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And protests, crime, trafficking, and more all happen in the USA too. Barbara McCone - Ferris I don’t have kids but if I did I would make sure they participate in making the world a better place so they don’t grow up to be belligerent imbeciles such as somebody on this thread... I’m 17 and just got back from an international mission trip to Puerto Rico. Getting to experience life with the people and getting to see the devastation from one of the hurricanes last fall that still hasn’t been fixed was life changing. We are so blessed in America, even with the poverty level where it is. God said to take his word to the ends of the earth, and that’s all I’m seeing with this article. These groups were thrown a curveball that could be used to glorify the name of Jesus. Kevin since YOU do NOT have children, YOU have no right to preach your crap to REAL parents.... Your ignorance is overwhelming. You actually think most children are sitting home all day playing video games and not being productive citizens. Your bigoted narrow view.

Kevin Jones are you not the one that said it is better to send your minor children to a disease infested violent foreign country than staying in the comfort of their home playing video games? As I stated to YOU before, some kids do NOT play video games. Some actually have jobs, interships, research projects, and other REAL responsibilities. Some people actually help people in their own community and NOT send their minor children in harms way to try and impress others.... Maybe you could learn something from those responsible kids and their families that raised them... You do NOT even have children so stay out of parent's right to have children not being abused by some religious belief.

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So your religion states YOU MUST send your minor children to foreign countries, to spread YOUR religious idealogy, the hell with their safety???? That is a CULT!!! That is Child Abuse.... Robyn Sellers Brownley Christians, not rich white people, do it to share God’s words and His love. Taking youth, and even adults, to other countries on mission trips is life altering. Barbara McCone - Ferris I went to Haiti when i was 17, Guatemala when I was 15. My parents did not “send” me, we raised money and wanted to go! There were plenty of responsible adults along on the trip. It was nothing but good for me to see the way some people are forced to live, and it made me ever so thankful that we are so richly blessed here in America. Christianity is not a cult, but rather a relationship with Jesus Christ, and as a minor, my parents were not sending me to spread “their” religious beliefs, they were just as much my beliefs, and we just wanted to show Gods love to hurting people.

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God bless. Barbara McCone - Ferris Well, you shouldn't let a teen drive before the age of 18 or let them go to big dangerous cities in the USA, because there is crime and danger there too! If you have let teens do those things then, according to you since these things have danger, you are also guilty of child abuse! Good luck justifying that to your own standards! Have a nice day! Barbara has two brainiac kids that are perfect. They never do anything wrong and help the old lady cross the street and rescue cats from trees. Layla Kimble Just because person or group wants to do something that is going to take them in the enemy's territory doesn't mean G d sent them..

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