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Caucasian V-neck Shirt RedSkins – Black Man Wears Caucasian V-neck Shirt

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Further one of the citizens who assisted that officer by restraining the perp put his safety on the line and should be acknowledged for his actions that day. Please make the correction. Facts matter. Thank you and have a good day. Carolanne Armstrong Reese what an ignorant comment. It’s clear that the racist here is not one of us commenting, it’s the white man in DRAG irritates by some children. Get a life, ppl like you make me embarrassed just for being White at times. Garry Roberts nowhere in this video clip does it say they were asked to leave. Regardless, they are children trying to play on some swing sets etc., what is your problem? Are you forced to eat caca everyday or what? The largest issue in your come t has nothing to do with this video other than you pointing out to ppl how petty of a human you are with no morals. Must suck to be such a loser. This incident occurred in 2016 in Lagrange Ga. 3 months before the election...the officer responded in regards to a child abduction...the lady is actually man dressed as lady. Collin Modlin let's not assume this perp is even dressed like a lady or give them that title. May just be a dude with long hair. Pulling your d*ck out at a park at kids is not lady like and most pedophiles are straight men. That dye you wasted on your hair,has affected your brain what there is.? You just spout to hear yourself. Stop racial crap, perpetuating it does nothing. ( google if too big). Lani D. Inks part of the reason that people post videos like this is to get people to fight amongst themselves and disrupt our country. The OP is likely a Russian troll. Stop falling for it. You're embarrassing yourself. PAT... THAT WAS SO RACIST... THIS IS WHY? RACISM IS STILL ALIVE, BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU, USING THE DAMN RACE CARD!! PRAYING THAT THE LORD OPENS YOUR EYES!! So...where’s the gang of rogue cops? The use of the tazer? Pummeling fist blows to the face...kicks to the body...choke hold? Where are they?

Grab it here: Caucasian Shirt RedSkins – Black Man Wears Caucasian Shirt

Review Caucasian V-neck Shirt RedSkins – Black Man Wears Caucasian V-neck Shirt

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And SHE ATTACKED the cop.
SMDH...... That was a white man fighting that cop...he didn’t use a weapon bcz he knew he probably would have been a victim. He got hands n feet put on him. Not HATE THE POLICE, we're just observing the difference in the outcomes, Calm down,, you know we sensitive about this shit. Niurka Merced Yeah,I watched the original, its a man fighting the police man,the white guy was harassing the children.What came to mind as soon as MANY of us saw this was ,Oh wow if the situation had been reversed... So no one is advocating violence against this fine officer. Maybe he didn’t draw his gun to shoot her because of the kids that was standing 2 feet next to them. Or maybe he’s just not into randomly shooting people, Black, brown, white or other. Aries Chispas Morales it's a man fighting the police and he was picking up random children that didn't belong to him so the people had called the police on him.

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You can't pull your gun in hand to hand combat because you will not have control of your weapon, this shooting yourself or some random person. Everyone’s complaining, but if he did shoot this person and a kid accidentally got shot in the process it would be an even bigger problem!! Not every cop is trigger happy. it's a lot of white people agreeing with a black woman over police brutality or lack thereof that in itself should tell us something. Cops shoot kids and dogs, they don't care nothing about shooting someone else in front of a child to protect themselves.

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