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Putin Riding A Bear Tank Top Shirt

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Yes I stopped to let the poor bear cross the road. How sad! It's awful to think anyone would hit a living creature as and then go on! I a sad statement about human beings!! Natures greatest enemy! Its not animals its MAN! I simply cannot understand what is going on in some of the minds of these commenters who are railing on about "Oh, I hit a squirrel on my way to work last week, gonna toss me in the slammer too!" No, we're not going to charge you, you imbecile, because you did not commit a crime. What is so hard to understand here? It was a protected animal in a National Park. Even if you didn't know it was protected (and by the way, ignorance of a law is NOT a defense, ever) common sense would tell you that a hitting a bear cub is probably a bigger deal than hitting a squirrel. And by not reporting it, you are committing a crime...not to mention are a giant a**! And if you don't understand the difference between a bear and a squirrel and can't make the connection that bears are less abundant, you are also an idiot. An an even bigger idiot if you think anyone actually expected you to get out of your car at the accident with an angry bear. Where did people even get that idea from?! These ridiculous comments just show how disconnected we are from nature. We need more environmental education in schools. Every school should have a garden or one nearby. We need more meaningful green spaces in cities. Vehicle movement during night should be prohibited in the parts of highways that crosses parks. We can make such small compromises to save the precious wild life. When I was in Yellowstone I had to continually pull off to allow idiots to race past me.

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Review Putin Riding A Bear Tank Top Shirt

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They travel at freeway speeds. Why do so many hurry through the park like its a commute to work? SLOW down! Maybe you'll see more. I am not for shutting down national parks,the creation of them was for the "every man" to be able to see the majestic beauty of this country. That being said,the "every man" has seemed to lost respect for said beauty by either wandering off clearly posted trails and getting roasted in hot springs,or spray painting,destroying rock formations,or running down animals like they are on the autobahn...this needs to stop. Do we have to turn each national park into a park and ride so no one risks themselves,animals,or nature? Maybe so... This is so absolutely beyond stupid. "Hit and run"? A CRIME?! NatGeo have become raving lunatics. The animal got hit by a vehicle. Like millions of other animals each year. The driver was damn smart not to stop and get out.

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The mother most likely would have mauled, if not killed them. Kudos driver for having sense, even if the situation was unfortunate. I got a good idea, why don't all you bunny huggers stay out of my state and that will decrease the odds of animals getting hit accidentally on the highway. Meme has the book in 399. Stupid ass tourists. They should have to take buses in. It's a grotesque LA like traffic jam there in summer during day and idiots drive fast at night. There always seems to be an outcry for justice when an aminal harms or kills a human, but never, never when a human kills or harms an aminal, so wrong and so sad. You see this problem often in the national parks where people do not obey and respect the posted speed limits. People need to have more respect for the Parks and that entails it's speed limits as well.
