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Are you looking for James Dean Speed Queen Tank Top?

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Like your mind. She’s a cop hater?
What could you possibly be talking about?
You’re such a pitiful cliche. David Milone It's people like Joe Baker and the racist crap he posts on his page that never ceases to amaze and surprise me. Where does one get all that hatred? She always wears brooches on her coats. She must have hundreds; but she chose one the OBAMAS gave her. She knows exactly what she's doing all the time. Oh, it's waaay more than that. The twitter thread which expanded on the original blog post spelt it all out.

Short version: day one - the Obamas are my *personal* friends.
Day two - I like Canada and Canada likes me. Also, I side with the snowflakes.
Day three - spending time with you is literally as bad as the day my grandmother, my mother and I buried my father. I use Snopes myself a lot and respect anyone who fact-checks, but none of us, including Snopes, knew what was going on in her clever mind. Karyn Shapiro Jesser, the pin she wore wasn't the one given to her by the Obamas.
I have no doubt the Queen is clever, but this was a made up story and now everyone repeating it just makes us look as crazy as the Trumpsters.

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Karyn Shapiro Jesser additionally right wingers say snopes is biased and unreliable, but pull out cherry picked info when it suits their narrative. Dawn Thornton-Luty to assume what’s in someone’s mind and write about it when you claim to be real journalists is even more foolish. When visiting a dignitary in their country you abide by their rules, customs, protocols etc. or stay out. And the US wonders why so many countries don't like them. Texan here. You're right, you don't turn your back on a 92 year old woman walking on grass unassisted. Also, even I know you do not turn your back to the Queen of England. Ugh. Or whipped a fold up cane out of her purse and pulled his leg out to trip him up. All she'd have to do is pull a little bit and with his big head he'd topple easily. Valerie Alger say what? He very clearly walked in front of her, he kept her waiting for 12 minutes, he is nothing short of a complete twat! Janet Taylor That's exactly what I thought. Queen or no, he was just fecken RUDE!

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Doesn't matter who she was. She was the host(ess) and you don't walk in front of your host when being shown around. She outclasses him. HE would have turned and left and embarrassed her. She’s too classy for that. I’m an American and even I know that!!! Debra Jan Bibel Actually, his walking in front of her was an error of protocol (the US Department of State agrees)... a head bow (or curtsy from his wife) are not mandatory or even expected from a foreigner, but could be considered polite (something Trump knows nothing about)... and he should have addressed her as "your majesty"... Me too...I can't watch it. Was he really late for tea with the Queen? Really?

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And this guy has the Button? God help us. Just for fun, I went to YouTube and watched the Obamas meet the Queen. London put on a full court press for security, which surely cost a fortune; Trump gets a blimp. The Obamas got a military salute, a state dinner, and got to sleep at the palace; Trump gets tea and a walk past the guards. (Frankly, I'm surprised he didn't fall into them.) I believe HM's message was very clear. Just saw the video, and as a Canadian (and thus, a subject of Her Majesty), I couldn't help but feel absolutely appalled.