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Marcus Lemonis Heart Shirt – Marcus Lemonis Broken Heart TShirt

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I'm doubtful you wrote this.Debi Cole Perkins are you kidding me? He is one of the most eloquent speakers AND writers this generation has ever seen. Your doubt does not change fact.I'm not even sure how to respond except to say that I wish the last 18 months hadn't happened and you were still our President. Compassion seems to have died for the country. I am trying hard to hold onto the faith that the Con will be exposed and harmony will ensue. I have friends who are mothers who are ridiculing me for being upset with the lies and the policy of locking up children. MOTHERS!!!! I'm disgusted by it all. The bible tells us to love one another. What happened to our humanity?Linda Gilgan Yes I understand that. Applying for Asylum is not illegal and their children should not be taken from them. We should be trying to help these people instead of punishing them for wanting a better life for their families.They are not your friends. Distance yourself from anyone who would dare ridicule your moral fiber. I truly wish you well.The bible tells us many things it says to love your neighbor it says to pray for are leaders it says to follow the laws of the land you just can't take on verse out of the whole bible do you follow the word of Jesus Christ if so follow it all!

Review Marcus Lemonis Heart Shirt – Marcus Lemonis Broken Heart TShirt

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John Donna Masson stop talking like you know what you are talking about. This is America built on immigrants just like your ancestors . I came here from Ireland to a country I thought was built on good morals and cared for others. This is not the right way to handle illegal immigration and no child should suffer. I wonder if these kids were white kids would this be happening. Think on!Well I for sure aint supporting him he's has done nothing but stirrings up mess I dont care what you trump supporters say he has an toxic mouth and yeah lets make America great again oh really this is what he keeps saying well lets make America great again with him getting out of the white house hes not showing love toward our Americans families and it show BIG TIME.Why are stressed over DT...he's brought a curse on him...the day he said Obama wasn't an American, on search of his b-certificate..that was the first clue of insanity. Still they voted him in office .Sadly, many of the Lebron James Ultimate Warrior T Shirt and dads who ridicule are far removed from the Bible’s message of Love even though these folks see themselves as good Christians. Separation of church and state is in the constitution for a reason. And folks need the authentic Jesus now more than ever!Gwen Mcclain research this. Someone on the Democratic side posted the ones of the children with hardly any room in cages, some pictures showed them on the hard floor. As soon as he was told that was during Obama's time he took his post down but it was already out there. The media ran wild with the wrong story. Look at other news sites and see how the children now are in big buildings and there are huge enclosures with chain link fences separating the boys from the girls. For good reason. They are there only until the parents are released or relatives are found.Andrea Decker Those are the buildings they will allow reporters into, often not allowing cameras. Many of the pictures are official pictures given to the reporters. There is no system in place to reunite the children with their families. There was no system of taking names and contact info. Many of the children are spread out all over the Deadpool X Men Trainee Shirt, some too young to be able to tell authorities who they are and what their mom/dad's names are. They will be severely traumatized for years. The authorities will not tell mayors where the children are in their cities nor how many. I am not saying that Obama had a clean slate on this, either but they didn't resort to this level of inhumanity. And no one seems to know how they are going to reunite the children with their families. Some will never see their parents again. Absolute ignorant incompetence on the part of #45.I’m Canadian and I truly miss you and your intelligence and grace, at the helm of the United States of America! I don’t even recognize the USA right now and feel truly sorry for those who didn’t want him as a leader but are stuck with what they have.Karen Schultz what are you talking about?
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