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Liberty High School Addison Barnes Trump Border Wall Tank Top Shirt

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I didn't read any where in the post that she was on welfare or of her financial status. Were you assuming because she is black and with her 6th baby?? Such a distasteful comment without knowing facts that do not pertain to you. I don't care it's small minded your attacks are unwarranted and narrow you are not geopolitical thinking nor tolerant and therefore a Trumper explain economics you can't population you can't explain how a social science is not minimal you can't you think a homeless person is less hockey you get hockey I know you are smart and care but don't act like we are better than the least off go buy a history book Churchill and Australia explained this once even Canada I'm sorry don't insult a poor mom. Could you afford your son at times I argue not you love him regardless I get your point but life does not deal the cards we always expect nor ability to have the concept I watch people walk into a store and count pennies for their purchase and still be short .. wasn't usually their intent I'll gladly pay for life anyday no matter my opinion I bet if faced you would too shaming does not fix today is now want to fix it think bigger like Europe.

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Review Liberty High School Addison Barnes Trump Border Wall Tank Top Shirt

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Sylvia Neese Byerley you do know Trump is spending more in one year on his vacations than President Obama spent in 8 years. In a time where the police are much maligned is that all you get out of a heart warming story is such negativity, are you angry, stupid or both? Well David Becerra if we're going to judge by the picture yours sure doesn't make you look to good. And this woman just had a baby who almost died. Smh you have no clue what it is to have a child. To all who criticize me on more kids for more welfare. Apparently you people don't know how the system burdens the tax payers. I'm not just picking on one race so get that out of your head. What I'm saying is that I'm a property owner as more kids go to school my property taxes go up to cover it. So I asked I didn't play so why should I pay that's the question. Wonder why many people are leaving Illinois. I worked hard to get where I'm at not for others to take my money.
What should be done is the kids parents should be billed for each kid going to school . The school can do this by billing the kids address (not mine). This would be beneficial to us people that don't have kids.

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I see it as it won't change anytime soon before I retire. I'll definitely be moving to another state where I can benefit from my own hard worked money. And also for all you who criticize it's republicans I say bs on that as its both parties involved. This system was in place on both parties so this is the way are school system works (not politics). My grandpa has 13 kids in his family. His parents before him both had 11+ siblings. They all had well over 6 kids from each of them ..... I'm not quite sure why some people are acting like large families are a new thing..... I thought it was so sweet when Adam Levine told her that she was a good example for young people and that as a father of a daughter with another daughter on the way, that he admired her example. Not only does she have talent, she is a hard worker and is true to her own values.