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I Paint My Own Reality Frida Kahlo V Neck Shirt

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This makes me sad, I was an immigrant but now a U.S. Citizen. I'm an infantryman in the Army, 82nd ABN. I serve for what I believe America is and this is'nt it. As a human, ripping kids away from their parents is traumatic. Left or right there needs to be some changes made to this policy. I have had Repub people tell me this was the same as kids being left by there military father or mother!!! It made me so upset for them to say that! There is no comparison!!! Bobby Peters I think you would understand if you and your pretty family was actually from Guatemala, would you not do anything to keep your family safe, to provide a good life for your children without hunger, to get them away from gangs that are sometimes more powerful than the government. Our country is supposed to be one the greatest in the world, that’s why immigrants like William are willing to fight for it even though they weren’t born here. You might be a veteran but that doesn’t give you the right to tell other servicemen why they enlisted my friend. Seeking asylum is not illegal. Crossing the border is a misdemeanor at best, it does not merit separation from your children. I'm not for this. I'm against it, but what's the difference when US citizen parent creates a unstable harmful environment for their children? Social workers comes and separates them right?

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Review I Paint My Own Reality Frida Kahlo V Neck Shirt

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Is that much different? I'm NOT for separating children from families but cmon. Mikey Poblete how is that similar? Obviously if a person is hurting their child they will be separated... Ppl crossing a border to give their children a better life isn't similar to ppl losing their kids out of neglect or abuse. Smh. Mikey Poblete apples and oranges. How is abusing your children the same as taking them from a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Porsche Pink Pig T Shirt in search of a better life comparable? 1. Not all CPS separations where they take away a child, are valid. Not all are for abuse or deliberate neglect. In 2000 there was a study in Massachusetts that revealed around 60% of the children were taken from their parents for simple poverty, that's ALL. And the system then spent THREE TIMES AS MUCH on putting those kids through the system, into foster care and sometimes adoptions (and both foster and adoptive parents get paid by the feds), as they would have if they'd simply given the families enough aid to raise them above the "neglect due to poverty" line. Your tax dollars at work, and doing mental/emotional damage to those children ONLY because their parents were poor.

2. CPS has become a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Logic Rick And Morty Shirt, by which many states pad their state budgets, using taking children to get the federal payouts to their state system. This is why they often will not allow a taken child to go to extended family begging to take in the child, and instead put the child in foster care. One case that's easy to look up is the case of South Dakota, because they were (and in many cases still are) doing this to Native American children---it got international attention because it violates laws regarding placement of said children back into their community, instead of with Whites. Many children who are placed in foster care (or adoptions) get put with abusers and molesters, in part because many states a) don't do a good job of investigating those people, and b) many states use private companies to do their foster care placement for them, and those companies don't do proper investigation.

3. Yes, this is a BIG problem in the U.S. and has been for years, and has gotten little media attention---BUT, standing up to abuse of children and the wrongful taking of children, is NOT an "either/or" situation: we can advocate against abuses in the CPS and Foster/Adoption system, AND stand up to the abuse of children and human rights violations being done by our government to immigrants and asylum-seekers. WE CAN DO BOTH.

See more:

4. Just an FYI for some of you who don't know this: there are over 20 U.S. Veterans who've served in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc., who have been deported to Mexico. Some of them have now suicided. :( You would think that, unless the person was convicted of a violent crime, anyone who enrolls and serves in the U.S. Military would be granted citizenship, if they aren't citizens already but are living here... but nope. Oh, I forgot to mention in the CPS stuff, that sometimes they manufacture charges to take children, with certain doctors, therapists, police, and CPS workers working together to do it.

One heinous case (out of many I've seen evidence of) was a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Families Belong Together Shirt who moved from Kentucky to Oregon to get their kids away from the woman's abusive parents.

The local CPS office in Oregon got a call from KENTUCKY claiming the father (who's a naturalized citizen, from Russia IIRC) was abusing the wife and children. They videotaped when the cops came for them. It was clear: the cops invaded the home without a warrant, abused the mother when she wouldn't surrender the baby she was holding, then took pictures of her bruises THEY put on her and claimed he'd done it. You can see in the video that prior to them breaking in, she was bruise-free in those areas.

This couple has been fighting for years now to get their children back. (And their case is so heartbreaking, a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Pirate Angel Shirt is representing them pro bono (free of charge).) The local CPS agent wants to send the children to the woman's parents in Kentucky.

About those grandparents: they're both ex-marines. The father was convicted of a felony and dishonorably discharged, because he was a) stealing govt. ordinance, and had a huge stash of explosives, guns, ammo, etc. in his home, and b) belonged to ATOMWAFFEN, a violent Nazi-racist paramilitary group.
IIRC both these ex-marine grandparents had been cited for abusing their daughter.
Oh, did I forget to mention that the grandmother at some point had *worked for CPS in Kentucky*? Ahem.
So you have an abusive couple, with one of them being a violent felon and the other using her ties to local CPS and government, trying to get hold of their grandchildren, to punish their abused daughter for trying to *protect* those children from contact with her abusive parents... and the CPS agent and cops in Oregon who worked with her not only violated multiple laws and CPS procedures, but *want to give the kids to the abusers the family was fleeing in the first place.*
As I said, this is one of numerous cases I've seen the records on... and in many of them, the children were being loved and cared for by their families, and were taken and then put in places where they were abused and/or molested. It's sickening. Sometimes the children even die in the foster care or shelter or group home they're put into. :(

Again, this IS something people need to learn about and stand up and fight to change---BUT SO IS THE ABUSE GOING ON AT OUR BORDERS. Human rights and children's rights do not depend on a border, a race, a nationality---they're rights for ALL, and ALL need to be supported and fought for. Liv Olivia I am not for the separation of families. I understand they are trying to cross the border to try to give a better life, but have you have talked to anyone personally who have made that actual trip? It's dangerous! To put your children through that is risking a lot! Mikey Poblete staying is more than likely certain death for some. What would you choose? Sickening just how ignorant and full of hate a Republicans are. To defend this policy. Even worse doing it while blaming previous Presidents. Richie McCarthy we're the ones with all the guns. I wouldn't hope for a civil war but if it ever happens this country will run a lot<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Chris Evans Immigrant Shirt when it's all said and done. The snowflakes will be fleeing by the millions. You don’t think the government really knows who has the stockpiles of guns. Good luck beating a drone with your pea shooter. thank you Facebook for not showing me any of Brian’s stupid comments. Just seeing the stupidity at the beginning of each sentence in notifications.