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Shane Dawson Oh My God Pig Sweater

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Pigs are amazing, and great companions.
Rip Luna 10/15/17. My Penelope! She loves to cuddle! SHE IS A MICROPIG! They do not stay tiny! Please think before you adopt! If you do decide to get one please rescue from shelters! She was rescued from the humane society! Please do your research! I was out hunting morel mushrooms when i found mine looked all over for her owner but no luck she was about 20lbs when i found her had miss piggy a lil over 3 years and now shes a lil over 100 lbs she my walking pork chop and allways puts a smile on my face when i get home. So cute when they are small...but even the "miniature" varieties get HUGE over time. The smallest breeds are comparable in size to something like a yellow Labrador dog. The larger "miniature" pigs can wind up weighing 100 to 130 pounds when full grown. I purchased a "mini" pig fr my daughter for Christmas. The breeder guaranteed that the pig would not get over 50 lbs and gave us directions on how to feed our pig. Two small handfuls of feed a day is what he suggested.

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Review Shane Dawson Oh My God Pig Sweater

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Our pig wants eats all day and is 45 lbs at 2 months old. We have not and will not ever starve him with the suggested two handfuls. The only way to keep them small is to not feed them which is cruel. We feed ours and are adjusting to the fact that we bought an expensive and soon to be very large animal. We love him and wouldn't take anything in the world for him but I think these breeders should all be reported to PETA or who ever can help stop selling pigs based on lies. People are starving these sweet creatures just to keep them mini and it's terrible. PorkChop (my daughter named him 😂) is the sweetest, smartest, most entertaining fur baby we have ever had but he is not a mini, micro, or tea cup pig because those simply do not exist. Pigs are major work and very destructive. Thankfully I am home all day so I can give him the attention he feels he deserves. When he is feeling like he didn't get pet enough he eats my walls, rugs, kids toys, anything he can.

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He's super emotional and very demanding. I'm not suggesting that no one buy a pig. e is honestly a wonderful addition to our family but j am suggesting that before you purchase make sure you have plenty of time to give them the attention they need and begging that you not under feed just to hopefully keep them micro.