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Trump Is A Puto Shirt

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Great job, Mr. President of dividing the country. You give a bad name to the term immigrants. Everybody on this continent is an immigrant and huge portion came without visa or immigration papers. Actually, most coming to our borders now are refugees and the poorest of poor, needing our compassion and help. Here is how Jesus' words apply to the banquet that is the USA. "When you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous."
Rich people who see a brother or sister in need, yet close their hearts against them, cannot claim that they love God. (1 John 3:17).
“‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me’” (Matthew 25:40 NIV).
“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the Kingdom of God.” He promises that the poor will inherit something far greater than any of the riches of this world. He goes on to say that those who suffer now will not suffer in the kingdom (Luke 6:21–22). Your job is to protect us and our country from evil, like Putin's callous plans to disrupt peace and prosperity. Lory, your perspective makes me sad. That is not what America stands for. I am convinced that if Jesus were to appear to Trump he would ask for better treatment of all crossing into our country asking for help (those not carrying guns or drugs but that is a tiny minority). Brigitte, if I lived in Germany, I might. Also, Germany is doing more than fair share in improving the immigration challenge in Europe/Africa in a moral and good way - will need compromises from all politicians. Refugees from social, criminal even state-sponsored cruelties in their home country. You need to put yourselves in their shoes and situation. In some countries you cannot enter US embassy because spies harm your family if you do.
And yes, while I don't have empty rooms, I will make room for asylum/residence seeking immigrants (and illegal aliens), just let your contact at US border patrol or the DHS reach out to me. God helps those who help themselves! They can come the right way or maybe stand up to their own governments. How can you be so heartless to these innocent children? They did nothing to you. Can you imagine what it would feel like to have your children taken from you? To not know where they are being kept or if there basic needs are being met? These children are not even receiving compassionate care because you won't let their caregivers hold them or comfort them. Do you know what kind of permanent damage you are doing to these children? No, this does not make me proud of our country. How can you be so heartless to these innocent children? They did nothing to you. Can you imagine what it would feel like to have your children taken from you? To not know where they are being kept or if there basic needs are being met? These children are not even receiving compassionate care because you won't let their caregivers hold them or comfort them. Do you know what kind of permanent damage you are doing to these children? No, this does not make me proud of our country. Foreign invaders
Mr president Trump you have the means and the power to defend our country and boarder. You are the commander in chief.
Order the military to build the wall. The military has the biggest and brightest engineers and is the largest construction equipment and operators in North America. They can use 5 billion of the 700 billion and have the wall built continuous from coast to gulf in 8 months.
No congress, democrats, republicans needed.

You can grab it here: Trump Is A Puto T Shirt

Review Trump Is A Puto Shirt

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It is a matter of national security. Here in Florida illegals get the bare minimum car ins. They go together, 3-4 if them to pay for it & they all use the same cars. Then when there’s an accident their ins lays for nothing! Our car ins is high due to them! WE pay..they drive & are responsibility free!! Unbelievable. Here in Florida illegals get the bare minimum car ins. They go together, 3-4 if them to pay for it & they all use the same cars. Then when there’s an accident their ins lays for nothing! Our car ins is high due to them! WE pay..they drive & are responsibility free!! UnbelievableMr. President....Sir..Handle must be gotten hold of what is going on in this country...If not..My gut is telling me....Mother Nature is gearing up to put on a show...Not gone be a pretty one....Earthquakes...volcanic eruptions not a pretty sight to behold.

Mr. President....Sir..Handle must be gotten hold of what is going on in this country...If not..My gut is telling me....Mother Nature is gearing up to put on a show...Not gone be a pretty one....Earthquakes...volcanic eruptions not a pretty sight to behold.

. Thank you Mr. President for remember what country that you are governing. For looking out for AMERICA and it's people. I am PROUD to call you President. Dems want to import millions to create chaos and invasion creates a new world order
Vote out dems and rhinosWe have thank the Democratic Party and liberal community. We never knew that child abuse is okay. It is okay to make your children walk miles and miles with out food and water. So there is no need of DCF or taxes should go down we don’t need agency to help kids. We can let all the parents that have abuse kids out of jail so the kids and parents can be together. What if the Southern States got away with ignoring the Federal Government back in the desegregation of blacks and whites? They want tax subsidies, but it is taxation without representation. Separate the tax money according to registered party. Dems spend their collection and Republicans spend theirs. That would be interesting...not feasible, but interesting. Well it appears to me that we are indeed allowing our country to be overrun...Congress won’t act. They will never fund the wall. We can’t put troops all along our border, and you’re not shipping back all of the illegal aliens to where they came from. So yeah, sure looks to me like we’re being overrun! Nobody believes anything the Dems, never Trumpers, MSM or Hollywood Elites say and yet they keep trying. We the people do not forget Pelosi said she will take your taxes cuts away that she called crumbs to you for her to get a bigger paycheck. And by the way where is missing in action Congress woman Maxine Waters they sure are keeping her quiet. Bernie Sanders is screaming but we remember his written vile papers on women. American people have great memories.. Nw Florida is over ran by illegals, they have taken all the farming and construction job's . Myself and my family went to the tomato field to pick some for canning and let me tell you there were so many too many to count illegals out there and when they see us coming they all duck down or pull their hat's down so you can't see them. I looked at my 16yr old grandson and said " you know the farmers use to hire Kids your age during summer break so you guy's could make some money and get work experience ,I myself use to work out here and made good money" he then looked at me and said "that's not right granny they should be made to go back where their from and the farmers should get fined for hiring them " I then told him your right buddy they should but they don't.. point is send someone to see just how many illegals there are here and do something about it...... Nw Florida is over ran by illegals, they have taken all the farming and construction job's . Myself and my family went to the tomato field to pick some for canning and let me tell you there were so many too many to count illegals out there and when they see us coming they all duck down or pull their hat's down so you can't see them. I looked at my 16yr old grandson and said " you know the farmers use to hire Kids your age during summer break so you guy's could make some Families Belong Together Shirt and get work experience ,I myself use to work out here and made good money" he then looked at me and said "that's not right granny they should be made to go back where their from and the farmers should get fined for hiring them " I then told him your right buddy they should but they don't.. Jean Ralphio The Wooorst Three Jean Moon Shirt is send someone to see just how many illegals there are here and do something about it...... I have a question, How does one country have the right to take and keep children that are citizens of another country? If my child were to go to a different country unaccompanied I would expect that Splatoon 2 World Championship Shirt to send them back. So how do we have the right to keep them?? George Soros funds their elections, so they continue to push his agenda which is to destroy countries with open borders so that the crime-ridden population (with a destroyed culture) become desperate for control, which then leads to more No One Is Illegal On Stolen Land Shirt, more facist law-making, by which they can continue to line their pockets $ and continue their ever-increasing Fortnite Just Play It T Shirt. Let's stop this! When all Americans are housed clothed and fed, when the men and women who risk their lives to make this Recovering Carboholic Shirt the great place everyone wants to come too are well taken care of, then we can worry about illegal immigrants and their quest for freedom.. I thought of a great solution for our border crisis. I hope somehow this idea makes its way to the top!
1st we need to secure the border with a barrier and technology where appropriate. No one can deny that!

Then we create infrastructure working with the Mexico government with the bulk on the southern side of the border.
This infrastructure will include humanitarian processing centers, schools and technology centers to help those who truly want to come to this country and contribute to learn the language, culture, Big Assawoman Bay T Shirt and a skill (if necessary) so that when we bring them into the US they are ready to contribute. We can have job placement and training with a focus on jobs that available. This way were able to vet people before they ever get to our border. This infrastructure will include housing, hospitals, schools and detention facilities for those who are committing crime. It’ll be good for America it’ll be good for Mexico. This will take the pressure off of our ice agents and allow those who are wanting to come to this country and opportunity to succeed! The money saved on the immigration crisis will more than pay for this. At some point these sections of entry can be vibrant Rip X Shirt with jobs and opportunities for both American, Mexican and everyone wanting to truly come to this country for a better life! This is a permanent long term solution to a complex problem. I have more details but will digress for now. I thought of a great solution for our border crisis. I hope somehow this idea makes its way to the top!
1st we need to secure the border with a barrier and technology where appropriate. No one can deny that!

Then we create infrastructure working with the Mexico government with the bulk on the southern side of the border.
This infrastructure will include humanitarian processing Logic Rick And Morty Shirt, schools and technology centers to help those who truly want to come to this country and contribute to learn the language, culture, history and a skill (if necessary) so that when we bring them into the US they are ready to contribute.

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