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Golden State Warriors Guardians Of The Gold V-neck Shirt

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Ree'al Evans Previous president was favorite for outsourcing jobs at weakest economy and highest food stamp collector, then imposed mandatory health care with promises you won’t lose your current benefits or cost increases. As of late, it is clear that Trump is Jesus, the pope, and Allah, nobody in the house or senate says a word against his policies or they face being voted out of said seat one way or another. In short, my Country is on this monster`s radar and is going out of his way to end our economy regardless of the cost to the U.S. economy, that clearly does not matter. So in short ,for his base, he really is God. They cannot be reasoned with, facts or common decency do not fit into their rabid support. As they say south of my border, "Period", end of discussion. Jimmy Wang Why do you ignore what really went on in that WH last Presidency...Obama entered a REAL mess when he took office. he took a chance with GM and remember, from his first day in Republicans were out to destroy you recall..?? What laws he tried to get in, were purposely voted out, and so it went..he accomplished what he could.and left the WH , in spite, in way better shape..why are you lying ??? Jimmy Wang President Obama saved the auto industry, banking regulations which kept people from losing their homes, lower gas prices. Maybe there would have been better health care if Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan worked with the president for the people. Brooke Stevens Stebner That is what they are saying on TV.. He runs his presidency from twitter,,not the WH...every single day he is on the news..that is not right..what about meetings ?? discussing laws, dealing with our problems..??? what ? with a tweet..geez. Ree'al Evans I don’t treat Trump as Jesus , and I am very sure no else does either!! Treating Trump like Jesus is the democrats/ liberals delusion not mine or any other Trump supporters!! I have only one God and it’s sure not Trump!! Christina Sisneros then the Republican and the so called base needs to stop acting like it . When he screws up stop trying to cover it up call him out . On being verbally rude when he's racist and specially when he lies .cause when Republican don't it puts all of you in a bad light. Go you guys go you deserve the honor Spanky won't have nothing to do with it you work so hard all year even with your hurt guys you still came together and Won your fans have the right throughout the United States to celebrate your win don't let him a dictator wannabe spoil it for the guys and gals in the United States to show you that love. Regina Tucker actually he didn’t. Obama or any President for that Matter has nothing to do with Gas Prices. No one can deny he help the Auto industry but the banking industry you can blame Bill Clinton for that. He allowed Big Banks to give loans to people knowing they wouldn’t be able to pay it back. "Before taking office people were assuming that we were going to War with North Korea. President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!" Coto Iris it's a common courtesy a way to honor the champions and the accomplishment they achieved that year whether you were democrat or republican you put that aside out mutual respect for one another well it use to be that before Trump now its aboutyou liking him if you don't you can't come he seems more interested in people kissing his butt then actual ceremony plus his comments on players didn't help either relegating what they to do on the field, diamond, or court to nothing and insinuating they should be good little workers and not speak up.

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Review Golden State Warriors Guardians Of The Gold V-neck Shirt

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Lynnda La Placa I thank you Linda you really said the truth and you spoke the truth unfortunately with Trump Colt they can't think for themselves unless he tells them what to think and they can't speak for themselves unless he tells him what to say that's why you get a lot of these folks talkin things they really don't know about they haven't done their own homework Solomon Tinka you bought that mess that they still aren't most dangerous problem all they did was shake hands and agree to play nice on camera North Korea still hasn't agreed to denuclearize or stop their human rights violations essentially we got nothing besides a Expressions Of Bumgarner T Shirt to destroy a nuclear testing site something they can easily do for PR purposes and to send U.S. soldier remains from the Korean war which Trump didn't mention we would have to pay for which amounts to a million dollars a body meanwhile they got us to agree to stop doing joint military exercises with South Korea and also to scale back the U.S. involvement in South Korea which can be a big problem moving forward if North Korea attacks. Essentially we're being taken for a ride. Yay, Pelosi and Lee! I’m sure the team was relieved not to have to respond to an invitation to the WH and honored and thrilled to go to this one. This way they can celebrate their job well done instead of showing up to glorify the inviter’s overwhelming ego. I hope they completely stop the practice of inviting sports stars and keep inviting first responders, veterans, policemen, etc. they should be inviting children from st Jude's and other hospitals that have people with serious illnesses, humane society officers who rescue animals ( one of my renters is an officer and works tirelessly to save abandoned and abused animals) and other everyday Splatoon 2 World Championship Shirt ! Michael Paul Horrigan stop the hate! Trump has honored the people that helped in the floods and fires, he's awarded medals to veterans, he's had first responders to the White House and has honored many other great people! Take your blinders off ! Paulla Warren Johnson Yeah....his "honor" of the folks who helped in the floods included a comment that some people had gone out in their boats to "watch the hurricane." An total, absolute and complete lie which was disproved by everyone who was asked about it. Good. The President makes peace with North Korea, averting a nuclear war and potentially millions of Draymond Parade Shirt – Draymond Green Mood Shirt. Negative Nancy wants to make peace with Stephon Curry while Californians will be voting on dividing the state. Way to prioritize, Nancy. That'll show everybody. The. White house did not immediately respond to a request for comment A.U.S. officials in Geneva ased for comment.told. Reuters; the trump Administrations ha mede. It a priority to provide economic opportunity for all Americans" Almost 41 million people or 12.7 percent live in poverty.18.5 million in extreme poverty. And children account for one in tree poor.Alston said. The United States ha the highest youth poveddedrty rate among industrialized countries ....

I think by the comments below that most people are missing the point. They were invited to the Capitol, not by Trump with whom they don't want to associated, to be congratulated on their victory by the Democrats. LeBron James and Mr Curry made a point of being very public about saying neither his Teacher Shark Shirt nor the Golden State Warriors were going to go to the White House so fine. Now it's a big deal like it's all Trump's fault. The lids never cease to amaze me. Why invite when they said they wouldn t accept? Trying to make the President look bad when it was the arrogant athletes who were rude and showed a lack of respect! Sorry Nancy and Barbara - this didn t work! ALL know who s created this negative attention and it s not the President! That is offensive, that is insulting to the dignity of the people, just because some people don't want to go they invite their second option of visitors to fill that gap, they look like a plate of a second table. Well deserved! All three bands put in nothing but complete effort and have the most artistic sound of the modern times. Absolutely love Maynards music and hope they never stop. Moving on, RELEASE THE NEW TOOL ALBUM PLEASE..... Maynard will always be an icon. His music and personality has touched countless souls and influenced and inspired our musical community. Congratulations and much love to him! I've noticed that there are 3 types of trolls on anything Tool or Maynard related.

1. The "where is the new album?" troll.
2. The "get a life, they don't owe you anything" troll.

3. The "I love you guys. I'm happy with what you've already given us. I'm waiting patiently, but don't really care if you give us anything new" troll.

Get it here: Whoopi Goldberg Trump Shirt – Whoopi Goldberg Make America Great Shirt

Hahaha! I've been into heavy or semi-heavy music since about 1980 and MJK is hands down my favorite lyric writer that I am a witness to. Intelligent and thought provoking with plenty of emotion. Thank you Maynard for sharing your talents with the rest of the world. My Respect and Affection to Mr. Maynard! Congratulations to brilliant Musician he is!!! He deserves such a prestigious Fa Thor Shirt – Fathor Shirt and good health!!!
And say his APC's latest song " So Long, And Thanks For All The Fishes " is one of most Spectacular Melodic and Heartiest Tune I've ever heard!!! Every time someone asks when will the new album come out Tool take a little bit longer. One of the reasons we don't have new album yet 😉

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