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Incredibles The Amazing Mom TShirt

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Brianne Hildenbrand wrong. They GIVE ADVICE. If they did not they would be negligent for not telling you your options and you'd sue them. Duh. I was told there was a 1/200 chance of DS, and the doctor that recommended abortion did not say anything about coming back in to confirm the soft marker. I spoke with my personal doctor that suggested I get a repeat ultrasound two weeks later, which I did, and the soft marker was no longer visible. I find it difficult to believe a Doctor "recommended" an abortion for an early soft marker. Outlined as an option but not recommended. Since when is abortion the only option when the risk of invasive testing was considered too high because there was only a 1/200 chance of complications? She didn't suggest any other options, such as conclusive tests or even more noninvasive testing. Informing someone of their findings and suggesting to have an abortion are two completely different things. It isn't their place to persuade a woman into any medical decisions. Why can't they just tell them what the diagnosis is, inform them of what options they have, and leave it at that? Why take it any further? At that point my son's estimated gestational age was 22-3 weeks. He had almost reached threshold of viability. Man don't piss of a person that wants you to abort a child of Down syndrome or standing up for these women's personal stories. I got sent a message but this person completely blocks you from saying anything back. What is wrong with these angry leftist? You need to get laid, God or happiness but you are an angry bunch! Between your riots and attacking anyone that has an opinion against yours you got issues. This about blessed child and their parents. Not you and your mean nasty agendas to wipe out anything pure in this world. Adrianna Mateo so based off 1 ultrasound it is their job to recommend abortion when they say there's a 1/200 chance of something. Without any other testing to confirm. That to you is good medical advice.

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Oh hey your child has less than 1% chance of having something, better kill it without doing any other testing to confirm. Seems like a logical first step. The bottom line is my son does not have DS, and even if he had DS I wouldn't have aborted him. I'm sorry if that offends women that think that the right to abortion means that women need to be encouraged to terminate pregnancies even when they clearly state that it is not their desire to do so. I'm also sorry that some doctors think it's acceptable to give medical advice without recommending follow up testing to get a firm diagnosis. I am even more sorry that some doctors have never learned how to speak to patients with compassion and empathy, which would have made the conversation less difficult and offensive. My daughter also has aspergers and spectrum autism.I also have a nephew with severe autism and mental retardation.both are doing better than any Dr or specialist has seen...good for you mom for sticking it out.we fall in love with our children before they are even sister was going to abort a 4 and a half months and I begged her not too.Christopher is a wonderful young man with all the struggles in the world but I would be there to take care of him in a Brewers Pride Shirt is almost 14 and to smart for her own good.she intellectually articulate and cam make anything out of anything.brilliant artist and kicks all the gamers butts at any game she has an interest in.she wants to be a game graphics designer and she will be!!keep up the good fight!!it's worth it in so many ways!! I guess I'm confused why abortion would even be discussed. People keep saying so that she would know her options. I don't get why though. They are also acting as if most women are unaware that abortion is an option. This took place in 2008, when I was 26 and married. I didn't need a doctor to tell me that abortion was an option for me. I was completely aware of that fact. Michael James Wardlow and people like you are what is so wrong nowadays. you have the sensitivity of a serial killer!!!!! i hope you haven't or never do reproduce for the sake of humanity!!!!!!! You are a loving and wise Mother. God bless you! Your child is blessed to have you as his Mother!!!! Chrystine Onica Lacy I didn't see Miriam asking for any financial assistance. WTF? Was she recommending you consider abortion or just alerting you that it might be an option if things didn't change? Part of the problem is the changes in law that are shortening the window to make a decision, so some doctors might give more weight to tests that can indicate a problem earlier in the pregnancy. I am pro-choice but I think abortion should be used only in extreme Bill Clinton 4th Of July Shirt. A child with Down's is just a different child, not an extreme threat to his own or his mother's life. When the only option given is abortion, it certainly comes across as a recommendation. I did not ask her for her advice, or consent to have her consultation in person or over the phone. The window is shortened for elective abortions, not for abortions done out of medical necessity. There was no threat to the unborn baby's D&D Pride Shirt or to my life. What happened was she was called in by an ultrasound tech during a standard ultrasound, which is when her lack of bedside manners became apparent right away. She saw a soft marker at that time, and did not recommend any follow up testing. She called me several days later which is when she brought up abortion twice, the second time after I told her I would not consider it. Brianne Hildenbrand I don't know any doctor who "recommends " abortions unless there is a risk to the mother, they outline your options as is their job. And regardless of the options it is ALWAYS your choice!

Approximately 90% of infants suspected to have DS in the womb end up getting aborted, but doctors aren't recommending it? I'm sure a woman would just choose to subject herself to PTSD because reasons. This is wrong. In every sense of the word wrong.
For a single soft marker there should be follow up testing before there is a decision made about abortion. Granted it is the right of every pregnant woman to have an abortion, and I respect that decision and understand all doctors (except religious practices) are supposed to give that option with a chromosome defect because most of the trisomy disorders are considered "incompatible with life". I think you're doctor jumped the gun on recommending abortion as the first line of defense. She should have given you other options. Further testing to confirm the diagnosis and a referral to a specialist that deals specifically with trisomies should be given as a first option.

This would be like telling a woman to undergo chemo because she has a lump in her breast and not running any tests to confirm a cancer diagnosis.
It seems a lot of doctors become hardened throughout the years. Especially those that deal with situations like these.

I am so grateful to have such a compassionate doctor when our first daughter hit a lot of soft markers at my NT scan at 12 weeks. He said it was an A Day To Remember Rick And Morty Shirt of a trisomy defect but he reassured me that many times these are just developmental bumps that resolve with time. He told me what my options were (including termination but the way he said it would happen is he would set me up in maternity, break my water, induce labor and wait) but advised me to not make any decisions until we confirmed the defect. Then I had the blood work done and scheduled the amnio. sadly the marker he saw at the NT scan (cystic hygroma) developed into a fetal hydrops and my baby passed before the amnio. She had trisomy 18. Chrystine Onica Lacy where in the letter or the original Rally Goose T Shirt above ever say a mother didn't have a right to abort? A person knows before they get pregnant they have a right to abort, they don't need a doctor repeatedly bringing it up at every doctors visit.

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