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Klay Thompson Parade TShirt

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Everyone knows how much I have hated this warriors team, their REAL hardcore and dedicated fans all season long.

It wasn't intentional. Just that some stupid bandwagon fans joined your train to disrespect other fans. So we all came after y'all.
But I wanna sincerely apologize guys. It was for the love of the game. Honestly, you guys are awesome and loving people. I'm sorry for all the hatred comments okay.

Hope y'all have forgiven me???❤️

- Yours Sincerely,
Tutu Udeh. LeBron getting all upset and challenged over a word I bet he uses at least once a game. My heart bleeds.

We all saw the video, James. We all know who was in the wrong. But thanks for playing. Dubs by plenty in game 5. KLAY NEEDS TO STOP BECAUSE GREEN SHOULD OF BEEN SUSPENDED A FEW SERIES AGO FOR ACCIDENTAL GROIN SHOTS THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A ACCIDENTAL ON THREE DIFFERENT BASKETBALL PLAYS. guys do you think green must been jailed for touching lebrons vagina or only suspended on game 5? justice must be served.. green must been jailed for touching queen james vagina. Lebron can laugh all he wants the suspension of Green is all a conspiracy between Cavaliers and the league to steal a Championship on game 5 but regardless Mr. LEBRON wait for Kurrys daughter to laugh on the camera again when Warriors are champions. How the world sees Lebron is a very interesting construct. You have a guy that literally fought his way from the gutter to become one of the most talented basketball players to ever step foot on a court, yet he's still seen as soft. It's just weird man. He's had his missteps in his career, but none of them have ever made me think he was soft or lacked heart. He's proven he's a all time great on the court and has been stellar off it. The fact he's despised so much is craziness. These new booty privileged NBA kid punks are questioning LBJs manhood? Dude has been to the finals 6 years in a row!

You can grab it here: Klay Thompson Parade Shirt

Review Klay Thompson Parade TShirt

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The only reason and I repeat, the only reason GSW are winning anything is because they aren't playing in the 80s!How ironic it is that todays soft rules has helped out these "jump shooters" and scrubs tremendously! These comments are dumb and idiotic. Lebron is built like a tank and has elite Jean Ralphio The Wooorst Three Jean Moon Shirt. We are talking about someone who probably could have been a professional athlete in just about any sport that he applied himself and dedicated himself to. I think he would have been fine in any era of the NBA. Lol what a joke I'm sure LeBron would survive a hell of a lot longer playing the pistons of the 80's compared to Steph and Klay.... Klay couldn't even handle mozgovs screen without calling it dirty lmao. John Alakap IV. This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. He is a brick shithouse of a man, if he were allowed to be as physical as he wanted he wouldn't be called for offensive fouls every time he blew into the lane and knocked smaller players over. Father Time there needs to shut it. LBJ doesn't have the killer instinct is why he don't win. He's not a Kobe, Westbrook, Ducan, Wade type of player! If he was he'd stop shooting jump shots and go to the hole and live at the line. He was better suited in Miami. But to call him out as a fresh new booty players is ridiculous . We are talking about a guy that threw draymond green to the ground, walked over him like a bully, elbowed Livingston in the mouth and dropped him just prior. A guy that uses his off arm to elbow and hammer defenders in the paint. He is a walking offensive foul. Then goes on the podium at the post game and complains about draymond and the refs!!!! He didn't get to the line because the refs were ignoring all the offensive fouls he commits. Crying because he lost and is losing in the finals again. LeBron can dish it out BUT by can't take it !!!! He is 270 pound baby. lebron aint built like that mentally.. this is the same dude who had a team member who slept wit his moms traded lol first off what your moms doin sleepin wit your team mates and you let that slide? naaaaah bruh he sellin wolf tix to all you lebron fans how them 10 Fortnite Nike Shirt workin out that he promised 😂😂😂😂 trash!! LeBron is an egomaniac. He can make all to downtown he wants. At the end of the day he is man child. Lost without love and kyrie. Now gonna lose with love and kyrie. Minus to warriors most important piece. If Green was playing they lose for sure. Less games than last year. What's the excuse this year ? every guy in the floor has talent every guy with the physicality of Lebron can do the same things the only difference is that he cant clutch games and tells everyone he is the best player in the world which is not... WHAT A JOKE... Couldn't have survived?! He also has three children at home, and is a role model for kids who look up to him. Maybe he doesn't want to be known as "that guy" and wants to set a positive I Am A Marvelaholic Shirt for good sportsmanship and respect for the game itself. Not from what I've read in the comments section a few weeks ago. 2 weeks ago all I saw were people calling A.I. a legend for the step over. Only now with this incident when LEBRON does it, do people complain. Don't you see how contradictive you guys are? Yea, that's bs. 1st off A.I. stepped over his legs. He didn't put his nuts over someone head. And what type of role model teaches kids to cry every time you don't get your way, and when things get tough you run away because you can't handle the pressure? I'm just saying. People fail to recognize the Athletisism in today's game it by far greater than it's ever been, in the 80's lebron would have easily the best Athlete in the game , kinda like how Wilt dominated being the first ever 7'2" 320lb rim to rim big man, or Oscar Robertson being the first larger guard...

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