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They do nkot teach gender identity in elementary school. Most US schools dont even have a valid sex education program.

Secdondly the APA and others have declared gender dysphoria is not a mental disroder and it has nothing to do with Liberalism. Two sides can't achieve common ground because one is talking about biology and the other about feelings and society...
Also you can look at this this way: to create an offspring, you need a sperm and an egg, so if you produce sperm you're male, if an eggs you're a female? How about people who are born sterile, whose gonads produce neither? GENder is determined by GENEs anyone saying differently lacks basic biological and etymological knowledge. I like how you use repreduction to clarify genders, and Jim fritz being sterile doesn't exclude you from gender, it just means you have the equipment just not in working order, it's like saying someone born without working legs isn't human, or blind people are not people, it's absurd and idotic. Tina Schultz yes still your cat is still female just because a woman in her later age goes through menopause and can no longer produce eggs does not make her no longer a female when they study the genetic makeup of your cat (biologically) it will state that it is female, The more this group of people is allowed to speak the more we learn what we have already known.....They have made a choice to be the way they are.

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They are NOT born that way. Props to Steve for his patience with those people. I’m impressed by his preparation for these debates as well as his honesty. It’s pretty funny to watch the left get triggered though. Yep you were set up to fail with those 2. Boss and employee of course they are gonna say the same thing she doesn't wanna lose her job. I would venture a guess as their polical views of being Democrat especially with how upset both of them got with facts. i would be visibly irritated as well dealing with this linacy. he explains his perversion as "beautifully complicated"....God help us. This is awesome! You should do a change your mind on a topic you don't actually agree with! "Bigger Government is better" - change my mind. It'd be awesome to see the different people that come out to talk with you. An amniocentesis does not identify sex of the baby based on chromosomes. If this second lady has based her life on the belief that she in intersex because an amnio was wrong....I mean, that's equal parts sad and hillarious. Vaccines contain human DNA of either male or female tissue. Inject babies with that right after birth and continually as they grow up, and sure, there will be confusion in their brains about what gender they are.

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Inject a little baby boy with female DNA and see what happens 🤷🏼‍♀️ We’re all science experiments of Big Pharma unless we refuse their “care.” I'm very impressed with his patients with the second participant. That person would not ever let him speak and of course tried to bring politics into the conversation. The second participants rude behavior is s good part example of how intolerant liberals are of others. "Trans" defined is, essentially, two things opposite each other. Therefore, by admitting "transgender" they admit to two genders!!! "Gender Identity" admits to gender being specific, i.e. male or female, but each person has an identity, i.e. character or personality. So-"gender identity" is a person's character or personality of an already defined (male or female) gender. It's not a different gender just a different personality.

From: Photoxtee