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Tough Enough To Be An Asshole’s Wife Crazy Enough To Love Him Sweater

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PROBLEM FIXED JUST LIKE THAT...we'll have special communities were there will be no ICE to get rid of the drug ,gang banging illegal thugs and no police to help the people who call them pigs and hate them so all you people will live in plain old violence and can enjoy the choice you've all made and be HAPPY!..PROBLEM FIXED AGAIN SO YOU DONT NEED TO HAVE ANY MORE OF THESE STUPID PROTEST...GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE IDIOTS THAT HATE LAW ENFORCEMENT....hahahaha wait they'll call the police and they'll just say nope you voted us out so deal with the violence...hahaha. How about everyone who marches can house an illegal immigrant in their own home, since you want them here so bad. Why not protest homelessness, elderly abuse, blight, crack heads, etc.!?! Get your priorities straight! Hey about use our free time for more constructive things, like all the doped out homeless people standing in roads with signs ?? All these people coming here give them guns and send them back stand up and make your own country great again...ours is just falling apart with all this nonsense people getting out of there own country fight for what's your that's just what us American's are doing.... I brought the Peters Projection map into class one day, intending to talk about how maps define our perception. I was going to talk about how, when I was young, it seemed like the US was bigger than Africa or India or China, and the US was in the middle of the map. I started with an open-ended question: "what do you think was in the middle of the map when I was a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Support Positive Lgbt Representation Shirt?" .... and a cute, quiet girl who'd never said anything all quarter politely asked, "Pangaea?" . I'm 100% in favor of better maps, or new ways of looking at things. But saying that our schools are somehow colonized is asinine.

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Review Tough Enough To Be An Asshole’s Wife Crazy Enough To Love Him Sweater

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The whole thing reeks of idiotic white guilt. Yea, regardless of what emotions you may feel our entire society was literally and factually built from colonization and its ideologies. The map was made because it preserves direction for sailing, the map isn't racist just because it was "made by white people". That's like saying blue jeans are racist. I had an AP US History textbook that said the Spaniards did the Native Americans a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Logic Rick And Morty Shirt by having sex with them (neglected to mention rape) and therefore preserving their bloodline, as opposed to the British who just slaughtered them.

So I frankly must disagree. Just pointing out that if you don't think cartography is a subject that is historically; politically, racially and ideologically charged, the maps your school used wasn't the only thing that needed to be changed. The majority of maps and globes make Europe and North America a lot larger than it is.... I wonder why? The Mercator projection isn't politically charged. Any map of the world is made to preserve some aspect, direction in the Mercator case, but will always distort something else by default, like size because that's what happens when you represent 3 dimensional object in 2D. Mercator is used in digital a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Support Positive Lgbt Representation Shirt because the units of distance are equal both vertically and horizontally. It's easier to blame conspiracies though. You're still best off using Google Earth for the sphere. How long have schools had globes? Did those not "decolonize" things? But really, who's alphabet are we using? The Latin one?

Until these racist symbols, forcibly imposed on people around the world, are removed from our schools we will never get over the yoke of colonialism! Replace our alphabet with binary code, it's the only way. Mercator didn't even use his own map as a world map. It was specifically for navigation. Somehow though over the centuries it has been selected as the most accurate and preferred as a general purpose map. quick, everyone google "colonization in schools" right now! then come back for a discussion that might be worth anyone's time. Oh wait a sec, binary uses 1s and 0s...0s came from the Trump people will be whining...

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God can't make anyone happy. Chase Pritchett the article says they're against its use as the basic map in schools, not the existence of the projection - I got the impression that's what they meant by colonization. It's almost like this "it's just a map" perspective could be exactly why we've used it for centuries despite the inaccuracy. Like the people who had the social standing to influence that really didn't care that it was drastically warping the size, an Everyone in this thread needs to relax and have a strong drink. To quote Jon Stewart "If we amplify everything, we hear nothing." Everyone drop the axe you're grinding for an hour, and just agree our regular maps should be more accurate. Find something else to fight about tomorrow. christian just signed, sealed, and delivered the whole point of the article. we can all pack up and go home now. if anyone doesn't see how obvious this point is... then... idk, you should get to know my good sis google. i know you don't really ~know~ her like that but she's friendly. feel free to ask her whatever you need to know, whenever you need to know it. Probably because the northern hemisphere, which makes up 75% of landscape, was transfered into a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Fight For Old Dc Caps Shirt? Naw couldn't be... How is it white guilt to want to have less history about colonizers? The same people who get mad about being constantly reminded about things like slavery are also the ones who whine when people ask to highlight positive stories of black historical figures in history books. The truth is our history books are recycling the same old inaccurate garbage for decades. It benefits no one to learn that columbus discovered america or that thomas edison invented electricity. you don't have to feel guilty, nor does anyone want you to feel guilt. We need to recognize that some people did some bad things, learn from it, don't deny it, don't approve of it, and don't do it again. it wasn't ok then and it isn't ok now. I mostly agree, Lee. But I don't think that's a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Drlupo Ninja All The Work Shirt or morally bad thing. If colonial attitudes have led to the creation of the greatest nation to ever exist, I don't get the criticism. OMG at all the white dudes in this thread throwing tantrums about history. I know you want to deny that racism exists because then you'd have to admit that you didn't earn your way in life like the rest of us have had to. For those of you who aren't complete losers who squandered away all the advantages handed to you, that is. mike, the gag is... you only think that because colonialist/white supremacist ideas allow white people to be mediocre and still prosper (at the expense of everyone else).
if you read more and listened to people who are different than you, you'd have been on the same page as the rest of us (literally all POC and white folks with sense) from jump. The map wasn't racist, it was how it worked out on paper, the temperate climes dominating. However, it definitely contributed to feelings of superiority, based just on size! So it engendered racism. Funny, last I checked judging people by their race was a bad thing. It's interesting that you believe differently. Or do you have some evidence of these ideas that you think prop up white people? I'd love to see some scientific, peer reviewed papers on the subject.

What I think is that this nation of colonists has built the most free, most advanced civilization in history, and it's because we aspire to treat people based on their merits. We fail sometimes, but to allow those failures to condemn our futures by throwing away our way of life would be culutral suicide.

And you still don't speak for "literally all poc.". If you're going to make a claim in an argument, and are not willing to back it up with sources, your argument is worthless. That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. maybe even google scholar, if you think you can handle reading peer reviewed papers. "sociology" "ethnic studies" "colonialism" "structural racism" are great places for you to start looking for literature. hopefully you can access academic databases... mike, don't be lazy.