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Plastic Is The Real Killer Long SLeeve Shirt

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It sickens me. I live out in the country, and the ditches along the sides of most roads are consistently littered with trash - cans, glass and plastic bottles, Styrofoam containers, fast food containers of all shapes and sizes, plastic grocery bags that end up wherever the wind carries them. It makes me sick to my stomach, and concerned for humanity. And whilst everyone is talking about this massive problem supermarkets alone are wrapping products in so much plastic, they produce tones of waste and not really giving the consumer a choice. We can't even buy a single item of fresh produce these days without the plastic packaging. It's a vicious circle of waste production. You buy - throw - recycle. Eliminate the packaging!!! Imagine the benefits of recycling all of the availableplastic off of the coast (that is still able to be recycled, the plastic in this article doesnt seem to be) the recycled material could be made into useful things that could benefit the lives of those who need them most. There is a company working with fishing boats, pullingplastic out of the sea.

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Review Plastic Is The Real Killer Long SLeeve Shirt

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They break it down and spin the plastic into threads to make clothing. Hopefully this will be the biggest new industry, and we can clean up our mess. It makes me wonder about cruise ships as one source after Princess Cruise line was found to be deliberately dumping oily waste off shores of England and falsifying logs. I hope scientists are analyzing the plastic to help with a trail source.

Also, freighters if they are carrying plastic for recycling and get a better freight payment offer so dump on route. Last Friday I didn't go to work, instead I headed to Revere Beach near Boston. I hadn't been to the beach in years. We sat under a canopy to avoid getting burned and relaxed all morning. After the morning crowd began to leave I noticed folks leaving behind plastic bottles and other garbage. Everytime I walked down to the water to cool off, I'd walk back up picking up garbage. I was close to the lifeguard post and asked why they don't enforce clean up or have the police out here. It was rediculous. The lifeguard didn't have an answer. I found a large garbage bag near a trash can unused and began cleaning up around me...

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I ended up attaching the bag against the lifeguard chair in hopes of getting others to clean up. Honestly, I don't think people care. I would like to see countries ban together and clean up patches like this. Like they do after natural disaster, cleaning up and rebuilding.
Life depends on it ! not just the fishes that swim in the sea but the land creatures that eat them ,people like me. Wow....some of these comments. A person is entitled to their opinion. Our humanity is the only thing that keeps us ....or should at best...try to keep us civil. Voice your opinion but respect each other people. Its only going to get worse if we can't at least be civil . it's begins with each of us. one of that bottle belongs to me i think...I blame dinosaur for this. If they remain on Earth it will not happen. And then God... For creating human...


And then my neighbor she's such a bitch can't segragate.. We can fix the problem right now our planet is in danger, not tomorrow right now ....!!!!!! We need to stop using it plastic bottleplastic bags...anything harmful, also recycling everything again ,again ; no excuse throwing away trash into the ocean. I clean up areas of the River Ribble in England.