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Omahogs Shirt

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And Snoop bridges so many generational gaps so good on Snoop and the NHL for having a bit of a clue for once. WTF ? I’m not interested in reading all the replies but are there a lot of people whining for some lame reason that Snoop is doing these ? HA !! That guy cracks me up ! Bring it on ! More Snoop Dogg !! NHL needs to stop with this crap 💩 they are ruining this sport with these celebrities, these celebrities are loosing fan base and the only thing they are doing is trying to increase it by leveraging the NHL the last of the professional sports where celebrities have never been involved. NHL is better than this! I can't believe some of the comments on here.....they call it a game for a reason. However, it's also a business; it's a form of entertainment!! The more people that watch, the more $$$. If that's the objective, why not Snoop? He's been wearing jerseys for years, and it appears he's actually a fan of the game, since he owns seasons tickets to Kings games. I think the segment was quite you think there is much difference between Snoop's act and the schtick that Don Cherry does? Get a life. please the only reason snoop dog is there its because nhl needs some ratings cause the real hockey fans are fed up of united states steeling the canadian sports and commercializing it !!! you've chosen the dope that has attacked President Trump even including a mock assassination in his music vid. poor choice NHL, hope you aren't going the road of the NFL. but you apparently are. You know folks have no clue about snoop that still call him “Snoop Doggy Dogg”. That’s like 20 years ago. Since then, he’s done more for kids and charity than anywhere here criticizing. I honestly had no idea Snoop liked Hockey. I could listen to him narrate whatever all day. I won't always follow the vocab, but he's got one of those smooth, easy to listen to voices. Kind of like Woody Guthrie telling his stories about the dust bowl. You are such a waste of space you degenerate shows how screwed up this world is wait on till the melinuns are in full force I can say I'm 61 iv lived best when you didn't have choose between HELLEN DGERATE AND SNOOP DOG OH WHAT A DEGENERATE. Man first of all, sorry if this sounds racist but I am black 😐.....
I ain't aknowledging any black person as an ambassador to HOCKEY 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
..... aaaannnnddd I ain't never heard of Snoop Dogg even stepping on a roller skating rink.

You can buy it here: Omahogs T Shirt

Review Omahogs Shirt

broken image people like to roller skate for all my low melanin percentage Facebook peoples out there. snoop dog stopped being cool in the mid 90's.....dude is older than dirt and still trys to dress and act like he is the shizzle.....instead he looks like all the other old dogs walkin around with hip dysplasia.... Give me a break... You can't tell me the NHL can't find a better spokesperson than Snoop Dog. First it's all white uniforms and now this. Whose coming up with these wacko ideas? Doesn't matter what anyone says, we all know the best players come from Canada. LOL And my favourite team is and always has been Boston. Because of number "4" Bobby Orr. Hockey is everyone's game, its for the love of the play! You guys are all so funny saying you don’t wanna learn hockey from this guy.. I bet everyone saying that never played decent hockey in their entire life. All my boys and everyone I’ve ever played with thinks it’s awesome they have him getting more people into hockey. Anyone that played Fa Thor Like A Dad Just Way Cooler Shirt knows that we are happy to see anyone trying to give hockey the lime light. Good job its shows that anybody can love hockey hes doing a great job 👍👍 good to see a man from the hood talk about hockey 😊 u don't need to be pro u just need to love hockey... bringing some new fans . I didn't realize hockey had so many angry grandpas on a porch crying about the old days. Get over it, grandpa. Rap, black culture, and America are part of hockey now. Super.!!!Snoop. !!! Hey bud !! You should buy the Ottawa Senator Hockey Club now that your big plant in Smith Falls is in full flow !!!! The fans would go crazy for you

