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Bill Clinton 4th Of July TShirt

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But it gets worse: He says she also paid $6,000 to a coyote, a human trafficker, to get them into the country. Their tears don’t matter! here is another one for you! Radical socialist Mexican presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has called on Mexican citizens to flood the United States with a mass exodus, calling it a "human right." In a report in the Mexican newspaper Eluniversal, he told Mexican citizens to flee Mexico to find a life in the United States.
"And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world," Obrador said on Tuesday while calling on people to "leave their towns and find a life in the United States." Christopher H Fletcher Yes she is! She is also guilty of abandoning 3 children and kidnapping her 2-year-old from her father and leaving the country! Those are some stellar credentials don't you agree! There was also a man reported in this last group with he 5 years old daughter in tow, she was removed because he was a convicted felon here in the US for rape. He was deported and tried to return! How many more of these stories are our politicians and media hiding from us? Barbara Dettmann Pickett propaganda at it's finest, if it was remotely accurate it would have also included the deporter and chief President Obama! For every Trump story on immigration, there is an identical one on Obama, down to the cages, foil blankets, sexual abuse and separated children! Kevin Brase,Did the Obama Administration Place Immigrant Children With Human Traffickers?

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Review Bill Clinton 4th Of July TShirt

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A congressional report and criminal indictment resulted from a 2014 incident in which multiple immigrant children were handed off to a human trafficking ring. Left and right leaning so called news pitting each other against the other side with half truths and jacked up polls. They are making you Always Speak Your Truth T Shirt sheep. Baa Baa. TIME magazine liberal ‘news’ and Fake- the young immigrant child on the cover was never separated from her mom. Follow the money Smurfs, your ‘heroes’ are billion dollar corporate monsters pandering for your sympathy. What happened to the Democratic Party? - the free of government liberal fire they had as youth has turned into a candle of docile disparity. Power should become a daily show like Young and The Restless. Something like an evening hood soap opera: Remember the show Dallas. 50.... Make this happen: You will become richer than your wildest dreams. Was done after she got killed, been done since ghost flipped to feelings and lost family and all that hoe shit that a real boss never does, I wanted two life the dad, A Day To Remember Rick And Morty Shirt and king pin running the world building empire and family. Yall can have this soap opera of a drama. Yasssssss me 2 that's my jam in love Joe Thomas and 50 tearing up this track yass i can't wait for the baddest show to return back on POWER. Why does no one ask the important questions such as: "Why are all these big news outlets and magazines turning into propaganda outlets?"

"Who are the owners of these outlets and who are these top level people connected to?"

Very easy to conduct bank checks and connect them to the real deep state criminals. No wonder the average law abiding and working US citizen is so pissed off. Can't trust the media and a good portion of our elected politicians. Drain the swamp and hold our representatives accountable. Young Moon, 10 out of 12 children brought across the border are NOT with a parent, but human traffickers. That is the part you bleeding hearts are missing. We must verify the Sick And Tide Of These Hoes Shirt child relationship or we will end up with human trafficking within our country as it occurred under the Obama administration. Young Moon, while it may be symbolism, Time should have at least used a genuine picture instead of one that is widely known at only propaganda. It damages their credibility. I can't believe that you really think that that 2000 children have been separated from their parents when most were separated from smugglers and traffickers. I also can't believe that you are so shallow as to call someone a moron based on one sentence. Or maybe I can. For you couple of people here still clamoring on to the old made up propaganda that was released by leftist media groups to damage you couple here that were gullible enough to believe it-

Fact: more than 80 percent of said children were used as a smokescreen by the coyotes who are in business with the cartels to get people and/or drugs across the border illegally. That 80 percent arrived at the border either without any parent or legal guardian or were brought by people posing as parents. Many of them likely kidnapped or like the child in the picture were sold to the coyotes/ cartels.
Fact: Those children that make up the over 80 percent are either being put into protective holding so they aren't exposed to creepy people or they are sponsored by family having legal status in the U.S. and spread throughout a known 11 states.
Fact: The other less than 20 percent of said children were being separated from family for the parents to await a hearing as they broke the law attempting to cross illegally. That's been going on for more than a decade. Just the other day Trump signed into policy that those less than 20 percent of said children would no longer be separated from their families while their parents await a hearing.

Fact: Any media source that has used this tragic situation to spread lies, spin, and point fingers just to make political statement are the ugliest part of this situation. AND YOU SORTS OF PEOPLE ARE HELPING THEM. If you can't offer any viable solution with your complaint then you are nothing but part of the problem. Its hard to want to have substantial convs when it appears like we are being manipulated.

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