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Are you looking for: Whoopi Goldberg Trump Shirt – Whoopi Goldberg Make America Great Sweater?

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Shelly Boggs Harvey -- well, the Clintons didn't shut their foundation down after using it reimburse a billionaire for his campaign costs, like Trump did. And the Clintons still haven't contracted with sweatshops in China. And I'm never going to buy anything with the Trump "brand." Jeffery Wilson -- If I'm such an "idiot" then I don't think I will explain my charitable giving to you, since your idea of disagreeing with someone is firmly rooted in the third grade -- calling names. I'm fully capable to making a point without going the poopy-head route. Remember POTUS Donald J. Trump does business fair and reciprocal, China brings their products, we can bring over there ours too or other places. That is the ideal market. If you like my stuff you buy it. If I like yours I will buy it from you. Normal fair business. Shelly Boggs Harvey way to slide right past the point and replace it with inaccuracies. He's promoting job growth here. He doesn't make his garbage here. I know it's hard but try to focus. Diana Sizemore Webster Nicely said. The point isn't where Trump buys his stuff, it is the hundreds of jobs these businesses create to make products here in America. Jobs that put people back on the assembly line and off the unemployment line. Jobs that people can work to support themselves and not have to rely on the government for handouts. Jobs that give self-respect and pride. That is Made In America. Where people buy and from whom depends on availability and price whether domestically or abroad. It is called competition, capitalism. Illegitimate President...poser in the Oval Office. His complete collapse, submissions to Putin was so embarrassing for this country. A man with a string of bankruptcies...talking about job creation is The only jobs he creates are for the Chinese...where all his MAGAets products are made. just wish that everyone would stop fighting, we voted fair and square, we elected who we thought was best for the job, we want our country back , our freedoms protected, our country secure.

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Salvatore James you DO realize there is a massive investigation going on right now regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election, right? Or have you been living under a rock? Melissa Nusbaum you do realize that ,president trump had nothing to do with any russian involvement with our elections , oh did i say russian involvement, there was none , that is why predsident putin is coming to the whitehouse so set the record straight , all the democratic leaders are running scared, all the dominoes are about to tumble down. stay tuned , your about to see trump and putin victory again. We, the people, voted by popular vote for Hillary Clinton.

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Trump lost. He's only in office because of Electoral Votes, which did not represent the people's vote. Dustin Ramer electoral votes exactly represent the people. If not for the electoral college, our president would be chosen by a few largely populated urban areas. Have you not seen the voting maps? Remember that several million more American voters voted for Hillary than voted for the fluke who thinks he is a genius but actually is a self-indulgent vulgar boor. Wow! Did donnie learn anything from them, for example how trump himself and his daughter can have their products made in America? Yep, that's not ever going to happen with the 'screw america' attitude of the trump clan. the unemployment rate being the lowest since 1969.
Of the fact that instead of running his businesses he is sacrificing his time to serve a country which has half the people who are grateful and the other half acting like you. Monika MW agreed.

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