I am also a Resl Edtate agent and would be proud to help you find a real bargain for a house or property or your own play pound dog !!!! Message me !! NHL -- your virtue signaling is getting really old..... we don't need a convicted druggie and criminal like Snoop peddling our game. If you wan't a rap star, cant you get someone of decent character like LL Cool J? Ridiculous. I don't Snoop being promoted to my kids...... terrible decision. This is awesome! It's great how he is promoting the game and maybe to people that have not payed attention or were uninterested.....also the reference to grapes at the end was pretty awesome. Nice scripted blather Snarp Doogie Dawg. Gak! laughable video. Sounds like some kind of lame audition. He may be a casual hockey fan but he sure as hell didn't know what most of the terminology was before making this lame video. Professor of puck, really? This is the NHL's half assed attempt to be more inclusive in order to attract Afro=Americans to the game of Ice Hockey. Sadly this will not work at all! See how they put something red and something blue on the table ? Were they were trying to remind us of two well known gangs from the U.S.A ? We all know Snoop leans more towards the blue side Don't he ? Oh yeah Snoop please don't kill me !!! Snoop is the man! An awesome talented man that will bring new fans to the sport. Anyone who claims he is a criminal etc...does not understand the character of his performance. Since I've shitcanned the NFL out of my life, I decided to give the NHL a shot. It's growing on me, I've chosen the Rangers as my fav team, but also like The Blackhawks, Redwings and, Capitols. Kronwalled
Sudden change in orientation from vertical to horizontal, due to contact with a body or substance of great influence. Often immediately followed by dizzyness, confusion and or loss of conciousness.
I got so kronwalled at the party last night.
Martin Havlat sure did get Kronwalled in the Western Conference finals. For the people that are "Christians" and talking down on Snoop for his past action maybe should look into the Bible a little more about how they see other
matthew 7:1-5
Matthew 7:1-5
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. You need to come to peg city and be the kick off to our next street party ( Winnipeg ) trust me, the green is always greener on this side of the field. What you think I mean? Classic funny! PS "racist turds" will find anything to complain about as long as you show a black face! PSS I bet not one of you have the "cojones" to say sh*t to Snoop's face! "Arriverderci"! Lol . 420 a lil early eh Snoop? You look absolutely fried on the NHL channel last night hahah. The producer was probably like "put these glasses on Snoop, you look blasted!" He missed "Whiff" and not as get a whiff of that; "Clanker", "Top Shelf" and we're not talking Vodka; goalie is known as "Pad Boy"; "Cherry Picker" and other's which I can't think of. I'm sure this is exactly why they got Snoop. Some people love him. Some people hate him. Either way people are talking and that is advertisement to bring attention to the sport. Oh chill people he american and your sin ain't no different then his or mine it was meant to be funny and it was God bless you all hope you can find joy somewhere. I grew up on Snoop .. the Snoop from LBC ... this here is an all world Snoop and all you out there should be thankful that he is here for us all to enjoy rather then be missed like Tupac. Ah yes, a popular celebrity wants to make funny, light-hearted videos that might attract people to the game that never would have looked at it otherwise. How horrible, get out your pitchforks everyone. Damm who really cares how they talk, I don't like hockey, don't like being in the cold, so I don't care, And I know you don't either, but get you're money. During game 7 of the 94 semis, Rangers studio TV guy Al Trautwig stood in the runway next to the expensive seats during the two overtimes. After Matteau scored, he heard a woman near him say, "Wow, hockey is exciting. This is my first game."

