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I think she did a great job. My son who is 12 and my daughter who is 8 both work out and climb just about anything and run for parkore. She is quite impressive and is probably going to be a Badass when she gets older.. She's lighter, power to weight ratio. She can swing her weight around like nothing as for that full grown man probably 175 lbs. Try slinging that weight around vs 90 lbs or less. I remember being little and capable of doing that stuff, then puberty hit and I got really heavy hips and thighs and unable to support myself with my bugs bunny arms lmfao. That's awesome! At her age, she's a perfect combination of long limbs, light frame, and fearlessness... of knee replacement surgery. LOL!

My niece, Malia, who rock climbs would love this! Good grief.... she is terrific, quite the little Ninja..... well done....

Review Starbucks Lovers Taylor Swift Sweater

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But for a moment I thought someone had done a video of me .. eh! Then I realized, no I’m in my 80s and weigh substantially more, and don’t move quite so fast....well, a girl can dream ?? One thing about this. Her body weight is significantly less than the adult she is going against. Have them lift some weights and the adult will do better than her. Still love to see young and old doing high intensity workouts!! First thing that I thought “She’s a gymnast. “ Then when she was swinging on the thing from the ceiling. “Oh yeah for sure. That’s a swing to get started if you just jump straight from the floor to high bar.” Followed her on instagram, she’s a gymnast. 😂😂 I can spot that anywhere. Okay to be technical here. She would have same muscle strength as an adult but because she is a kid she also has less body mass in a child’s body so she would be able to do more compared to an adult.

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Example if a child of say 60 .lbs can squat, bench press, lift, etc. 150 .lbs of each exercise compared to 120 .lbs adult do the same exercise with the same weights then the child would be soaring the same obstacle course because they have so little mass in comparison. Force = mass x acceleration. Acceleration is basically work. If they have have the same muscle but different mass. That means the adult exerts more force to do the same thing. Good for her! But seeing her ease with this course, that warp wall should have been a piece of cake for her to approach head on. Hell, I can do a 14 footer and I'm not nearly as nimble as her! This girl is friggin amazing and all those adults banging on about how its just cause shes light , in 10 years when she is an adult, you can bet she would absolutely kick all of your butts and will be stronger than ever!
Credit where its due people! That course is so hard and 99% of kids would not be able to do it, no matter how light! It takes athleticism, strength, agility, balance and determination.

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Being light helps, but it is soooo much more than that. You go little ninja monkey, great job! Great job parents too for encouraging your child to exercise and accomplish goals. Great role models. Wish we had a local place to play, looks soooo fun; the trees in the woods will do for now. I mean I definitely couldn't do it... at all.. not even remotely, but racing a kid against a full-grown man is not a good comparison. Her power to weight ratio is through the roof compared to his . As a member of the Comment Reading Association (CRA), I’m only here to read comments. Please keep the comments short and simple.