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Always Speak Your Truth Shirt

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Democrats trade on the ignorance of these people by telling them lies about the parties. Then They are signed up as Democrat voters. They think because they are a registered Democrat they are obligated to vote Democrat. Naturalized Americans have been taught their freedom of choice in the voting booth. People who are not strong in the English language and are just registered to vote and are not citizens are not taught their voting rights. But they sure know how to apply for welfare... Until the media becomes irrelevant, and they are quickly reaching that point, they will continue to report fake/fabricated news. They are sold out to the new world order-one world government.

TRUTH does not matter anymore to the main stream media or the political eliets all they want is to rule all of us with an iron fist . When it comes right down to the nitty gritty I will be on the front lines defending our way of life and the freedom that this country was founded on. Nope now they want everyone to be set free and allow any and everyone in because that's what the agenda has been all along and the only way for them to get people to go along is to involve children so people act and think on emotion instead of logic. One thing I don't hear is about Reagan signing the Open the borders agreement that started Bussiness advertising for illegals jobs. Get off this diversion. Media is a steering you away from the issue that affects over 200 million people. Our corrupt government and FBI, etc. Why is it on some of the videos and not just Prager U, when you click to play it changes screens and you click to play nothing happens? SILVER SPRING, Md. — Maryland parents accused of child neglect for letting their kids roam around their neighborhood had to retrieve them from the county's Children's Protective Services
after police removed the youngsters from a park.
Today, the combination of “stranger danger” fear and overzealous police leads to interference and intimidation. “Across the country,” says free-range kids activist Lenore Skenazy, “parents are
getting harassed and even arrested when they let their kids leave the house without a security detail.” It's hard to have a discussion about immigration law with people who think there shouldn’t be any immigration laws at all. The Left is being disingenuous. They say they have a problem with separating kids, but really they have a problem with immigration enforcement of any kind. But we cannot have a country if we do not have clearly defined, and strictly enforced, borders. The process of defining and enforcing the border will not always be pleasant. But it can be just. Those two things are not the same. Check out the deal democratic controlled congress made with pres. Reagan. (Late 70's) the Democrats haven't fulfilled that promise in a compromise deal. Don't just take what I post as the truth, do the research. Don't be lazy or dismissive. Promises,promises. Get an elected official in office, they get crucified. The truth is no other president cared enough to secure our border with a wall! The congress sits on their hands and receives a big paycheck for very little business being taken care daily! Of course people can come here legally because the right way! Most choose to sneak in and nothing much. Is being done to stop it! Many favor illegals over American citizens. Let’s fire those people from their jobs with our votes! Dumb question. They'll never give Trump kudos for anything. Remember when we were concerned about Korea? Like for years? I’m in Cusco, Peru right now and it’s about freezing at night and barely touches the 60s during the day. I wear 3 layers to bed and 2 layers in the day. I’m missing Georgia right now!!! I find it odd that the mom had $6000 to pay to get here. Most Americans don't have that amount saved. Must be a rough life in her home In another article it said her husband is the captain of a ship and she left him and their 3 other kids. He said she always wanted to live in the US. Looks to me like an unfit Mom who put her young child in great danger. What she doesn't have she will have to work off to pay back the debt to the "coyotes" who helped get her across.

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Human trafficking, drug running, etc. Agreed Jennifer, what kind of a mom risks her and her young child's life across unknown miles of harsh desert territory while knowingly possibly placing her child in bondage at the end of the run? And it's the USA that is supposedly endangering these kids? 😒 riiiiiiiiiggght. And all the pictures show her living what looks like a perfectly fine life. What is she running from? It is typical for them to pay anywhere around $5-6k if not more to have a coyote bring them over. That’s why i call BS when people say they don’t do it the legal way because it’s so costly. Keith Leary they'll borrow the money and sometimes have people here who are willing to send them the money. Yeah because money is everything and determines quality of life. Sarcasm if someone is lagging behind. See I don’t get that about the ‘refugees’ entering Europe from Africa. They are paying £8000 each to travel. They are refugees but they have at least £8000 cash? The whole thing stinks and it stinks of Soros. Many of these illegals don’t have the money “saved” and payment up front to the human traffickers. Many have to “work” this debt off. 80-90% of children unaccompanied come here without biological parents or legal guardian, I’ll give anyone here a few guesses how this debt is being paid off to these criminal human traffickers.

