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Are you looking for: Hammer and Sickle Communist Symbol Trump Putin 2020 Tank Top Shirt

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How do you compete in the motorcycle market when the cost of your product is automatically doubled in that market?

Ask yourself about Carrier here in Indiana...... that's the company that Obama was speaking about when he said that some of our production jobs just wasn't coming back. He made fun of then candidate Donald J. Trump by asking how he was going to bring the jobs back..... with a magic wand. Big surprise, the jobs came back and stayed.
In short, you aren't looking very deep before you make your comments, if you had, you would understand the tariff war that has been raging for many decades, without us even participating. We have already been in these trade wars, and we are losing badly. President Trump's predecessors have put us in this position, he's trying to turn it back around. Peter Robeson You need to research your facts before speaking and making a fool of yourself.
June saw a 213,000 jobs increase. Amber Brannam Call me whatever you want, I could care less.

If you come to President Trump's page to make disparaging remarks about OUR President and about his supporters (of which the numbers are continually going up..... #WalkAway). If you are here just to spread your hate....... That is the very definition of TROLL. If that shoe fits, lace that thing up and wear it. LMAO. Aakash Patel I've already covered the fallacy of this being Obama's recovery......

Available here: Hammer and Sickle Communist Symbol Trump Putin 2020 Shirt

Meaning of Hammer and Sickle Communist Symbol Trump Putin 2020 Tank Top Shirt

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I hate to have to repeat myself. If you really want to know the truth about this recovery, then look back at my comments. I will consider this question answered. Susan Bryant Not really, but a great many don't have the patience to keep answering the same questions over and over and over........ The labor shortage was caused by a lack of population grow. Now that us baby boomers are retiring there are not enough people to take our place. Wages are increasing in some areas, but overall there has been no real wage grow. Much of this is due to automation. We need more immigration to make up for the workers we are losing. If Trump continues with his economic proposals that tariffs, we may see a depression larger than what happened in the 1930's. Read a little history. Those that do not know history are doomed to repeat it. Wages going up? Taxes going down? So you consider an extra $25 a paycheck from this temporary tax cut to be worth championing? It’s trivial at best. Mertard Belyer My husband worked for Whirlpool for over 38 years, then they left town and moved operations to MEXICO and expect Americans to buy those products when brought back to the U.S. stores......NOT ON YOUR LIFE! Patti Ferneding My wife and I have already got larger raises on our disability than we saw in 8 years of Obama.

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Fake news. Ed King Trivial to you maybe...... but means a lot to many people...... and you forgot the double childhood deduction in your comment. I’ve not meet so many people who working two jobs, like I have in the last 4/5 years. This is nothing to rave about. It’s discouraging. Has not gotten better this year. Rose McKay Rose, to start with your use of English points to someone from another country...... not that that is bad, but if you don't live here in the States as a citizen then you shouldn't be concerned about our internal workings of our government.

Obamacare is a big part of the multiple job situation. If a person were part time, the employer didn't have to help provide insurance for that person. At the same time it dropped full time hours from 40 to 32. So...... it benefited a company to hire people for less than 32 hour weeks.

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