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Mollie Tittetts Red TShirt

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But because the media hijacks the protest and make their own to throw out a false agenda to keep us separated. But you're too blind and dumb to see that. It's basic war tactics. Divide and conquer!

Congratulations, you played yourself! How do you justify war? You tell the masses we're fighting for freedom instead of a political agenda. So that after I watch a touching video, I can then also read this ignorant and uneducated comment by my fellow American neighbor. It's not the soldiers that they're really angry at. It's the reason they were sacraficed. The oil companies were the reason this man lost his life. Tammy Lee your a veteran? I would like some clarification on something that I don’t understand, Everyone acts like veterans have fought for our freedom. But I personally feel like we aren’t free, we have to pay men with guns to feed our families(hunting/fishing licenses), we have to pay men with guns to travel(drivers license), we have to pay men with guns for protection (insurance), we have to pay men with guns to live in a home on our own land(annual property tax). If one doesn’t pay their tax or have the proper license men with guns will take them to prison, why do we as humans have to pay to live on this planet? Isn’t freedom being able to be self sufficient on ones own land without having to pay men with guns? So if these veterans are willing to fight for my freedom in a different country, why aren’t they willing to fight for my freedom in my country? This is what makes the USA the best country on earth not the yelling screaming and holding signs complaining just about anything!

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Review Mollie Tittetts Red TShirt

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Thanks to all those that helped this kid connect to the father he never knew, He will cherish this car for the rest of his life. Why should it be about being the best country in the world? What if his dad died along side a Iraqi soldier? His son probably misses him too, does that make iraq the best country in the world? Chris Garcia Jordan You're missing the point! in 2003 the US invaded Iraq to liberate it from Saddam Hussein (Some say under false pretenses but that's a different issue) and other than some translators the Iraqi solders were the enemy. The death of any solder is a bad thing but the point to be made by this story is that extraordinary people took it upon themselves to find and rebuild this kid's father old car. That little part right there is what make this country GREAT! Arnie-d Dig you forget we supplied arms to saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war and only invaded after he threatened to increase oil prices for oil from Iraq (our largest dealer).

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Isaac Tate The US supplied the Mujahideen to fight the Russians in Afghanistan and now the Taliban are using them against the US solders. As I said before wars are fought for various reasons some good and some bad. The decisions to engage other countries are made with the best intentions by those at the top. Are they allways good decisions? Not for me to decide all I can say is: if there is a scintilla of goodness coming out of all the misery I will always be thankful for it. I will always thank God to have brought me to this GREAT country and not North Korea, Iran, Syria etc.. I will attach photos aswell as a video to this message. Chevy Chevez for pity sake…enough already with being grammar patrol. Jeez…

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