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I Can I Will Sweater

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Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, this of National scale, where is the support??? West Virginia State Police, we have looters, we are dealing with minimal police protection - the people whom have already lost much continue to do so because of the lack of support.

National Guard, we could use some help. Obama really offended me when he said we would go to back of the queue . I am a proud Brit and really believe in our special country today is a little divided and we will have tough times ahead it would be nice to get support from our special allies rather than threats. I donated and will do so again. A lot of others are doing so as well because we are tired of the smoke and mirrors most other politicians use. We demand our country back and fully support Donald Trump for POTUS in 2016. Tell your story walking you shitbag libs. Tell it walking, nobody cares to hear your lies. Walk on home boy. They latched onto the erroneous story of Trump mistaking that Scotland voted to leave. that's not what he said at all and at least half of the Scottish people DID vote to leave. Really, you can't believe anything the MSM prints about Trump. For the first time in my life , last week, I donated to a presidential campaign , it wasn't much but it's all I could afford right now. I hope you will win, you are a wonderful man and I have faith you will definitely be a great LEADER, the best we ever had !! We all need to send trump money so we can get him in office and let trump put hillary in prison where she belongs, please donate to the trump campaign and make America great again, God bless you all. Bernie Sanders sold out and now embraces the TPP, Wall Street corruption, globalism, and the rigged system he pledged to fight against.

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Donald Trump is the only candidate I trust to restore our sovereignty. Good work TRUMP please extend to support of small donation world wide because there are many people like me who are believer of America under one God are willing to donate to Make America Great Again. I am a small women owed business in Chattanooga TN this is the first Time I have every donated to a president candidate in my life. I am 67.
Less make this 10 million 20 million.

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I challenge everyone to donate 50.00 dollars today. A small price to pay to save our jobs and our further. I donated $70 total. We can't expect Trump to do this on his own! We all need to help even if you only give $10:). If we stick together it will all add up. Biscello Linda that is very unfair because up til now he has funded his own campaign .... name ONE single candidate in the history of politics who has done that just for the primaries? but you wouldnt say a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->I Am A Marvelaholic Shirt about hillary taking millions from countries that would treat women like slaves and kill gays lol shaking my head on that one. Biscello Linda You do realize Hillary is a millionaire and what has she contributed to her campaign???( waiting to hear that dime drop) Oh, that's right, she is funded by all the lobbyists special interests and who knows else. And you think she represents the people?? LMAO !!!!! Bryan Ross at least Trump sent his prayers to you early this AM that's more that obama who has not even mentioned it.

God bless your community to get speedy help and recovery fast ! Rose Licata, another lie!! Obama declared a federal state of emergency for WV hours ago. Which allows for federal aid. Stop the hate. Stop political conspiracies. Once again this is about WV not Trump. Peace. Why call on Donald Trump???? Call on your loser president Obama! Trump is not our president yet so why call on him? Plus you're not the only county that need help, the Red Cross is helping in every community that they can.

Prayers for you, your family and friends as well as all people in your community. Obama really offended me when he said we would go to back of the queue . I am a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Fortnite Nike Shirt Brit and really believe in our special country today is a little divided and we will have tough times ahead it would be nice to get support from our special allies rather than threats. I donated and will do so again. A lot of others are doing so as well because we are tired of the smoke and mirrors most other politicians use. We demand our country back and fully support Donald Trump for POTUS in 2016. Tell your story walking you shitbag libs. Tell it walking, nobody cares to hear your lies. Walk on home boy. Thank you for your generous donation.

Your support matters now more than ever because the stakes are so high.

We must stop Crooked Hillary from ruining our country. We must thwart the slew of bias and lies the<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Lebron James Ultimate Warrior T Shirt media is feeding America. We MUST win BIG in November and Make America Great Again! Your donation will help us accomplish this -- and more.

Together, our voices are becoming louder and clearer, representing a bright new future for our great nation full of more opportunities for everyone, not just a select few.
We thank you for your continuous support,
Team TRUMP. They latched onto the erroneous story of Trump mistaking that Scotland voted to leave. that's not what he said at all and at least half of the Scottish people DID vote to leave. Really, you can't believe anything the MSM prints about Trump. For the first time in my life , last week, I donated to a presidential campaign , it wasn't much but it's all I could afford right now. I hope you will win, you are a wonderful man and I have faith you will definitely be a great LEADER, the best we ever had !! We all need to send trump money so we can get him in office and let trump put hillary in prison where she belongs, please donate to the trump campaign and make America great again, God bless you all. Bernie Sanders sold out and now embraces the TPP, Wall Street corruption, globalism, and the rigged system he pledged to fight against.

Donald Trump is the only candidate I trust to restore our sovereignty. Good work TRUMP please extend to support of small donation world wide because there are many people like me who are believer of America under one God are willing to donate to Make America Great Again. I am a small women owed business in Chattanooga TN this is the first Time I have every donated to a president candidate in my life. I am 67.
Less make this 10 million 20 million. I challenge everyone to donate 50.00 dollars today. A small price to pay to save our jobs and our further. I donated $70 total. We can't expect Trump to do this on his own! We all need to help even if you only give $10:). If we stick together it will all add up. I too donated and will support Donald Trump with prayer. So proud to be able to be a part of this movement as I am Mexican American born and raised in Texas but live in beautiful Virginia. No word from Hillary.
No word from Barry Soetoro.

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---Trump sent prayer and made the announcement of the flood.
Otherwise I wouldn't have heard anything! I count on Mr Trump for the news.
God bless WVA. Donation #76753764, This is my Donation to the election of Donald Trump. Although I have always voted, this is the first time I felt the need and duty to send a donation for a candidate for president. I am pushing 60, I have seen a lot of changes in our country and have seen how the Democrats AND Republican’s leaders act.

I will be the first to say that I would gladly vote for a woman to be our president. Of all the people I know in my life, the dearest and most passionate ones are all woman. Hillary would be a disgrace to this cause if she were to be the<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Fight For Old Dc Caps Shirt to take this office. In the coming months, Trump will make this clear as these two candidates are not going to hold back… it’s going to be ugly. But please listen to both.

They both have character flaws, we all do, after all were all human. The Flaws of one, in my humble opinion, are no comparison to the other, not even close.