relatives children go there otherwise to detention center until foster care is arranged or parents are deported. That is the law and continues to be. Incidentally that is the same as it always has been. With the stop of catch and release it is only true option. Is anyone seriously proposing for children to be locked up with their parents along with possible pedophile and rapists? True why are they so evil though this is just so messed up without the world y'all it's sad and given how wrong kind of people would teach their children the same wrong things and some children will pick up the wrong stuff and this is what a child gets they get messed up and they get taken away from and people like this yes they should be deported back to their country. Every Nation in this world have LAWS, USA is no different!! America's Laws MUST b ENFORCED!!! they're using their children, 2 make people feel sorry 4 them!!! It's REAL BAD PARENTING, AS WELL!!!! I agree. Obama brought a trainload of children 2 America!!1500-+ can't b accounted 4!!?? I read they might have been sold 2 human traffickers 4 sex, HOW SICK, Demonic 🐀 🐀CRAPS!!! ARE!!! , AMERICA1ST/#1 TRUMP/PENCE 2020.


To all the damn snowflakes who think separating children is wrong. Take your worthless as to Mexico and cross there border illegally and see if they keep you with your kids. Dumb ass. Your children are at risk when you illegally cross our borders. Use a POE and not be separated.

You can grab it here: Dad Don’t Babysit It’s Called Parenting Shirt

Review Dad Don’t Babysit It’s Called Parenting TShirt

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I love the lefty dems when they say the Reps are RIPPING these children from the arms of their mothers! Such hyperbole! Like pushing granny over the cliff!. What about all the people committing illegal acts in America tha are bonafide citizens that are sentenced to prison and are separated from their children.. Apparently the libs are not concerned about them illegals in America all their lif. When parents get locked up for drunk driving or selling drugs do we blame the “cruel Expressions Of Bumgarner T Shirt” or “the cruel government”. They’ll lock a parent up if he / she doesn’t pay their taxes too, they don’t care if you’re a daddyyyyy. Why is this any different? Break the law, pay the consequences. Why is this any different? Because we have the terrorists of Dems. Libs and Lfties patronizing all this against Trump’s Administration, also.. all darn ignorant foreigns blow smoke with their ignorant comments that don’t make sense at times, comments like.. Trump doesn’t have a heart! To me that’s a stupid comment... our President Trump has a heart of gold... this Country is not Mother Teresa to be accepting illegals braking the law. Anyone that brakes the law, should be well prepared to deal and wheel with the consequences. Simple as that. !

🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Trump N Pence for 2020 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 You know the part that really sux is that they have cartels to the South of them an then a wall to the north of them..I wish the Mexicans would grow a pair and kick the shit out of the cartels.. There land would be more at would take the tension off of the UNITED STATES.. Believe ( me ) if I could make everything better by a click of my fingers and make the world a better place it would be done. I think all of us would do it !! Unfortunately there are asshole governments that could give a rat's ass about there people... Look what happened to Mussolini.. And Mary Antoinette.. ( I can't get me traitor Kings down but the bitches husband ) the people revolted and took back there land. My mom and dad live next door to me..if somebody took away my mother's Splatoon 2 World Championship Shirt and salsa for an evening snack Hiroshima would look like a popcorn fart to the melt down that she would have. Iron madien wrote a song called.. Run to the hills. Yup..I could only hope that there was enough time... We all know the Democrats are just using another human being as a political tool..the Dems could careless about the Mexican people.. Nancy pelosi in her gated community would have a shit fit if an illegal alien was arrested in front of her home..blaming LAX security for the breach..but yet she could careless about America as a whole what are security looks like.. That bitch and gov.klinkinputz needs to be catapulted deep into to cartel country and walk there ass back..I can't stand liberals.. Bunch of creeps .. Yes, the blame for this is squarely on the parents -- they know what is going to happen. We need to close our borders to all until the illegal alien problem is resolved and we have dealt with whatever laws need to be modified and adjusted, done away with or new ones created. What is going with the sick, evil, corrupt liberal, socialist, communists needs to be dealt with as well and those in office need to be voted out or impeached starting with Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Warren, Booker, and going on down the list! VOTE REPUBLICAN IN NOVEMBER!!! MANY, MANY OF THOSE KIDS ARE NOT WITH THEIR PARENTS. 🚨 THE MEN AND WOMEN JUST GRAB SOME KIDS, MAKE BELIEVE THE KIDS ARE THEIRS. 🚨 F#CK THE MSM, 🚨 THEY ARE AN ENEMY TO OUR COUNTRY! 🚨NEVER FORGET THAT!!! If a kid is with his shoplifting parent, what happens to the kid when the parent gets caught!! The kid is separated to keep out out jail environment!!! IT'S A DUH Argument!! Are there not consequences for one's actions? Illegal actions ought to have negative consequences. What happens when a child is with a drug addicted parent? The child isn't sent to jail with the parent...Seems cut and dry to me. Wall is being built !!!! & with latest WTF JR 2018 Shirt, & border patrol officers, IT'S GOT 2 WORK, FROM STOPPING ILLEGALS from ALL OVER the world!! They all cross that Southern border, soon a wall will have 2 b built on the Northern border as well?! That NEANDERTHAL JUSTIN TRUDEAU, is creating problems, in his country Canada, & will affect America 2. , AMERICA-NS/1ST#1. If we put troops with loaded rifles all along the border won American Soldier every hundred yards they're close enough to holler and talk to each other one soldier every 100 yards all the way from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico along the boundary between the United States and Mexico we can stop illegal aliens in one day. I don’t believe that would apply, because the soldiers along the border would not be regulating the American citizens only the illegal Hords. I love President Trumps tactic. Freaking Dems sitting on their ass refusing to fix what needs fixing. So President Trump is pulling the Trump card and it is truly being noticed. Liberals and Dems hate law when it is applied against there new world order crap. Well they are the ones separating their own children from them selfs
Not the us .
So stop blaming our president
For Their own shit.
Beside that we have no responsibility to raise anyone’s children’s
We didn’t make them.
So stop this bull shit of blaming everyone’s Fa Thor Like A Dad Just Way Cooler Shirt in our Country
Stop bring yours F***Ck problems
To us in our Country
We don’t give our problems to other Country’s, we don’t invade others Country’s boarders.
We don’t break others Country’s immigrations laws and we don’t go to other Country’s illegal.
If they want to come here they all have to obey the laws in order, otherwise don’t come here creat trouble and them blame on us.
Sorry but we are tired of others using us for their Two Seater Shirt. Sorry but it’s not fair that we have to take care of other peoples kids. I love kids, but that doesn’t mean that we have to take care of other parents kids from other Country’s, cuz that’s not our problems, it’s their government problems.
This have to stop
I have family in my Country and I don’t bring them here to others raise them.
They come here to visit and they leave as is. They fallow the laws in the books.
And I’m America citizen and very proud of this Country
I have very much respect for the Country and all America people
I love all with my heart and soul.
Never brook any law
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