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Steven Wilson To The Bone Tour 2018 Hoodie

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You don't get to climb the high horse about people eating dogs when you remain silent about the oter billions of animals that are killed and tortured for food. hard to watch when my 8yo welsh collie has cancer of the spleen and weeks to live, her sister is now taking advantage for leadership and causing fights. its a very difficult time for the wife, me and our two furbabies. I guess we are all animals and some eat chickens some eat dogs, some pick whales from the seas! . Its the cruelty that is wrong. Anyway, back to the music, Saw the show in Cardiff a few months back and it was the best gig ive seen for a long time, Alt-j was a close second. :) Hawkwind were very poor. I've signed a few of these so far. I really hope something changes. I want to help these animals but I don't feel like there is anything I can really do, aside from signing. What the fuck China? They have no regard for any animal welfare, which is why I stopped buying cosmetic brands that still sell in China, because they aren't cruelty free when it comes to cosmetic testing. China seems to be the biggest offender when it comes to animal rights. This is disgusting.

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Review Steven Wilson To The Bone Tour 2018 Hoodie

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However, no matter how much vegans and vegetarians preach otherwise, it's in our nature to eat meat and we have to draw the line somewhere. Torture is never justified but the mere act of killing to eat is. This short movie sequence has opened my eyes a few years ago about how morally wrong, industrial and cold everything about humans handling with treating other<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Chris Evans Immigrant Shirt actually is.
For me it's hard to distinguish whether we people from the »Western World« should be the moral inquisitor for everything that happens elsewhere (be it from tradition or cultural differences) regarding the daily ugly price of our civilized and comfy life or not. I don't think a thousand year tradition would be eliminated due to a petition. This is a cultural thing in Asia. Korea does this to Horses and so on. The dogs, cats are not domesticated in Asia. They are used for food. This is disgusting agreed, but they have been dong this for many generations. I eat meat, but not Kosher as they torture the cow to produce the meat in an awful way.

Signed - ...there`s no words to describe my feelings...thanks for posting, although it`s hard to be confronted with this...hope they will stop with this slaughtering like they stopped bull fightings in Spain - we can make a different<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Omahogs T Shirt. I truly do not understand how this kind of thing is allowed to happen. It should give everyone a good idea as to who and what we are dealing with. This is not civilization as we know it. As long as humans can upress and kill other humans in name of "religion" (god, money, power, etc.) it will be difficult to expect people to be different to animals. I know things happen around the World to match it - Dolphins, Whales, Sea Lion pup sand even our own slaughter house food trade but it would be good to have a little victory against what is effectively just a ceremony, rather than an important food source. as much as I love you as a musician and an artist. One of the things that I most enjoy is how you use your music to reach out and address great issues in the world such as this. It never seems forced or like a publicity stunt, it's always genuine.

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As a fellow composer I salute your cause(s) and happily sign this. One step to making the world a better place for everyone/thing. How about poor humans living and dying in slavery? Don't care much about them... it's their fault, right, sure don't care enough to raise money for them.. but dogs, no problem... Once humans start getting treated humanely, I can worry about other animals, if I choose. Why the fuck would they put pictures of it right there? Some kind of content warning would be appreciated. thank you for role modeling. as well as education, this is the only way to increase awareness and evolve toward a more responsible and sustainable world for all the living beings on this planet. Despite the fact, that I can't imagine eating dog, which if I open my mind I might understand. What I can't stand is torture. This is disgusting. Oh yes, and after signing it, let's all go and have a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Samuel L Jackson Incredibles Shirt beef burger, made of stupit and not cute puppy cow with no emotions. Great cause but it's still a hypocrisy. I have signed it a few days ago, actually.... I knew they were eating dogs in Canton, but not that they ddi this, which is very different than breeding animals to eat them.... I sometimes see why you are talking such depressive matters in your albums, Steven, but as for me, I try, I *try* to see the beauty and to promote the beauty of this decaying so-called "civilized" world. This said, but if I could write music and release it (a dream which will certainly never become true), I know there would be very dark and angry music as well, along the purely beautful music that I love and hear in my head… Glad you posted this, too. My plea got about two responses. The whole practice is stomach churningly disgusting. Doesn't belong in today's world. I do feel disgust, but not disbelief. In fact, I actually feel a bit hypocritical signing this having just had chicken curry for lunch. Not to mention last night's steak dinner. Yeah, but let's forget about the billions of cows chickens and pigs because you have a mere bias towards animals our society has deemed pet worthy.
So funny people will condemn the eating of dogs but will have no problem with a cut up lamb on their plate. Fuck off.

Sorry, but I will not dictate what other cultures can do when we basically do the same thing. You want to say eating dogs is wrong and then have some bacon? Sorry, America, you can't have it both ways. If you ask me, stop meat production across the board. What makes man think he has the right to treat another living being like this. Signed this and many more, maybe one day suffering will end. Thank you Steven for sharing it with your fans, don't stop, until the suffering stops. As an atheist, I find the only thing worse than a proselytizing believer is a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->No One Is Illegal On Stolen Land Shirt. This posting of Mr Wilson's has reached Morrissey levels of hyperbole, emotionalism, shortsightedness, impracticality, and (frankly) whining. What the fuck??????!!!!! This plainly murder!! I'm sorry this is a bit beyond cultural differences, "Jesus wept" already.............. well done Steven!...I have signed all these petitions and I have tried my friends do the same...I knew you someday would come to say something about this...that is one of the reasons why I love you. Don't know if you have a dog Steven but we have that wonderful Gordon Setter, treated as a full member of the family. You can imagine how we feel when we see this. ;-(((. Great Steven!!! Now we figth to no esportation of greyhound from ireland to Macau china! We'll be in Gardone at the Vittoriale theatre in 12 of july to see you again!!! The thought of this is appalling, but I have learned, no matter what the rest of the world thinks, they are going to do what they do, all we can do is not purchase anything that contributes to their cause. I think you're the best thing that happened to music, atleast for me and I have 2 dogs and love them a lot. But like many of them have pointed out already, you're being hypocritical. Watching the daily news is worse than any horror-movie - it's facts. Killing and torturing of both human beings and animals seems to be happening persistently everywhere on this planet. It is so very hard to accept... Some of us have signed countless petitions, spearheaded by Lucy Jordache (Marillion's manager) and our love for animals. Hopefully it'll stop soon. China and Korea are enemies for our Japanese in every meaning. This is one, too. They eat a dog. I can never permit such a cruel thing!! Are you fucking kidding me! What in the goddamn hell is wrong with humans! This kind of fucked-up shit makes me ashamed to be human!!!😡😡😡😡😡 I cannot describe what I would like to do to these barbarian POS! 💩💩💩💩 👿👿👿👿👿👿 Thanks SW for caring! BTW for all you trying to justify this by talking about chickens, cows, pigs, etc. Don't be telling me this shit either!! I've been a vegan for 35 years and agree that these industries are equally offensive, barbaric and unnecessary! We have a choice today!!! I've been living off rice and all kinds of tasty vegan food and vegetables for 35+ years and I'm doing just fine! Already signed. Thank you so much for sharing, Steven! You're not only an exceptionally gifted musician but also a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Fight For Old Dc Caps Shirt humang being.