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Cat Stray Pride Shirt

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On the plus side, I haven't heard of your restaurant and now I have, so their hate is promoting you guys. Karma works in funny ways. Well hey, that just means less pieces of shit will be dining at your establishment. On the plus side, I haven't heard of your restaurant and now I have, so their hate is promoting you guys. Karma works in funny ways. I love that they wan't equality for "Hetro" people but are being extremely judgemental and homophobic. People like this blow my mind. I have never visited your establishment but next time I am in the area I will for sure now. Keep up the good work guys and THANK YOU so much for supporting local shelters. ❤❤ Is this for real? Since when are restaurants demanded to wear uniforms? People are sick. I disable reviews on Facebook because I had people do stupid stuff like this, like getting upset because I couldn’t take a client on a Saturday as a walk in and told them I could after my las client and damn, I got eaten alive. People are so gross. Anyway, I will call in some takeout later.

You can grab it here: Cat Stray Pride T Shirt

Review Cat Stray Pride Shirt

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💖 Everyone commenting and sharing should come in gay pride attire and protest hateful people and eat chicken and waffles. We will be coming to eat there soon and will surely leave a better review! This is outrageous that people can be so hateful. My boyfriend and I love you guys! We’re celebrated my vegan anniversary’s with you guys and the food is always good. I recommend the nachos and the buffalo ranch chicken sandwich!!! The people working are always nice! I’m disturbed that there is someone out there with this hatred that considers themselves vegan. Veganism is a life of compassion no matter the species and that includes our fellow humans!!!! I revoke their vegan card! Any vegan that supports Trump..... your vegan card gets ripped up too! See what you did there? You say we should extend compassion to or fellow humans but then say my vegan card needs to get ripped up. I support gay pride, stray pride, Donald Trump, and tolerating other people’s views. Practice what you preach! Being brainwashed by the media is as unvegan as it gets. But I get why you would feel that way. I have my reasons and you have yours. I don’t think it’s the governments resposnibility to save our earth. All the presidents before him were doing a pretty terrible job, even with all of their “agreements” which were just a huge waste of money. I respect your opinion. But I still have my own. Also, I found out this guy who left the review is allergic to meat. Not vegan for the animals or planet, so it makes sense he does not have compassion. You mean they just don’t tell you the good stuff on CNN? Like at all. Like I said, I respect your opinion even though I disagree! Wow. Now you’re insulting me! I haven’t done that at all! I thought republicans were the only ones that resort to name calling. So much I could say. People with deep issues...hmm...a little touchy huh? Wonder why? ...well, not a vegan, never been to your restaurant but will be there this week!!!! This same nut job is doing a bad yelp review of “Skittles” right now. Apparently she did not want the gay rainbow of fruit flavors in her mouth. I will also go eat there today.. and I eat meat like a BOSS! I love how the skank writes “I’m not blind” and then proceeds to explain the shirt says “gay” pride! Lmao this bitch is crazy!! Okay, Paisley, here's what you do. You invite those people back for a free meal+party as an apology for their negative experience. On that day, every one of your employees should be wearing an ACTUAL pride shirt, supporting LGBTQ people. Glitterbomb them on their way in the door. If they have the nerve to stay and sit down after that, serve them a plate festooned with rainbows (garnishes? plastic decorations like you stick in a cake? an actual rainbow cake? leave this up to you). Film the entire experience. And there's your next TV commercial. YOU'RE WELCOME. People are unbelievable and widely misguided! Very sorry to hear about this unfortunate incident. Ps I love your restaurant and your mission. 💝 Someone is truly showing their ignorance and bigotry. If I was the owner I think I'd be glad such idiots wouldn't be darkening my door again. And I love the shirt, we should all order them! Wow, going on google now to write a 5star review. I feel so bad for the owners, obviously this person has lost their mind! I'll be driving from Orlando to Cocoa this week to get some amazing vegan food from you. It's been too many months since I've stopped by :-) Keep doing your thing Paisley! Love and inclusivity for all! Way to demonstrate those values with your cool response to that hateful review. ✌🏽❤️🥗 Who needs Vegans who treat an I Love Titties And Hennessy Shirt and their employees with such hatred and disrespect. Seems like they are Homophobic and need to go some place else. All I can say is I’m glad I wasn’t there while this was going down because I would have gotten involved. You guys are awesome and I would never believe any review that is negative towards you. Thank you for supporting SPCA! Our furry friends always need a helping hand. I'll be in to try your restaurant next time I'm in Cocoa. Hubby and I will definitely go there!! We’re making a concerted effort to try local businesses! Let the eating out continue!!! Have never been to your establishment, however I will be going on google review and giving you a gazillion stars. Who cares whether the shirt said Gay Pride or Stray Pride! You do not need the hatred that woman was spitting. Such bigotry is mind numbing! Love you guys and all you do. Will start eating there even more now. Your food absolutely rocks!!! :-) Our Stray Pride Families Belong Together Shirt mean so much to us! We love them! Thank you for turning this ugliness into a beautiful thing! Didn’t you know that just tiny glimpse of any rainbow can turn you gay & “heterophobic” even if it has nothing to do with sexual orientation to begin with! Hide yo wife hide yo kids! 🙄😂
Glad to see you guys are turning this in to a positive and looks like you have a lot of support!! I’ll definitely be back ! That narrowminded, bigoted, hateful customer should be ashamed of herself, but of course, someone expressing her views has no shame nor self-awareness or empathy, such a pity. There’s definitely a correlation between all of the grammatical errors and lack of understanding of inclusiveness, diversity, and symbols that cause divides among people. The shirt is bizarre (who told people they could co-opt queer symbols/practices & make it about A Day To Remember Rick And Morty Shirt??) and so is the way you’re handling this. Why not donate proceeds to organizations dedicated to LGBT+ issues? The (obviously undeserved and awful) review was not due to the oppression of animals, it was due to homophobia. That’s where any related money should be going. This is rubbing me the wrong way too. It’s so tone deaf and really does absolutely nothing to address the homophobia. Totally agreed this was about [a shocking and puzzling level of] homophobia and that proceeds could go to lgbtq+ or even both which is frankly the owners prerogative not public decision, but unless queer rights folks collectively think hoarding the Logic Rick And Morty Shirt pride takes precedence over organizations fighting cruelty, that stance is ironically exlusionist and shitty. Gonna go harrass POC about black pride? Irish ppl about leprechauns association with rainbows? A and Gay rhyme, that and the rainbow literally equate to a pun, ppl can have pride about all causes, mystery of *bizarre* shirt solved. If this use of imagery was harming lgbtq+ rights I'd understand why it was an issue, but I struggle to see how helping animals does that. If anything, it's calling one cause to mind alongside the other and intimating a relationship between all rights Omahogs T Shirt and moral support of all marginalized which require representation which is pretty fucking beautiful, not suggesting 'fuck queer ppl, help animals instead'. It's a vegan restaurant, it's unmysteriously animal-centric.

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