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Newseum You Are Very Fake News Sweater

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A free and independent Fourth Estate that serves the public and not the government has stood as a critical foundation of this nation since its birth. My daughter is a journalist, and I couldn't be prouder of her! I honor and mourn for these five individuals, and my heart goes out to their loved ones. know someone that knows this guy personally and he is a nut job always has been and he was out to get the gazzett because they wrote avstory about him being arrested in 2011 he has been stalking the paper since his court day in 2012 the msm reported this story as Fake News,this man was ordered to go to a counsler and supervised probation so the msm are liers like i told u. What ever happened to reporters who report the news instead of trying to make it or put their own spin on it. The president needs to stop referring to the media as fake news and the enemy. Unfortunately, we all know he will not. It's just a sad world we live in now. Awful and very sad! And we have a president saying that the media is the enemy of the people. NRA spokespeople saying journalists should “look out”. I’ve felt that we were heading down the wrong path for many years but didn’t think it would come to this in my lifetime. Many scary things happening with our government.

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Review Newseum You Are Very Fake News Sweater

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The next few months will determine the future if the US. no one should be promoting hatred, lies and don't get to call that free's called BS and sadly some will believe and act on it..glad it was pulled...if you don't agree with me that is free speech but don't tell me it is ok..Right up there with Nazi anti Semitic and racial Confederate flags. kind of makes your crazy-ass president's point in a far more powerful way than the shirt did.
But good job. Real smart move. y'all know this is just going to give more business to that Newseam , right? now people will either contact the place to buy buy buy or make their own. I wish news stations would stop televising Trump campaign mob rallies. He repeats the same propaganda ad nauseum. It isn’t news. Well it’s certainly not appropriate merch, however those items should definitely be preserved as exhibits, as are various anti - free press Nazi memorabilia in many similar museums.

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It’s important to be able to look back in a detached historical sense and see how the population has been manipulated by demagogues with the same techniques over and over. Reporters are out there covering wars, disasters and Trump.