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I’m A Spoiled Wife I Have A Freaking Awesome Husband V-neck Shirt

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She was like trying to budge a large Oak Tree. You have to call the media beforehand. Maybe call in an ICE sting and when they set everything up you can do your kind act with the nation watching. You're welcome. A friend held the door to a small store open for an elderly woman and said " Go ahead" and smiled. She glared at him and complained to the store clerk that he had just called her a name. He was confused and declared his innocence. The elderly woman said " You called me GOAT HEAD" ! So my girlfriend almost fell the other night when she was getting in her hammock, and I quickly rushed to her aid...where’s my news story?

It’s sad that this is even national news. She is embrassed,I tripped in and Belks DEPARTMENT store,wasn't hurt but was so embrassed I wished I could fall in a hole and hide. Some people would ignore, what a gentleman. We teach our grands to open doors for ladies but l hear some are offended.SMH. Some people would ignore, what a gentleman. We teach our grands to open doors for ladies but l hear some are offended.SMH Why put this on the news? It's embarrassing enough that she fell and you go and put it on the news?!?

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Review I’m A Spoiled Wife I Have A Freaking Awesome Husband V-neck Shirt

broken image

Totally unnecessary!!! Anyone that doesn't have their head up their butt would do this. I'm not bad mouthing, he did the right thing, but this is newsworthy? Aww! At least they were right there for her. At least they helped her right away. I’m sorry that happened to her. Im glad she didn’t get hurt. Could have happened to anyone. Well of course I would expect nothing less of any decent human but why humiliate this poor woman by going public with the picture and story? That's BREAKING NEWS? Never mind Trump's two closest officials just convicted of felonies! You're watching Guvament News, as dictated to Sean Hannity from the comforts of the Lincoln Bedroom. Not breaking news, just a gentleman doing something nice to help someone that needed helping; obviously the sentiment escapes you... I am glad he did it but as someone who is tripping over nothing constantly, I am quite certain she probably would not love the idea that it is national news. Just saying??? If you ask me" this guy did what any decent person should do in that situation!

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