But the left doesn’t want these children “ripped apart” from these criminals. Sevehn Syth that’s not the majority of the cases... believe me being part of the Hispanic community you see or hear what different people do to get here but the majority pay their own way. Michelle Espindola Bull crap! Are you trying to tell me that the living wage is that good that the “poorest of poor”, the “desperate of the desperate” are able to save $6,000-$10,000 when the average American family can’t save that much. If their wage is so good, why seek asylum here in the USA.
Sorry to break it to you, many of these kids are either being implemented into the drug trade or sold of in the sex slavery business.
I know my city is the biggest sex slavery in the nation and we are right on the edge of this border war. all Trump has to do is put a 25-50% charge on all ALL wire transfers to ANYWHERE south of the border.....bam! theres the money for the wall! One article said they aren't poor and actually very near to middle class. Or how about the idea I read a minute ago we put a 50% tax on all funds wired over to Mexico! That would shake up their dream ride! In fact we should contact our lawmakers in congress about that! Liberal heads will melt but that's what we are this business to do is melt liberals for fun and exposure to the world about how they really are. Sevehn Syth I never said I understood how they did it but they do it!!
A lot of them get in debt and just make payments once they’re here. I know it sounds unbelievable but it happens. Yes of course there are some that would rather make a trade with the coyote but again that’s not the majority!!

In reality the majority come here for a better quality of life and to escape the violence their government refuses to address. Her husband has a fairly good paying job I heard. She also left her other Big Assawoman Bay T Shirt behind. The youngest was 5 or 6. The cartel's play this game to weaken the border. We have a heroin epidemic in the US, Mexico is starting it's own golden triangle, need I say more. Deborah Yocum she deserves to be judged. She had a lot of extra cash. Left her husband and other kids. That’s not a good mom. Would you just abandon your family? Leave your kids? A complete lie of a photo. This child’s Mother, who is standing next to her, just set her down, after they illegally crossed the Rio Grande river. She’s just thirsty, the Mother, exclaimed.
Not to Trump, but a Border Guard.

Democrats are classless, and deliberate
In their hatred. They never miss an opportunity to set traps, then fall on their faces. I saw the very nice facilities, air conditioning, food, No One Is Illegal On Stolen Land Shirt,. They are there because the parents or coyotes , smugglers use kids as a ploy, a trick,, oh, I have a child, let me pass through.. Bs. Like the guy on titanic, he grabbed a child, to get on lifeboat,, oh, I have a child, I'm all she has.. Bs.. i dont see you deffending the actual children who actually DID CRY. they could have used any photo, but there are photos of crying children. you are so simple minded. aka small minded. aka dumber than a box of rocks. Christina Potter The Logic Rick And Morty Shirt that you attempt to insult people to get an emotional reaction from them to change their mind shows that only mindless people overcome with emotion can take your side. Christina Potter My point was made,
Fake News “Time”, reported a complete
Lie. Also, don’t sell a box of rocks short.
Solid, stable, good for throwing, etc.

And, our home was built with stone.
Also, my Dad was a Stone Mason, and He was not dumb.
Have a nice day. Why didn't OBAMA or BUSH or CLINTON make the cover for doing THE EXACT SAME THING????
Me thinks there MIGHT BE AN AGENDA HERE.... Mike Iby, right?!? Why can't liberals see that? Its so easy to find video of Obama, Pelosi talking about it during his presidency. The ACLU report of the detained children from 2009-2014 is easy to loom up. They don't want to face the truth that the Rick And Morty Run The Jewels Shirt is just using this. There's video of Pelosi at the border lecturing on not using these children for political gain and praising border patrol during Obama's presidency.... I had a friend tell me shed have been just as upset then if she had known it was going on then...but she doesn't wonder WHY she didn't know. Tammy Curtiss-Hutson they all have gone manic since Trump took office !! With all due respect to the people with true problems from brain issues. They are so willing to lie for an agenda. Bush was working on immigration reform, but then 911 happened. Nobody knows that because they think he created 911. Follow the money here...$6,000 for a smuggler to bring the kids here? Aren't they in terrible conditions in their countries?
Either everyone in third world Splatoon 2 World Championship Shirt have thousands in savings OR someone here is funding this chaos. Her husband has a good job where they are from she just wanted to come live the American dream. She wasnt running from violence. She should have done it the right way and taken that money to legally come. NOT pay a smuggler. But soros has his hand in this whole mess around the Fortnite Nike Shirt and he just needs to croak already. Evil man. Amanda Dawn I agree there could be some with good jobs and are able to pay Fortnite Just Play It T Shirt to bring them. However, there's thousands coming in with smugglers. There has to be someone expensing this mess. So this snafu and the President's willingness to pass a law may put an end to this attempt at impeachment. Does anyone have any clues as to what the next topic for impeachment will be? You know Schumer is just sitting up at night in a fetal position rocking back and forth mumbling to himself. hahaha MAGA baby!!!!! Something smells about this story too. She left 3 Kids behind and Dad is ok with her taking that money and leaving. I say stop chain migration! The rest of the family will follow and be allowed. No paying coyotes. Then the Jean Ralphio The Wooorst Three Jean Moon Shirt will also be allowed. I saw that picture and thought it was about liberals crying all the time. Silly me. And you know what, all those people that shared this photo all over the internet will probably never hear thetruth behind it and will go on thinking she was separated from her Mother.

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