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Are you looking for: Trump Liar V-neck Shirt?

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I said this" and that's when I walk away and forget about them. Because usually liars can't remember what they've told you, and they'll tell you one thing and something else to someone else. Not worth giving them oxygen. That is so true a lie tell's that many lie's as they believe what they tell u is true and they don't think that there is any think wrong with it and they don't think that it heard 's any one feeling well guess what upset so many people and we don't know what to believe anymore so when they tell us something I just go wow yep true but at same time thinking piss of and shut the f up you know what I mean. He looked me straight in the eye and said he wasn't cheating but was already back with his ex. Was distraught now I think do you know what I had a lucky escape, she is welcome to the loser! Yes im finding that out now with someone, but im the sort of person who listens, then bites, and watch them really squirm when I confront them with truth. Never piss off an Aries, that's my warning. Lol. Truly!i have had experienced that way which made me to be strong in life,i need to stay away from them,focused on my own family and especially have a strong faith with Our Almighty God... Truly!i have had experienced that way which made me to be strong in life,i need to stay away from them,focused on my own family and especially have a strong faith with Grab it here: Trump Liar T Shirt

Meaning of Trump Liar V-neck Shirt

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This is youngest daughters dad, he had distroyed the relationship between his own family and his daughter do he doesn't look bad, alk the way through our relationship he lied and lied and could look you straight in the eyes and hand on heart and still lie through his teeth, so glad we are both away from it all finally. So true. I just came out of an altruistic narcissistic relationship. He lies so well, he even fools his closest friends and family. I say, what goes around, comes around. He has already paid a high price for lying in a court proceeding and lost. You'd think he learned. Nope! So True Pat ! I have had the misfortune of encountering a few narcissist and they are down right evil, they lie when they can not get their own way and then play the victim, then they set out to destroy the person who sees through their BS , my advise is to stay away from them and their flying monkeys ! Seen a relationship like this for 15 years and he's never been wrong about one thing in 15 years but as cause the majority of the drama, always trying to find away to be little everyone. Beware of this kind of post, Why? Because it creates hatred and being judgemental to all people that you do not like.
Always remember! Liar hates a liar too.

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Let’s put God first and learn how to forgive. so very true, it is as if you are assaulting a liar when you call them on it... they DO believe either they are truthful OR they just dont care past their own need to be vindicated....I despise liars. Problem with the one my family delt with is he belives his own can take months of him convincing people he's not lying only to find out he's lying time go's by he'll lie again so he looks like the victim..he can tell you the sky is blue..and your checking to see if it's the truth..Finely alienated him...

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