I agree, but it is much easier than it sounds when you devote 40 years of your life to something and it ends because of situations that shouldn't have happened. I think the important thing is what you do for yourself. I am not sure that people who deserve it will ever face consequences but my goal is to be happy in my own life and to simply not care. It's not really karma is you are rooting for it anyway. I guess we have to let the universe take care of things but it isn't always easy . But one thing ,don't hold grudges cause while your grudging the other person is dancing ! I'm a bit skeptical about Karma but the Bible says if you just be nice to mean people you heap coals of fire in their head. I like that. If that's karma I'm all for it. Iam sorry if I offended you, I did not mean to do that, and I agree if someone ASKED you, then you do need to give them a honest answer, I think this got way out of hand, this was just something between Angie and her boys,I have been there helping Billy since the first day he came to Ky to live.and I have always had a lot of respect for you also,I They both have straitened up a lot, Angie is very sick and she don't need this agervation, she has been trying very hard to get her life straitened out for the last 4 or 5 years,that was what started all this she was wanting to make peace with her children, and see her grandkids, and this is very hard on her and her sick, I have helped them both so much and I don't want them to go backward over this stuff, this is what happens when you put anything on here the gossip and drama just like a balling rolling, if people word only use words to lift people up, that is just as easy as saying hurtful things,but I really don't mean to say anything to hurt anyone, it just bothers me a bit when I saw this and knowing how it's hurting Angie when she has come so far,, believe me I no how difficult Bil can be and I have gave up a few times too, but he a good side to!!And this was just meant for ang and The boys. This was the first thing that came up on my phone today so I have to comment. I believe very strongly in karma but those who are in need of it escape it. I grew up and taught my children to treat people the way you would want to be treated. Some how growing up that got lost in the shuffle of life. Another comment by was the first one I read an the reason for my comment. Not sure karma has anything to do with revenge. If you do good deeds then good will come to you because of that. I don't believe it should be seen or quoted in the opposite way that bad actions bring bad things. I'm sure karma is a positive not a negative. Is it true now if i see the current scenariokarma does not work bad and aggressive people are becoming more powerful and good people are suffering its just how we console ourselves because we cant do much to protect and defend ourselves. It makes my life much easier and happier if I let go and move on. I have no need tou over see what does or NB does not happen to any one who wishes to be elsewhere or brings their misery into places beyond their own nose. They are welcome to their misery
and negatively.... elsewhere.
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I am always available to a friend. Just not to those who
choose to self destruct and No One Is Illegal On Stolen Land Shirt to bring others to their. How you live your life is your karma
If you do wrong it will come back at you.if you do right you will benefit from it.so do good always.be loving ,compassionate.understanding,and be happy. I usually recommend to seek and find that reflexive silence; Which is only guiding someone into "insight" or unfortunately into "outsight", both depend on what the other person want to do with this reflexive silence.
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F.P.V.: 11094
Tw: @SazAaron
Instagram: aarukard. Good advice. If you do right by people that's okay but if you do something wrong in their Gigi Like A Grandmother, But So Much Cooler Shirt then all the good you done goes out the window as the negative always seems to outweigh the positive. Let it bad moment be in silent way if we want to resolve any thing that made guys unhappy about. Let focus on wonderful things that happened in your mood and keep it moving on to the future in which everyone at good heart is waiting for you. Sad but so many people do deserve what karma gives to them in .... and I know a handful. You may think your good and intentions ARE right but.....your true Lebron James Ultimate Warrior T Shirt are clear to karma. I'm yet to see Karma at work. I've dealt with many an arsehole in my time, and I'm yet to see any of them get their comeuppance. Quite the opposite, in fact. Most go on to continue in life's quest of shitting on people, get promoted, become wealthy, etc., while their victims continue to suffer. I've seen so, so many good people die at a young age, long before their time.
No, no Karma floating around here!! I believe in KARMA. It is "positive, fairness, balance" from and part of what The Universe does! I do NOT believe in REVENGE. At all. Don't even think of it as revenge.
You're too good to intoxicate your mind and body with that vile feeling.
Simply move on, and let KARMA do it's work.
Remember what goes around, comes around.
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