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I’m Too Cocky For My V-neck Shirt

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They made fun of domestic violence, for crying out loud. Don't be a hypocrite. eading the comments on The Onion, with all the people trying to be funny themselves, one realizes how difficult humour is. Cocky cancer survivor gets run over by truck and dies shortly after this article was published. Too bad he wasn't strong enough to beat getting run over. I think she is working under the Hollywood premise that any press is good press, while this might work in Hollywood it doesn't translate beyond that enclave. IF her novel makes it to the silver screen, she has alienated a portion of potential viewers; in addition, to alienating potential readers. So basically she didn't learn anything from this and is still playing the victim card. So no, I still will not read anything from her. And tht is sad because maybe her books are books I might have enjoyed but no, She hasn't apologized or seen the error of her ways. It's too bad really. I actually own a few of her books. They were for the most part quick kinda fun. I lost the urge to read them after one of the recent ones the MCs meet and have sex, like within an hour. A little too quick for me. Then cockygate happened and I'm peacing out. New York Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours
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Review I’m Too Cocky For My V-neck Shirt

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8:59 pm Tue, Jul 24 77 °F 88%. my very first thought when the video started was “what the hell is she doing on the street recording this? “I know it's petty, but I kinda hope she gets drowned in a sea of cocky titled books now. On Amazon, I mean. Her books. She should just climb under a rock, and stay there. We would all be much happier, I thought it was a trailer for a Hollywood b movie lol. She should just climb under a rock, and stay there. We would all be much happier, I thought it was a trailer for a Hollywood b movie lol Oh good grief! Come on. disable the comments - so no one can say anything but post their own videos/replys...ugh. And "In my world you protect family"...what world is that? the next dimension? ugh. Jesus Christ. Her fifteen minutes was over with her first video that was staged with an exuberant amount of "oh woe is me", I'm afraid to even hit play on this one.

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