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Can u give me an example? I'm not defending religions or the believers of such, per se, but as a person that finds truth in allegory as being very purposeful and even sometimes very wise, I'm not quite as quick to toss out fictionalized moral plays just because they aren't literally believeable...even if many religious folk do take many things too literally. Trav Law Examples of biblical nonsense are easy to find: "and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many." Matthew 27:52-53. Relativity is still only a theory, it has not been proven and so it is not a theorem amd a theorem is a theory that has been proven to be absolutely true. So these are just theories until otherwise. We live in a universe of entropy, order turning to chaos, but perhaps there is a universe we’re it is the other way around, chaos returning to order, therefore time runs backwards in that universe...or maybe it is our universe where time is running backwards but we see it as normal. Em Jay: "still only a theory" is a very dismissive statement. Einstein's relativity is a theory that has held it's ground for over 100 years despite the best minds on the planet trying to do better. Also, it isn't science's job to "prove" anything, only support or falsify. I see what you're saying up to a point but, concerning your analogy, archaic religious mythologies are neither theoretical nor hypothetical. They're literally fairy tales. There's no speculation as to whether or not they could or couldn't be plausible. Odin doesn't factor into scientific theory or hypothesis. Christopher Cunningham no argument there. This issue, to me, is defining the difference between fact and truth. "Facts" belong on a continuum that has "fiction" at the opposing end of it. U can't have factual fictions...I mean, we have fictions and that's a fact, but if something is a fiction, like Santa Claus, he can't also b factually real (otherwise he wouldn't b a fictional character by definition). With "truth", "lies" are on the opposing end of that continuum. Again, it true that people like, but a lie cannot also be true; e.g. when a parent buys and present and tells the kid that Santa Claus brought it.

Meaning of Thanos Make The Universe Great Again Sweater

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But, we can have truthful fictions, such as religious texts usually r. Any fictional allegory, like Plato's Cave or Aesop's Fables, r examples of fictions used and telling truths. Religions r trying to get at larger, transcendent truths, and it is very hard to describe that with factual language, hence all the metaphors, allegories, and parables. People who fight over literal interpretations and facts in religious texts, on either side of the argument, r generally arguing beside the intended points and quite often sound like simpleton morons, imo. Dede Dee: very well could b.

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My pet hypothesis is that we each have our own universes that center around our lives. From my point of view, this universe is my story in which I am the main actor and everyone else is a supporting character (like solipsism). However, in this view, you have your own universe too in which I am merely a minor supporting character typing Facebook replies too you (which I call polysolipsism). It's a both/and universe hypothesis rather than an either/or. Perhaps we all experience every possible choice but we collapse our consciousness along only 1 path thru them all? Idk, I can't prove much other than thru personal anecdotal evidences, but it's fun to think about. Still, I would never call this idea a "theory", since it doesn't qualify.

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