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Deadpool and the rock work for the cia. Deadpool teams up with James bond to stop British stereotypes. What’s great about this is Ryan Reynolds really is in that movie with her but he’s not deadpool 😂WELL PLAYED EDITOR OF THE VIDEO. YOU DID WELL. Don't know about marriage, the idea of being legally obligated to take anyone's shit for the rest of my life is scarier than snakes(snakes are really fkn scary). However his entertainment value is in the millions I'm sure. I'd probably just make him baked goods and watch him be silly. Can someone explain why they edited all the curse words in the text but didn't bleep the audio? I don't know why but it f**king annoys me. Either censor it or don't censor it. Just make up your d**n mind haha. Any good comic book movie would have easily out grossed any of the Amazing Spider-Man films. They sucked.

Should have mentioned Sam Raimi's Spider-Man films. At least that was better quality. For me definitely this one's better than the first. The world is widely expanded. Cool villains and fights. More cracking jokes and cameos. It was a roller coaster from the beginning to the end. i'm convinced that this release of deadpool 2 was a huge troll, and that the real movie is getting released later. you know, the one that's actually good. because what i saw in theaters was garbage. he was big but not superstar. In deadpool he was the lead and the movie made 781 million with a budget of 58 million and deadpool 2 has made over 731 million with a budget of 110 million so now Reynolds is an international superstar money making machine. remember when the footage leaked and I told you that if we shared it as much as possible they'd make a movie and you said you didn't even have a twitter.

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Thank you Deadpool Movie for the fantastic marketing and to everyone involved with DP2. Ryan Reynolds as always..Thank you for never giving up on us!!! Can’t wait for DP3 or X-Force!! I heard the same, but maybe a team up movie as oppose to a solo movie. I doubt Reynolds is done playing Deadpool. I think actors usually feel that way after doing a movie and change their mind a while later. Daniel Craig said he was done with Bond and would never do another one, yet now he's agreed to do another one. So who knows. Maybe there will be a DP3, or at least he'll reprise Deadpool in an X-Force movie. I'm really hoping we get Hugh Jackman wolverine in a possible 3rd movie. They said they needed to do something different yet still run on a low budget, well Jackman's salary would guarantee that. Just hope Hugh really decides to give us the fan service. Not hating on Jackman's Wolverine in anyway, it is a fantastic performance. But i don't think he's as irreplaceable as people seem to think.

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He doesn't even really look the part at all, Wolverine was never anywhere near 6' tall, and he's not really considered a handsome man. We can definitely get a good DP/Wolverine movie without Jackman. Beuford Gadley Yes, Although I feel his performance was awesome throughout all these years, I would like to see a different interpretation of Wolverine. I think sometimes we get too attached to things and it's difficult to let go. Jackman's mission is complete and it's time to let go, bring on the new wolverine! Brian Babin If only he’d worn the suit. At least once. Could’ve even worked in Logan, despite the nonsense the director spouted. Just say “It’s Armor” and boom, reason for Wolverine to wear it. I loved the first one so much! Watched it about a million times.

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