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Alan In Space Nobody Can Hear You In Space TShirt

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Where is the limited government policy of republicans. We no longer care about actual human beings....we care about space? This is insanity. Pay Yates, God forbid this administration should take care of our own, it blows my mind that he has people believing that he’s actually doing that ! Don’t ANY of you people realize how much of a threat KLINGONS , ROMULANS and THE BORG are to our “Galactic National Security”? Well.... do you? People~ THis is INSANE! Write your representatives! Let The president GO TO SPACE if he wants. HTThis pressient thinks OUR TAX PYING dollars are FOR his Business and GAMES! Bully 45 threatens war with even our allies. Scary how the next phase is spread the money for defense so thin it leaves us vulnerable to whom??? History has some answers. 🌎⚖️📚🌿🇺🇸🙏🏽 So we will pollute space with an unnecessary militarized space force. We did a great job doing it here on earth but now you want to do this in space and have even more space junk? Bravo!!! They want the wall and a space force... but have no money for homeless vets, people living in poverty, universal healthcare! Everything they do is geared towards putting more money in the hands of the wealthy. Smoke screen to distract and obfuscate the real issues that we need our Congress to be addressing. The con man at work doing what he does best. Oh yes... let’s spend more money on SpaceForce! Cut everything else that deals with Human beings... SS, Health Insurance, etc...To fund this! Frank Sinatra is spinning today singing “Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars.

Review Alan In Space Nobody Can Hear You In Space TShirt

broken image

Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars...” Awesome. Ps 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the expanse proclaims the work of his hands. (Contemporary English Version The heavens keep telling the wonders of God.) I wonder what caused its color change. Or where the old colors false image and these are true image? Either way its beautiful and amazing to see. Reminds me of the wax/paint flyleaves of old books - you float the different colour paint on water, submerge your paper and withdraw it slowly to leave intricate patterns. I suspect some of the same maths underlies both processes. Totally agree, Johnny. NASA is nothing but a money pit. They have a great con job going. The rugrats, now sort of adults, recall their video games. Also fueled by Star Trek and Star Bores movies. With more to come. NASA has a way of "discovering" new solar systems and new planets. Then tell us 6 weeks later that they were [heh] wrong. Jason Epp wow, you are just so smart! You should stick around and keep helping all these dumb people understand things for what they really are. Brilliant!! Jim Stokes kinda like how scientists have been warning us about our impending destruction due to global warming for decades. You wanna talk about a great con job thats a money pit. The question is not if we need to be in space or if we need to defend our presence their or our missions in outer space. The question is do we need another DOD department. USAF is already in space, defending it, planing for it etc.... I disagree. The technology and jobs that will come out of this program will pay for it in the long run - and benefit all of humankind. We have to face facts - there are just so many hamburger flipping jobs. Caroln brooks, i can a sure you, its costing more money than you will ever make in your life time, so you have nothing to worry about. I disagree this will be the future of warfare on this planet weapons that leave atmosphere and enter so fast they cannot be shot down or targeted. We can mock this all day long if we choose. But in truth what exactly will this space force be? Certainly not anything like you see in sci-fi. I'm thinking it'll be more of a air and space plus cyber warfare kind of thing. Like it or not space is now a part of our daily lives. After all, we depend on it for telecoms. Satellites can be a A Day To Remember Rick And Morty Shirt. It is now possible to knock out satellites with missiles. So it will therefore be necessary to counter that. It won't be some massive military force with fleets of starfighters equipped with laser weapons. It'll be a small organization. It probably will focus on electronic warfare concerning satellites. So, wait, I thought Republicans were for smaller government? How does expanding a 6th branch of the military equal smaller government? Honest question, not trolling. First, whoever ruled the land, ruled. Second, whoever ruled the sea, ruled. Third, whoever ruled the sky, ruled. Fourth, the first to rule space — will rule. Pretty simple folks. Other countries that are not friendly to the United States are developing space programs it is for this country‘s Always Speak Your Truth T Shirt that we need this quite simple. The military is the military, not a branch of the government. We have the President, Congress, and the Supreme Court...that's the government. And the Republicans are also big on protecting its people from any threats, for which we need a military. Doni-Guli Sobirov that's why I stay Independent. Independent Constitutional Conservative Libertarian to be more accurate. I believe in what Republicanism use to be before Nixon (Reagan for the most part was more of throwback to original Republicanism, but mainly look those during the 1800s Like Lincoln and Davy Crockett in addition to the philosophy of our founding fathers. Original Republicanism is Conservatism. Phillip Ruggles why don't we have it. The military is the one government function that three branches are constitutionally obligated to back. So limit unnecessary government spending, put money DIRECTLY back into businesses and Rally Goose T Shirt of all income classes. It is more accurate to say that Conservatives believe in limited government spending and power to constitutional means, than it is to say Conservatives believe in small government and little power. Although the two ideologies generally are related, they are not necessarily the same. That is how are republic was set up. What do YOU think the Constitution allows originally? Don’t be mean, he was just asking a question. Maybe if you answer him politely but informatively you’ll get him to agree with you rather than get defensive.

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