And Snoop bridges so many generational gaps so good on Snoop and the NHL for having a bit of a clue for once. WTF ? I’m not interested in reading all the replies but are there a lot of people whining for some lame reason that Snoop is doing these ? HA !! That guy cracks me up ! Bring it on ! More Snoop Dogg !! NHL needs to stop with this crap 💩 they are ruining this sport with these celebrities, these celebrities are loosing fan base and the only thing they are doing is trying to increase it by leveraging the NHL the last of the professional sports where celebrities have never been involved. NHL is better than this! I can't believe some of the comments on here.....they call it a game for a reason. However, it's also a business; it's a form of Teacher Shark Shirt!! The more people that watch, the more $$$. If that's the objective, why not Snoop? He's been wearing jerseys for years, and it appears he's actually a fan of the game, since he owns seasons tickets to Kings games. I think the segment was quite you think there is much difference between Snoop's act and the schtick that Don Cherry does? Get a life. please the only reason snoop dog is there its because nhl needs some ratings cause the real hockey fans are fed up of united states steeling the canadian sports and commercializing it !!! you've chosen the dope that has attacked President Trump even including a mock assassination in his music vid. poor choice NHL, hope you aren't going the road of the NFL. but you apparently are. You know folks have no clue about snoop that still call him “Snoop Doggy Dogg”. That’s like 20 years ago. Since then, he’s done more for kids and charity than anywhere here criticizing. I honestly had no idea Snoop liked Hockey. I could listen to him narrate whatever all day. I won't always follow the vocab, but he's got one of those smooth, easy to listen to voices. Kind of like Woody Guthrie telling his stories about the dust bowl. You are such a waste of space you degenerate shows how screwed up this world is wait on till the melinuns are in full force I can say I'm 61 iv lived best when you didn't have choose between HELLEN DGERATE AND SNOOP DOG OH WHAT A DEGENERATE. Man first of all, sorry if this sounds racist but I am black 😐.....
I ain't aknowledging any black person as an ambassador to HOCKEY 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
..... aaaannnnddd I ain't never heard of Snoop Dogg even stepping on a roller skating rink people like to roller skate for all my low melanin percentage Facebook peoples out there. snoop dog stopped being cool in the mid 90's.....dude is older than dirt and still trys to dress and act like he is the shizzle.....instead he looks like all the other old dogs walkin around with hip dysplasia.... Give me a break... You can't tell me the NHL can't find a better spokesperson than Snoop Dog. First it's all white uniforms and now this. Whose coming up with these wacko WTF JR 2018 Shirt? Doesn't matter what anyone says, we all know the best players come from Canada. LOL And my favourite team is and always has been Boston. Because of number "4" Bobby Orr. Hockey is everyone's game, its for the love of the play! You guys are all so funny saying you don’t wanna learn hockey from this guy.. I bet everyone saying that never played decent hockey in their entire life. All my boys and everyone I’ve ever played with thinks it’s awesome they have him getting more people into hockey. Anyone that played hockey knows that we are happy to see anyone trying to give hockey the lime light. Good job its shows that anybody can love hockey hes doing a great job 👍👍 good to see a man from the hood talk about hockey 😊 u don't need to be pro u just need to love Two Seater Shirt... bringing some new fans . I didn't realize hockey had so many angry grandpas on a porch crying about the old days. Get over it, grandpa. Rap, black culture, and America are part of hockey now. Super.!!!Snoop. !!! Hey bud !! You should buy the Ottawa Senator Hockey Club now that your big plant in Smith Falls is in full flow !!!! The fans would go crazy for you

I am also a Resl Edtate agent and would be proud to help you find a real bargain for a house or property or your own play pound dog !!!! Message me !! NHL -- your virtue signaling is getting really old..... we don't need a convicted druggie and criminal like Snoop peddling our game. If you wan't a rap Whoopi Goldberg Trump Shirt – Whoopi Goldberg Make America Great Shirt, cant you get someone of decent character like LL Cool J? Ridiculous. I don't Snoop being promoted to my kids...... terrible decision. This is awesome! It's great how he is promoting the game and maybe to people that have not payed attention or were uninterested.....also the reference to grapes at the end was pretty awesome. Nice scripted blather Snarp Doogie Dawg. Gak! laughable video. Sounds like some kind of lame audition. He may be a casual hockey fan but he sure as hell didn't know what most of the terminology was before making this lame video. Professor of puck, really? This is the NHL's half assed attempt to be more inclusive in order to attract Afro=Americans to the game of Ice Hockey. Sadly this will not work at all! See how they put something red and If You Rub My Butt You Can Pull My Pork Bbq Shirt blue on the table ? Were they were trying to remind us of two well known gangs from the U.S.A ? We all know Snoop leans more towards the blue side Don't he ? Oh yeah Snoop please don't kill me !!! Snoop is the man! An awesome talented man that will bring new fans to the sport. Anyone who claims he is a criminal etc...does not understand the character of his performance. Since I've shitcanned the NFL out of my life, I decided to give the NHL a shot. It's growing on me, I've chosen the Rangers as my fav team, but also like The Blackhawks, Redwings and, Capitols. Kronwalled
Sudden change in orientation from vertical to horizontal, due to contact with a body or substance of great influence. Often immediately followed by dizzyness, confusion and or loss of conciousness.

Take it right here: Fa Thor Shirt – Fathor Shirt
I got so kronwalled at the party last night.

Martin Havlat sure did get Kronwalled in the Western Conference finals. For the people that are "Christians" and talking down on Snoop for his past action maybe should look into the Bible a little more about how they see other

matthew 7:1-5

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