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Rope Tree Journalist Some Assembly Required Hoodie

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They need to take responsibility for their thought process and how they present their thoughts publicly. A fearful journo is a good thing. These assholes have become brazenly partisan. If they are not careful, they may create another Timothy McVeigh. None of the so-called journalists spoke up about the Crazy Bernie Shooter last year did they? Hmmm

Amazing display of hypocrisy!!!! What goes around comes around. As in Chicken Little, "sky is falling" and it will rain on your parade. Suck it up little buttercup!! What will they say, if proven true, that Ramos is a Democrat? Funny once that comes out the story goes mute. Ludicrous Buffoons! The dangers are that people don't buy your lies, so you promote the inciting of riots, then whine if you happen to get caught up in them!!! I haven’t seen a journalist in 15 or 20 years, there are no more journalist! Just a group of societies blood suckers, you know media whores. Nope
Its like printing a false story on front page on Monday and putting retraction on page 38 on Thursday.
That got it out there and that was the purpose. The fake news people are not journalists, the are commentators spewing the lying left wing rhetoric. Now the real what they sow. Wah! Wah! Wah! Maybe they can get better stories in the battle field if they do duty as forward observers. Call in some artillery strikes. Only wish it were true, I would prefer the 'loss' of these people over our brave troops. They are such cry babies. Problem with your story is YOU ARE NOT JOURNALIST.

Available here: Rope Tree Journalist Some Assembly Required T Shirt

Review Rope Tree Journalist Some Assembly Required Hoodie

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You are lying liberal puppets of the liberal controlled networks. STFU! What a bunch of self-centered babies. If it's dangerous it's because you have made yourselves enemies of freedom. MSNBC and CNN better watch their mouth they could be next because they spend too much hatred. People are getting really upset with all their negativity and trashing Trump. Most people are not real sympathetic with you. Start being real journalist instead of tabloid reporters, then people might have more respect for your profession. NOT REPORTERS - THEY ARE PROPAGANDISTS! Those were not threats either MR DRAMATIC - those were peoples opinions of you! Boo Hoo! You commie sissies can’t take a little pressure!

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No one needs you subversive fks! Go play on a railroad track! Well alot of them spread hate and want to split this country so what do they expect if ypu preach hate that what you get. Journalistic integrity is long dead a memory of a bygone era where bringing the days news and events into people's homes and lives was done so by men and women that adhered to a silent<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--><!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Support Positive Lgbt Representation Shirt of truth and impartiality. In today's world we are fed a steady diet of biased based propaganda by personalities who's sole purpose is to taint the facts or in the vast majority of cases outright lie. In the United states the media is interwoven into the bloodlines that have dominated politics for a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Thou Shalt Not Try Me Shirt in Canada the media is an arm of the liberal agenda and government is the sole means of existence for the far left socialist party media. So you've been in war zone? Same assignment as Brian Williams no doubt. LOL - corporate jesters putting on a pity me show - Their biggest fear is - someone may put pucker to butt better than them. LOL. Meanwhile real Journalists like Assange are locked up. They are shot in Gaza. SOUNDS LIKE A BUNCH OF WHINERS. CRYING ABOUT THE<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->I Am A Marvelaholic Shirt OF THIER JOBS. STOP WHINING. YOU ARE NOTHING BUT LIBERAL BABIES. If CNN were to disappear tomorrow, no one would miss them and we wouldn't have anyone to make fun of. They have created their circumstances if they don't like the position they are in stop with fake news and constant attacks on our country and president. It is beyond sad that this is a legitimate question to ask the president of the United States of America. How did we get here and how do we get back? Lolly Mindel impeachment goes through Congress. Do you really want to trust a Republican led Congress? Nancy LeGrand Battiste actually very versed in history, what lie are you speaking about? We got here by political activist calling them self journalists. Political bias has no business in journalism yet it is everywhere that's how this has happened and it happened a very long time ago. Carol Jensen vote blue if you want to take us to Global socialism. Open borders. Destruction of the Constitution. Hatred of a black president & Russia got us here and how we get out is by telling everyone that will listen to vote and VOTE WISELY!!!

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Brian Hallenborg no wrong- please read about Democratic Socialism it is not the evil Russian thing you are thinking about. Second no one is taking about open boarders just sensible immigration. And pay attention to the current occupant in the white House, because that is who is destroying the constitution. WE are here because we did nothing as Barrack Obama's Presidency was shat upon by small minded devious men who wanted to nullify his legacy. Brian Hallenborg trump and the Republican Party are doing a great job of pissing on the Constitution, isolationism, and fascism at the border. Way to go Jim, perfect place to ask him. The man in front telling you to shush, SHAME ON HIM. Keep up the good work ALL YOU JOURNALISTS, STAY SAFE. PRAYERS COMING YOUR WAY. Yep. This will go down in history as one of our darkest times.
The Tidal Wave is coming and it is Blue!!! Answer to your first question is your ludicrous election system where the person with 3m more votes loses, and answer to second is easy: vote! Easy. Walter Kronkite told the news with out bias much unlike roporters of today. Kristen's questions - how did we get here and how do we return to normalcy are the ones I ask myself daily. How do we do it? Have we lost our way for decades? That’s right. The other day, Jim was accosted at a rally where 45 was speaking. The audience was insulting Jim and telling him “CNN sucks” and to leave. He said politely, that he wasn’t leaving. He was so professional but stern. More of his fellow journalists need to stand up against this. People are dying. CNN AND MSNBC STOP COVERING HIS NAZI RALLIES! That is why he WON he had free TV 24/7!
STOP HIM NOW! This is what people like Jim Acosta were doing to us conservatives. Don’t like it do they. “Do unto others as you would have done to you.” Deborah Were you conservatives ever blocked from escape in your office while a shooter opened fire? Next conservatives will be blaming Hillary for the<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Omahogs T Shirt on the press. That's kind of counter-productive to this whole issue, don't you think, Brian MeMartino? It's a childish, "Trumpian" attitude that solves nothing! Violence apparently begets violence when testosterone is involved. Sigh... Jerry Erban personally I think Acosta has a punchable face and a nasty attitude. Not to mention how utterly rude he is. Wasn’t Acosta exercising his right as a journalist to enlighten the public as well..?? His query may never get answered if not allowed to approach.??Jerry Erban
No punching but a harsh rebuke is needed for that guy… Nancy LeGrand Battiste A very reasonable question given the potus’ constant slamming the press. So today after the murder of five journalists, #45 does an about face. Yes violence solves all problems. That was the same position the shooter took as well. Regardless of the reason for shooting these journalists in Annapolis their blood is on Trump's hands. He is The Advocate for violence and hatred against the real journalists. I am oh so waiting for the Heavens to open up and the crack of lightning come down to strike him. I love that Jim Acosta gets under his thin skin so badly. Keep doing your job Mr. Acosta, the American people are behind you and all of our hard working free press 100%. That doesn't include you, State TV. So sad that a journalist has to say this to a sitting president. Thank you Mr. Acosta for your courage to speak up ! A free press is the most important thing we can fight for. Thank you, Jim Acosta for not being cowed by trump's ugly rhetoric. There is zero chance trump will see his responsibility for the hate in America. He knows he's divisive, and does it deliberately, divide and conquer.