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Gays For Trump TShirt

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I'm not Mexican but I am Latina. I love my race and heritage. But I also like organization and I hate slackers. Trump is going to bring back America, at the moment the USA is the clown of the earth. He won't allow this to continue anymore.

If you were offended by his words learn to get over it. Unless you are a rapist, drug dealer, cholo I understand. But if you are not, move on.

Yes Mexicans are good people, but not ALL, drive around the hood for a bit and then tell me how nice they are. There is good and bad in every race, but I'd be a fool if I didn't say some Mexicans are deplorable. Being British by birth paid maternity leave does work, and as an employer paying state UI and Federal UI, the maternity leave can and will be covered. This was a well worked out and fiscally sound plan and yet again shows the business acumen of Donald Trump. Please go out and vote Trump on Nov 8th.Vote Donald Trump for President!. And with 80% of the Congress up for Re-election, This is our chance to Clean up the government! Let's Vote OUT all the career politicians!....Impeach Obama then Try him for Treason!.Killary Benghazi Clinton to Prison! If we took the money we would save from not paying refugees to be on welfare, the money we "gave" to Iran, and just a tiny fraction of the money we send to countries that hate us - this would be paid for in full. Support it 100%. Let's take care of our American families first. I'm a Trump supporter all the way!! He's the most down right honest and tell it like it is candidate that I've ever seen...and this country needs someone like him! We need someone to help fix what has been broken time after time!! The election can not get here fast enough!! If your a Hillary Clinton supporter, Bernie Sanders supporter, Ted Cruz supporter, Republican Party Member, NeverTrump supporter, or if you're undecided, you can switch your support for Donald Trump and Family and Mike Pence as Presidents of the United States of America and All Lives Matters.Dear Mr. Trump.

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I hope you have also included in your plan some help for all the grandparents who are raising their grandchildren because their parents can't or won't accept their responsibility. Many of us grandparent have no legal custody but were given these children by DCF. Please consider help for us. I have been raising my 17 year old granddaughter for at least 7 years now. Thank you for your time .Mr. Trump,
Do you have any plan to address the issues with the Family Court system? Specifically the manipulation of the system by many women, the fact that 50/50 parenting is not the default plan, and the immense financial incentives that states receive when they collect child support monies (that are often never distributed)?
While it is certainly important for Lebron James Ultimate Warrior T Shirt to be treated fairly in the workplace, it is equally, if not more important, for men to be treated equally as parents.
I truly hope that you will create a plan to remedy these injustices and help all families, not just the ones that have remained intact.
God bless.You are simply the most awesome person who has ever run for President of the United States and I am so proud to cast my vote for you in November! Thank you for all you do for this great country!Ivanka makes her line of clothes in Vietnam NOT the USA. When her employees give I Love Titties And Hennessy Shirt she "allows" them 8 weeks of maternity leave WITHOUT pay. Probably if they don't return at that time she fires them. I don't imagine she helps with child care either if she doesn't help with maternity leaves. Don't believe Trump's campaign. There are so many lies that it is overwhelming! It's always comical until someone gets punched in the face ! She's been protesting her whole life ? Almost 61 years ? And she hasn't learned YOU just don't laugh and taunt in someone's face !
No sympathy here for the professional agitator. People have a right to go out in public to hear speech without someone shouting negative things in their face. Maybe she's learned her lesson.You mean "opinion" ? Yes, I understand. Because a person disagrees with your political " opinion " it does not give them the right to scream and distract when you intend to listen to the featured speaker. I still have no sympathy for the professional agitator, who in her own Samuel L Jackson Incredibles Shirt – Craig T Nelson Jack Jack Incredibles Shirt "has been protesting most of her sixty one years of her life. Janet Wilcock. Agree. Don't even understand why someone would choose to be a professional agitator. She must be one of the world's most hateful miserable people. By the way my fault for letting her "profession' pass by me. I didn't catch that. I don't care if the US had all the money in the world. All the money the government has and ever will have comes from the people. It should be used for infrastructure, the military and government employee salaries. That's about it. It's not the government's role to provide maternity leave pay or match contributions. Any recaptured funds are still tax dollars and came from the people. Trump should have stopped at tax deductions and savings plans. Really annoying. Still a big fan of Trump/Pence. I am deplorable, but I know who I support and it is NOT the liar. We need a policy for mothers and fathers who work and are trying to get child care. I have a friend who works and dad stays home, because its cheaper than day care. I see them struggle and it breaks my heart. Go Donald, We love you in Iowa.Remember that it took the US 219 years to go from zero debt to $10T. Then “Après nous le Deluge” (after us the deluge) Obama took over and before he has finished, US debt will be around $20T. That is the most astonishing increase in national debt in history excluding .hyperinflationary economies. And remember that this figure does not include the Fed’s money printing or unfunded liabilities nor personal or corporate debt which all have grown exponentially. With all of that we can add at least $250 trillion! BRAVO!!!!!!! BRAVO!!!!!!! BRAVO!!!!!!! Our country must take off the blinders and PLEASE LISTEN to MR. TRUMP....... What part of this speech doesn't resonate with everyone??? We have kids, we have elderly parents, we deserve as Americans to have things work for US, GOD knows we pay and pay and pay. Putting something into our Fortnite Nike Shirt but moreover the TOTAL BENEFIT for our kids, G-kids, aging parents.... A future of something rather than virtually nothing. COME ON AMERICA, DON'T LET THIS PASS US ALL BY, VOTE TRUMP /PENCE TKT NOV 8th, 2016.Make sure to spread the word on TRUMP's Child Care Policy! Also everyone can go to his web site to see how it will be paid for.
Fox News is the only Cable Network News site to air the speech and talk about it. The other Cable News sites refused to air speech nor talk about it. Reason being, they support Hillary and Child Care was suppose to be her baby. She has nothing on her web site reference Child Care.

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