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James Dean Speed Queen TShirt

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I still have scars on my knees, hip, and elbow, can't imagine going 90 mph.News report next day: "Tragic accident involving the world record breaker for speed on a skate board. He accidentally flew off a cliff and couldn't stop in time." Ive been paced going 55 on a santa cruise land shark (just a cruiser board.) I literally though i was goig to die.... my friend laid down and did the hill and flew by me at my fastest.Yea they didn t show how he stopped. Actually they probably swept up raw burger off the asphalt and sent him to the freeze until they have his services. Tomb stone reads here lies burger man "was" the fastest skate boarded in the world!can't help but remember following you down that mountain in SF, watching the speedometer creep above 37 mph (or was it faster? I remember 37 making me panic) praying you wouldn't suddenly fly off a corner or under the wheels!This action requires over confidence in oneself and a lack or respect for Murphy's law. ( epigram) stated as: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.I love it. He's fearless.What an ignorant thing to report, of course we know what the limit is. Terminal velocity of a body in free fall is 124mph. So unless your skateboarder is gonna jump out of a plane, I'd say without some kind of external propulsion there's not a whole lot left in it.Only way this is possible: having someone clear the road in advance. I've almost gotten hit multiple times from corners like that Lol then you jump off and are running at 40mph Hahahaha.The guy behind him drove up to him ( same speed) and he grabbed onto Car and slowed down, relax ladies lol.

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Review James Dean Speed Queen TShirt

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We used to do this as kids ( not this crazy but same deal).Lol the speed limit on that street for a vehicle is probably 50-55 tops, yet its legal to hit nearly 89 on a longboard. 🙄 nothing surprises me anymore.That's a longboard he has special gloves on for stopping what he does is he turns his board sideways fall backwards and skids his special gloves on the pavement he does this a few times until he can stop I know this cause I longboard and have the equipment. Some longboards have braking systems, if you look at the board when he starts the run, looks like theres a footswitch near his front foot.board wasn't any skate board. Also a speed wobble can be avoided if you have no bend in the trucks. at high speeds, the whole board as a solid one peice will still bend for a minimal turn. Remember that scene in "City of Angels" where Meg Ryan was riding the bicycle down the mountain.....and the log truck pulled out in front of her?
Yeah...that.Damn thats quick. One pebble though and he would effectively remove 90% of his epidermis leaving a red skid Expressions Of Bumgarner T Shirt on that pavement for days to come.Yeah, until you get hit by a car. Somewhere kids are going to follow your example, and do exactly what you are doing on the road without their parents knowing what is going on. Luckily there were no deer crossing signs. I don't know why they tell the deer it's ok to cross a highway anyway. They should put up no deer crossing signs, and make them go around.My longboard was shaking so much that I was thrown away from it going 40. I know whoever set that board up was the Master Yoda of boards!The foot down to slow down is not an option. I hit around 30-35 I would guess as a kid. As soon as my feet touched the ground I kicked myself in the back of the head. In COLIMA, MÉXICO. Coming down the North Rick And Morty Run The Jewels Shirt where is the way to the volcano, Kids from 17 to 12 years old do the same thing, they go so fast, When I see it I could believe it, they do it just for pleasure not competition.That white van that was following his was prob his way of stopping. The van will pass on a straight away and then keep speed with him so he can grab ahold or rest his hand on the back doors and then the van will just slow down.I have a high school friend who was clocked on Tunnel Road in Berkeley going 68mph....cops gave him a speeding ticket so he could prove to his friends how fast he was going. Lol.Oh hell no. My balance is horrible on a skateboard. Would of been a RIP news story if that were me. Cudos to you bud. Thats awesome.This isn't the fastest land speed record for a skateboard. It's the fastet land speed record for a shopping cart because that's what he has to use to carry his balls.

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