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Yes and worked hard too. What about young people who are unemployed or causing anti social behavior do something useful to help the country. ? Chris, how are you still not understanding what she said? She isn’t debating if serving the country can teach kids discipline or respect. She’s simply saying that they should be able to make their own decisions, and that a bunch of older folk who never even had this law to contend with shouldn’t judge them. It comes down to false pattern recognition. Mass media and the internet have delivered far for information into the living rooms of people, often making the world seem worse than it is in a few different ways. Because it is new, a lot of people attribute the behaviour to new people. The reality is that people haven't changed that much but it suits the egos of people to think they are fine and everybody else is a problem. I’m under 70’and would of happily done a year or more military service. Stop your whining. People like you make kids dependant and lazy. And living in France my daughter will have to do this service and I have absolutely no problem with that. Deborah Anderson as an ex teacher what would you suggest to instil some discipline and teach respect and often to teach a trade to our unruly out of control youth of today, and I know it isn’t all of them but many many parents have kids they can’t manage. We were all working at 15/16 years old, we got a slap if we were cheeky to our elders but these days you can’t do that, National service could be a way of helping our young to grow, to develop themselves if not what would you suggest? The irony is that vast majority now never fought in any wars yet feel like they had it tough somehow. They are also the ones who are responsible for the way society has turned out. Robert Wright you need to open your eyes! What happens around the area we live in has nothing to do with mass (or social) media. House breaking, theft, fire raising, car races on a Friday and Saturday night, attacks on young and old... the list goes on. In the 10 years we've lived in the village it has got increasingly bad due to a neighbouring town. We now want to move because of it. Deborah Anderson as an ex teacher what would you suggest to instil some discipline and teach respect and often to teach a trade to our unruly out of control youth of today, and I know it isn’t all of them but many many parents have kids they can’t manage. We were all working at 15/16 years old, we got a slap if we were cheeky to our elders but these days you can’t do that, National service could be a way of helping our young to grow, to develop themselves if not what would you suggest? I am well aware of what goes on now and what happened in the past. People are safer now than they were in the last century but still not safe enough. You need to open your eyes to the difference technology has made to public perception. In the meantime, most of the people who are pro-national service wouldn't last 3 days in a military camp. I generally demand that anyone that expresses admiration for national service, has at least done national service themselves first. Chris, you’re giving your opinion on a topic that she hasn’t even brought up. You actually don’t even know if there’s a difference of opinion based on what she said. So basically, you’re just saying non sequiturs and not addressing her actual points.

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Have fun with that I suppose. Daniel Phillips The reason National Service was stopped is because middle class people didn't want their children to go. Of course that inequality developed anyway because we do have national service except we call it university. A lot has been done to help educated people and we are all very grateful but they need to find time and resources to help those who won't help themselves. Leinad Trebla nice word salad there....
However there is a difference of opinion isn't there? Her argument by default rests on the assumption that national service is a negative experience (we wouldn't be having this "debate" otherwise), my opinion is that it would very well be a positive experience for the vast majority of young Expressions Of Bumgarner T Shirt. Brigitte Barnes sorry I don't agree that it is a good thing for young people to be coerced by what ever government is in power to 'serve' their country. I think it is dangerous. And as for the mention of Brexit - I am very firmly of the belief that the UK should stay in the EU. Ju Lee you perhaps should learn a little respect yourself rather than dishing out rudeness and criticism without regard. You have no idea what my grandchildren are like or what they are doing have you? Rohan Dookiesingh I also live in France. And I am not whining, I am making a Lebron James Ultimate Warrior T Shirt as part of a debate. And I assure you that neither my children nor my grandchildren are dependant or lazy. The very opposite. What they also have is the sense not to join in with the populist view. I think it would benefit young people depending on the programme get them off the street show them they have a purpose help them reach their potential not all older people want them punished and degraded Julianne Mulholland Cochrane now that's a fair point, easily avoided by a short term contract with no deployment without enlistment I think. There are some really good voluntary schemes such as the National citizens service in the uk. However, they are transient and only happen in the school holidays, more often that not with nice middle class Vegas Golden Misfits Shirt whose parents have already taught them to be good people. However, those young people who are not so fortunate and aren’t taught the value of helping others. These kids often lack the skills for employment and have incomplete education. There isn’t much of value to help them. There would be some merit in a compulsory scheme for young people who are NEET and on benefits. Government schemes such as traineeships don’t really work. ( the recently failed Poundworld chain was a common destination for trainees). I can see worse alternatives then a compulsory scheme used in a strategic way. There is a direct link between worklessness and poor A Day To Remember Rick And Morty Shirt and later life chances. Life is hard for our young people and at the moment we have a growing potential for a lost generation of unskilled, unemployed workers with limited prospects. In generations past, people could always rely on a retail job, that isn’t likely to continue. Which leaves only care work or packing as a low skill career. I can’t see many parents who’d resent their children giving up a few months in order to avoid a lifetime of penury. Personally I think best idea would be at 16, give them the choice to stay at school (they are now forced to stay until 18) or full time job or national service.

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