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Family Bbq Funny TShirt

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One thing that I wish that Donald J. Trump address is our Social Security Disability program. My husband and I have lost everything we owed (that we worked hard for over the last 20 to 35 years) and saved waiting for me to be approved over the last 10months. We have both of our cars repossessed, cashed out both of 401(k) plans, been close to eviction four times (rent is not paid again for this month), had our utilities shut off. We are paying more than ever to buy goods because we cannot go to our normal places of business. Obamacare - Yea right! I don't even have medical insurance. I do not qualify for Medicaid because my husband makes $2,000 a year too much! In order for me to be approved for SSDI, I have to be going to my doctors on a regular basis. I cannot even afford my medications even with RX discounts. How in the world, do I do that with no medical insurance? However, I am proud to say that both my husand and I are two of Donald J. Trump's DEPLORABLES!!!Nita Bell You are SO RIGHT about that. I went to see if I qualify for Medicaid and the office was full of illegals! 99 percent of them were approved not only for Medicaid but food stamps and everything else under the sun. I was born and raised in AMERICA. What is wrong with this picture? I am so sorry you have such a horrible struggle! SO many wonderful hard working people fall through the cracks. I know it doesnt help but wanted to say best wishes from one of the deplorables. I'm really sorry for your hardship but you do realize that if your cars were repossessed than you never owned them...if in 25 to 35 years of work you have not bought and paid for a house and a car(s) then you've planned for life poorly. I'm voting for Trump but even he can't help those that don't plan for life!Brian Burns Oh, we had plans but we did not realize that one accident would brings us down to this level. NO ONE can plan on what life brings you! You never know what life is going to throw at you! I completely understand, Jill. I have been raising my 24 year old son alone since he was 20 months old...when he was left brain damaged by vaccines. I busted my butt working from the age of 15, sometimes working a FT and a PT job...until I no longer could after multiple spine and brain surgeries. We struggled and robbed Peter to pay Paul until even Peter was dead broke. I was denied disability twice (even with an attorney) then had my state hearing canceled just days before I FINALLY felt like it was all going to finally come together.

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Review Family Bbq Funny TShirt

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The ONLY reason why I was eventually approved was because I was so tired and angry at that point that I shot off a detailed description of what a denial would mean for me. That little nastygram got attention. A couple weeks later I got a call from my local SS office telling me it was the first time in her 25+ years there that they ever got a direct call from the White House to "look over my Deadpool Taylor Swift Shirt – Olivia And Meredith Shirt just one more time". I WAS APPROVED IN ONLY 24 HOURS!!Listen to Dave Ramsey or another financial person. Don't wait for SSD,do something you can do to make money. Not sure what your disability is but get creative. If you can shred papers papers, buy a 20.00 shredder and go to small business' and offer to shred. If you can read,offer to teach others having difficulty to read. If you can garden,or can have chickens sell eggs, think outside the box are you artistic,do you have a skill you can teach? Don't give up or in to the easy way. You don't need insurance to see a Doctor, tax payers pay for County Health so anyone can see a doctor,get tests etc.. for free. Look up the county Health in your area. Being dependent upon government, may seem like it will help, but in the end, you will be under their control. Immigrants are able to get on Social Security Disability with Medicare, easy because of Big Lobby. We need to overhaul disability where it is not taking from Medicare. Stay positive,know your worth and realize you are not the only one the No One Is Illegal On Stolen Land Shirt has effected,media just wants you to believe that.Brian Burns, what a nasty thing to say. One accident or illness can wipe out EVERYTHING you saved & planned for. Medical bills is #1 cause of bankruptcy. Anyone could be in this woman's shoes at any time. We need to stop the refugee program & flood of illegals. America & Americans first!!!! God less you Jill. Hope things change for you soon!!!!Robin only the hospital bill and, hospitals can write off financial hardships off on their taxes,as can pharmacies...A person not paying their Doctors bill, is not a tax write off. Government supplements hospitals, with our tax money,don't be fooled. We need hospitals,so our tax dollar needs to subsidize to keep them open,the unions are what raise the cost on everything. I do agree we do need to stop taking care of refugee's and even sending Incredibles 2 Outline Combo Jack Jack Shirt – Jack Jack Outline Shirtto other countries, when we have homeless and hungry Americans.Robin Bucceri I was simply pointing out that if something gets repossessed it is not belongs to someone else and you are just borrowing it till its paid for. This is the problem in America....people think things belong to them but they are not paid for! Everyone buys, buys, buys! But it's all financed....again if you've worked 25-35 years and you don't own your home and at least one car! You have not planned for life you've just been getting by! I'm sorry if the truth hurt your feelings or anyone else's feeling! Brian our choices in life....we can keep doing the same thing and think that will change it,or we can make a change. Certainly I mean no disrespect to Robin but, our government keeps dangling these easy ways out,that actually are more harmful than good, to the one willing to partake.Sorry to hear of your struggles and I hope things improve for your family. Another pressing issue I hope Mr. Trump will consider is the crushing student loan debt. These young people need relief and hopefully they will have more disposable income to spend in the economy helping our small Big Assawoman Bay T Shirt.Jill Soulsby ok let's look at what you've lost everything you've worked and saved over a 20 to 35 year work span in 10 months! I don't know how old y'all are but if I'm still so far in debt after working for 35 years that one major accident wipes me out then I've not plan correctly for life! I'm still young so if I had a MAJOR accident tomorrow I'm done! Notice I said major!But I got a feeling you're not young....again I'm just simply pointing out the truth and I know it's hard to hear. "Unless the Lord build the house it is built in vain".

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