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Bimini Shark Lab Sweater

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No way I'm changing that delicious practice. Brandon Green I think you REALLY need to do some research. The beef and dairy industries are responsible for 91% of Amazonian deforestation (200 million acres), 50% of ocean acidification, 51% gas emissions (yes, more than all transportations combined), water contamination (feces are not treated), species extinction (they clear land not just for cows, but for the infinite pounds of soy and corn they feed them).

I think you are the one who should get a bit more in touch with reality, even if it ain't in front of your eyes. Just research and read. Hate to think about it. Nature is nature and we are meant to eat what nature provides. Anything man makes such as GF and GM is very bad for our health. We need meat, milk and plenty of good alcohol. Alya Hasmi you spoke my heart. Such a simple comment. So powerful words & thinking. his mercy and blessings upon you. Love that. Animals are treated violently just for you to eat them. Go away with your ignorance. No we don’t need alcohol and no we don’t need meat. If we need meat then I don’t think vegans or vegetarians would be alive. Laugh it up Emma. There is plenty of research out there including the WHO reporting that processed meat is in fact carcinogenic and a 2 year old Harvard study that shows red meat increasing the chances of having kidney failure. The world is going vegetarian and vegan around you. There is a reason for it. It's pretty much because they are smarter than you. Pris Fontoura without meat we would not be as we are today. We would be something else if the earliest humans were as "smart" as you. how much different would we be today if our ancestors weren't hunters and gatherers only gatherers and gatherers? Get off the meat and dairy drug. The system has us strung out, brainwashed, and addicted. Speciesism is discrimination.

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Review Bimini Shark Lab Sweater

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Carnism is violence. Megan Elizabeth I know that. I was being sarcastic. Seriously though I'm not eating my cereal without Milk. Cows milk. Nothing wrong with that. Yum yum. I’m pretty sure the alcohol you drink is man-made, but OK 😅 (I know alcohol occurs naturally, but the one you drink in a bar definitely is man made). Annette Hamilton. Check your facts. Lots of that wonderful alcohol you drink comes from genetically modified yeasts. Some have been genetically modified by traditional breeding, some by more modern methods. There is no difference in the chemical structure of the alcohol. David Donaldson I eat very little leaf but my gran lived to be 85 my mum 89 her brothers and sisters all meat eater lived late 80s and one 92. All meat eaters. Depends on the era we live in.

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Everything is sprayed, injected or whatever. Our food supply is generally lacking. Personal choice will always prevail. There is no “meant” or “supposed to”. The only reason our species is so successful is because we bend the environment to our will and tinker with it to get the best result. Otherwise we may as well go back on all fours and return to the tree line. Sarah Becker “Nothing wring with that” Hmm.. yeah except the poor dairy cows who are artificially inseminated & kept constantly pregnant to produce milk. Their babies are ripped away from them directly after they give birth, and they cry out in anguish and stay depressed for days on end over their baby. Their babies are kept in small crates to where they cannot move, so their muscles stay tender, and they are slaughtered young, known as veal. Oh, and they are only useful for a short number of years because after being pregnant 3-4 times they stop producing milk, therefore becoming useless to the dairy industry and are slaughtered for their meat.

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