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Melania Trump I Really Don’t Care Do U TShirt

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I don't think she'll wear a $39.00 jacket this has to be photo shop the link doesn't give enough info of materials where it's made nor what sizes. I know she is a polyglot but, her staff needs to be fired ASAP. They dropped the ball on this if she didn't see the inferred message someone should have stepped up. DISTRACTION-I think this is the part where they are passing something in a closed Congressional setting that everyone will get screwed! What is real is this. We work hard. Send our tax dollars to DC to work and make this country a great country like it use to be.

I usually don't say much about the family members of the president. I remember when Michelle Obama wore a short sleeve dress. How terrible it was. A first lady should never show her arms. What was Melania thinking? God help this country for letting this family bring the country down with them. I just heard about the jacket and I thought it was fake news because there was no way that she would wear that - or her staff allow her to wear it- knowing she'd be photographed and it sends a bad message particularly for the secret mission to see thecages if children for herself. I then realized it was real. She did wear it. I don't care if she changed on the plane. WTF is wrong with her and her staff!!! I am disgusted. After she launched the “Be Best” campaign, I concluded she had zero staff members willing to tell her “uh, not such a great idea”. She really is pathetic isn't she!! No sense, no morality, no idea. Pathetic.
And then for her Marmalade Masher husband to say she wore it to tell the media she 'Doesn't care about their fake news' well, that's somebody else who's pathetic so they deserve each other. little miss grammar Nazi, I think there is. It's difficult to see but I believe it's there. I am so tired of typing "it's" because my auto correct never ever gets its usage rules right. And I'm deathly afraid of having my comments corrected for grammar. Its quite stressful, actually. See what I mean? If I had to put my money on this, I'd say that Steven Miller told her to wear it, to continue their constant barrage of distractions, so that they and their republican cronies can do more damage behind closed doors without anyone noticing. I'm trying to figure out why the laugh emoji is being used so much? There is nothing whatsoever amusing about her jacket. It's inhumane, crass, low brow, & cruel. Cruel beyond reason. How is 'really don't care' ever a remotely appropriate clothing graphic around children directly traumatized by your own husband? Where is her soul, exactly? I think she's an electronic invention being passed off as a human being. She's one of those life-like robots I hear they make nowadays. Gotta be. The jacket was already sold out. I bet when they are back in stock they will be immensely popular and will suddenly cost about $100. I find the jacket choice mystifying: I was starting to think that maybe there was someone in that dysfunctional mess of a family, that had a HEART: my mistake....why would someone with all that money, and wardrobe people helping her choose clothes, wear something in such bad taste, unless she was sending a message!!! Why bother to try to display any feelings towards the HUMAN RACE...Just stay in your Ivory Tower, and support your husband!! OK, I know the following analysis is crazy...Wearing this “message” coat seems just so crazy I keep hoping, clearly naively, if the message isn’t for her husband. After all she wore it only getting on & off the plane at Andrews. If only her message was “Donald, I really don’t care what you think. Do you care about these children?” I really couldn't believe it when I saw it on the news. And, did she visit a shelter for tender age children? No, went to a well established (apparently) Lutheran Medical center caring for teenagers. Very different than little ones who she could have picked up and held like Barbara Bush did with HIV kids. These kids don't even have a disease (we hope) Wonder how many of those 6-10 year old little girls moved to NY are safe from abuse???? Was about to admonish Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian for stooping to their level (i.e. no joe Biden isn’t really groping a ladies bosom with one hand with a bottle of wild turkey in the other hand )- until I saw this also in the NYT . Unbelievable. She was only doing damage control. She is no better than him.

Review Melania Trump I Really Don’t Care Do U TShirt

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I Can't imagine her holding one of the babies. I bet she was glad that it was raining a lot so she could use that excuse not to visit tent city. But those poor children are in those tents in the rain. God forbid if a tornado hits. What protection do they have in a tent. No message? Bullshit. It was 100 degrees there she needed thia coat? Feckless rich whore. This is the company that made the jacket, Zara (SHARE THIS FAR AND WIDE). Interesting. " “For example, senior executives at Zara openly used racial slurs and exchanged racist emails, including emails portraying Michelle Obama serving fried chicken and emails depicting Barack Obama in a Ku Klux Klan hood, with a Confederate flag, on a Cream of Wheat box, on an Aunt Jemima box, and shining shoes,” the complaint states.
Miller, who is Jewish, gay and a U.S. citizen, claims that he experienced discrimination firsthand as the company’s general counsel between 2008 and 2015." In her defense, I am wondering if she reads and writes fluently in English. The people of the former Soviet satellites were Russafied. They were not allowed to learn English. She most likely learned English from being in the United States and France. She does a very good job at speaking English. Much better than I would Russian or Slovenian. I think she is bing used as a pawn. She is being used. I truly don’t think she meant this. Something got lost in the translation, literally. People from the 80s who remember the sitcom, “My Cousin Valki” that was all about language spoofs a distant cousin from Russia who came to the US made. Seriously...I do not think she’s an evil person, she is a human in a bad position.

What if those are her husband's words, and she's wearing them as a big FU to him? It does sound like something he'd say. Plus, his tweet about it smelled like another lie, so maybe..... Sure an appropriate jacket for a 40 something woman...and a first lady, and if she knows etiquette, and cultures , really? really? While the FLOTUS is free to wear what ever she feels like, this is one attire she should have put in the back burner for the time being at least, they say a picture speaks louder than words, well this picture and words says a lot. Dear Zara clothing company: What were you thinking?! This reminds me of the recent, gigantic sized capsule pill line. If you pull the hoodie up, does it say fake news? Really blew that advertising opportunity. Is this real? If so, I suggest she is talking about her role in the Trump world. I have a hard time with sympathy for her, but I hope she is under competent psychiatric care. Things are bad enough without a suicide in the White House. Pure speculation:Perhaps she did not have surgery when she was in hospital and later out of sight. Pure evil on my Rick And Morty Run The Jewels Shirt: Please Mr. Mueller, call her in for an interview. Talk about the weather, anything. But look really excited afterward. She can’t be that disconnected, you say?! The wife of the biggest bully on Earth choosing an anti bullying agenda?!!! To be truthful, I don't think she's smart enough to even know what's on the Lebron James Ultimate Warrior T Shirt or to make the connection. But isn't that what makes this administration so sad. Having no clue. People seem to love Melania, wake up, she was always a money grubbing wh*re, why do you think she married the asshat! They're two of a kind. So..uh..where are those folks who made the big stink about the correct time and place to make a public protest?
She is basically "at work" representing the she not? One photo shows White pants and blouse with white sleeves,another shows black pants and blouse with black and white striped sleeves.Draw your own conclusions,but,pay attention to "Details".I don’t like Melania but I really don’t know why people fail to understand why she wore that jacket. Frankly I’m disappointed in you Betty. I thought you were kind of smart. Did she buy this jacket after it was revealed her husband slept with Stormy? It makes more sense that she doesn't care who Donald sleeps with as long as it isn't her. Did she buy this jacket after it was revealed her Big Assawoman Bay T Shirt slept with Stormy? It makes more sense that she doesn't care who Donald sleeps with as long as it isn't her.. At first I thought this couldn't be real. At least she's honest, throwing her "I don't give a f*ck" out there for all to see. It's like we are living in the Twilight Zone. Why would she wear that jacket? Did she go to the tent camps or tender age camps or speak to one of those parents who’s children have been taken away. I expected so much more from her visit!! Maybe she thought it was appropriate for her big No One Is Illegal On Stolen Land Shirt / field trip visiting children from 3rd World countries who were treated worse than lots of pets in the USA? Their whole clan is absolutely stupid and completely clueless. They sure provide heaps of entertainment, though. I just wish this was a reality show and not real life... The children gave her that , a hand made arts and crafts Families Belong Together Shirt keeping them educated and engaged in the detention center. Isn't she lovely! I’d like to think that wasn’t a message regarding the children, but perhaps some other personal stuff, like the way she looks etc. if she’s been criticized by press shortly before... That has to tell you Incredibles 2 Outline Combo Jack Jack Shirt, she would never wear a $39 anything. It’s a silent protest and a scream for help. Pretty sure she want out of the circus car. Indeed, at least she is honest. But...who aside from adolescents would wear a jacket that says this in the first place? So many people bought one of those Splatoon 2 World Championship Shirt from Zara today, they sold out. That should tell us all something about how many deplorables are out there. The $39 dollars is either a misprint....or she specifically looked for that Recovering Carboholic Shirt and is biting the bullet being seen in something that cheap to show that. A bunch of people act like they care, but they don’t. this whole thing will be forgotten in a couple weeks, just being honest. I really have to wonder if he's holding one of her family nembers hostage, in order to force her to wear that.

Another trending tee: